
Sunday, March 24, 2019

My Visit to Castle Howard & Minster of York, England

En route to the MGA Conference in Cambridge we flew to Leeds.
Visiting our mushroom friends Paul and Pam Middlebrook.
We went to their home and had coffee with cookies on Monday morning, September 23 of 1985.
Pieter went with friend Paul to his mushroom farm and Pam did take Alice Carapiet (whom we also would meet at the two SPAWN MATE SYMPOSIUMS in Scottsdale, Arizona) and me for a ride.
During all International events we would run into our mushroom friends from all over the world!
Her husband George Carapiet was with SPAWN MATE at the time.
Both had Armenian background.
Here, friend Pam and I are in front of Castle Howard on September 23, 1985...
Wearing my tweed woolen Planet suit, the one that Pam helped select for Pieter  when he was shopping for me in 1982. That was after receiving his Sinden Award, at Marks & Spencer in Harrogate.
Pam was smart to ask Pieter, which of the sales ladies at the department store, resembled my build.
So that worked out perfect!
We enjoyed lunch at Castle Howard restaurant.
Nowadays they even allow people to have their wedding there...
See more info about Castle Howard just click it.
We had spent one night at the Post House Hotel in Leeds/Bradford Bramhope, near the Leeds airport.
Here Pam showed us the impressive Minster of York, seen from the city walls and inside.
See here: Walking around the York Walls just click it.
By the way, dear friends Paul & Pam Middlebrook were so gracious for allowing Pieter's niece Judith, to stay with them for several weeks one summer.
Coming from The Netherlands, she enjoyed this country side living and horse back riding very much.
Postcard from York where you can see the Minster of York to the right, from another side.
Bottom you see some of the old medieval city walls, from where my above photo was taken.

We did have to depart by train around 4:45 PM to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire...
These were the pre-days before our MGA Mushroom Conference in Cambridge later that week.
Still have my Planet tweed woolen suit...
Also the same Italian Piero Erbacci bag from Florence.
Not the pumps I wore in 1985...
Of course Speckie girl and Spooky boy want to be near me.
Photos are from February 16... with Spooky's tail on my left side!
I also have shortened the skirt and with the fabric left over I created four belt loops for wearing a belt with it.
A bonus when you never gain weight!
Wearing my Escada silk blouse, Escada belt and pumps.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related links:
{1987 Scottsdale Arizona versus 2014} | previous post about SPAWN MATE SYMPOSIUM where I met Alice Carapiet again...
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | previous post when husband Pieter bought the Marks & Spencer suit for me


  1. Hello Mariette, Kudos to you for keeping to your original weight. England has so many great places to visit. My last trip there I was planning to see Oxford and some country houses, but the first day I hurt my knee, and never got to go anywhere at all! (My second week I was able to move a bit, so I caught some museums, etc., in London, which is fascinating all by itself.)

    1. Dearest Jim,
      So sorry for you not having made it to see Oxford... Hurting your knee was not a pleasant thing for having to go through, aside from all the architectural things to be admired. London's museums are excellent and I'm sure glad that your footsteps were there as well, probably years after mine and Pieter's.
      As for keeping my original weight, that has been so easy for me all over those

  2. Dearest MAriette,
    it is really great, you have differnt clothes for such a long time! Good quality and a timeless pattern! Thank you for this wonderful pictures and memories!
    HAve a happy week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you, seeing Castle Howard and its Gardens was quite an experience!
      Keeping classic clothes of high quality is great.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank für deinen schönen Post.
    Alles Liebe

  4. Your pictures bring back memories of our visit to York.
    Amazing to see you in the same outfit so many years later...good for you!

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and glad they did bring back memories of your visit to York!
      Could go back right away and walk, walk, walk!
      For keeping my size that has been a blessing and this suit I always will treasure.

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you but I've never made it to be a model... Just trying to keep going as best as I can!

  6. Amazing! you are same all those years! XOXO

    1. Dearest Krishna,
      Thank you and probably nice clothes are a good incentive for staying the way you are.
      But frankly, I've never ever had to lose weight or watch it.

  7. Such beautiful places in England. I can see the castle would be a place for dream wedding for many couples :-) It’s very kind of Mr. and Mrs. Middlebrook to have had Pieter’s niece stay with them. Sounds like she had a great time!
    You look great in your suits. Good clothes are really ageless and it’s wonderful you keep your figure.
    Have a great week, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, to walk in the gardens at that time was already a dream and much more for having your wedding event right there. It is a great way for keeping things up for a great purpose and making some money to pay for it.
      Yes, those friends from Pieter have been very generous and it sure was special for his niece!
      So far I've always enjoyed good clothes and over the years, it pays off for having invested in them.
      Guess my genes are perfect for never ever having to watch out for weight gain, maybe too hyper, like our Tiggy-Tiger and Bandido boy... They are very svelte since kitten age.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    You are good wonderful your Mushrooms friends pave and Dam Middle brook Pietes wend with friend Pavl to his Mushroom fam did take Alice carapiet whom you also would meet at the two spawd mate symposlums in scottsdale Arizona,Also you would run into your Mushroom friend from all over the World He husband George was with spawn MATE at the would both had Armenian background Pam was smrt to ask Pieter which of the Sales ladies at the department store resembled my build as perfect!
    Have a nice times!

    1. Dearest Michiko san,
      Yes, our mushroom friends Paul and Pam Middlebrook were very gracious to us and to Piter's niece.
      The Carapiets also were a joy to be around, such fond memories.
      Sending you hugs and stay well, keep practicing and activating your memory!

  9. Dat was een mooie dag in York.
    Het wollenpak is tijdloos mooi.
    Lieve groet,

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, een dag met heel mooie en lieve herinneringen.
      Dat pakje zal ik altijd bijzonder blijven vinden, Pieter kocht het voor me na zijn Sinden Award uitreiking...

  10. Dear Mariette - your suit must be nearly 40 years old, and still looks as if it is brand new. Pieter did well to choose it for you.
    Yorkshire is a great county to visit - we are fortunate here that we have so many great and wonderful houses which are open to the public.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      In October of 2022 this English tweed suit will celebrate its 40th birthday... it will always remain a very special memory for me!
      You indeed are very fortunate in your area for being able to visit and even use wonderful houses!
      That is something we really miss here in the New World, their is not much beyond a century old. Only St. Augustine in Florida has some unique 16th Century buildings from the Spanish era! We always have taken our guests there to show them some real history in the Oldest City of the USA.

  11. and I love seeing that fashionable tail to the left of you. A happy standard flying for you.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Thank you so much, Spooky will like that!

  12. Heb dit prachtige mantelpakje wel op FB gezien, maar had deze post nog niet hier op je blog bekeken. Het is dus echt heel tijdloos, je kunt het zo weer dragen. Leuk cadeau wat je 40 jaar geleden van Pieter gekregen hebt...Ook de tas is mooi en ook weer tijdloos. Ik zou hem zo 'dragen' Heb trouwen pas zelf weer een leren tasje uit de 90-er jaren van Burkelys tevoorschijn gehaald, en gewoon weer gebruikt..

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, als dit pakje 40 wordt over zes jaar, dan draag ik het beslist nóg!
      Een heel mooi cadeau en meer nog omdat ik op de Modevakschool zoveel over stoffen, waaronder ook tweed, geleerd heb. Het was lokaal niet altijd verkrijgbaar. De tas is heel mooi en nadat ik de hengsels liet repareren bij een 3de generatie schoenen en tassen/koffers maker van Russische afkomst is het weer als nieuw, ook van binnen altijd gaaf gehouden.
      Burkely is ook zo'n tijdloze top-kwaliteit en zo'n naam blijft ook. Alhoewel, Pieter merkte onlangs op het vliegveld nog op: 'Kijk eens goed rond, de leren schoenen verdwijnen helemaal...' dus daarmee komen andere hoge kwaliteit leerproducten ook in de minderheid.

  13. I love your taste in fashion.
    Italian leather is the best and your handbag looks fabulous.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and yes, Italian leather is far superior and also great in design and craftmanship.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
