
Sunday, June 16, 2019

To University of Bologna, Vicenza, Venice and via Austria to The Netherlands

We did start early that Monday, October 29.
Via the mushroom farm and hotel Gallo for picking up the Americans at their hotel and off in two cars to the University of Bologna for meeting with Professor of Mycology, Floriano Ferri, an expert with Pleurotus.
Here I'm holding Pleurotus in my hand...
Wearing my cashmere sweater that Pieter brought home from the English Mushroom Days in Chester, 1984.
Pieter in Bologna with Professor Floriano Ferri
A lot of translations back and forth between English, Italian and Dutch...
Further Pleurotus discussion at the University of Bologna and there also lunch, as a lack of time.
We went to a private Pleurotus grower in Ferrera, a former student of Professor Floriano Ferri.
On Tuesday, October 30, first to the mushroom farm of the Sartor family.
Around 11:15 we left for Vicenza and after lunch with spawn representative Antonio, we visited a Pleurotus grower in Vicenza.
Pleurotus grower in Vicenza
The very first photo I did show you already some Pleurotus...
With the Pleurotus grower and his wife, spawn representative and our friend Tommaso, American colleagues and Martin, Pieter's former student around the table with a wine and sweet potatoes.
Next day we got up at 5:45 on October 31 and we picked up our colleagues. Together with Martin we drove to Venice and via another Pleurotus farm we were at the airport by 11:00.
We said our good byes to Long Chi Wu and Frank Gabell, as they departed for the USA.
A little bit time for us in Venice and I found an 18ct golden ring with red coral in a rose form.
Matching with the charm I had for decades! Very happy with it.
By 16:30 we all met in Jesolo, resort area near Venice where Tommaso with his wife and Martin's wife and daughter had come to meet us.
After some shoe shopping (gift) we went to a fish restaurant in the direction of home.
Delicious meal and by 23:00 we were back in Asolo and to bed.
On November 1, finally some time for Tommaso's mushroom farms.
Pieter had a meeting with the Sartor staff and I had a coffee at Annelies' and time to write my diary.
We had dinner at Gianni', where Frank stared at his pigeon soup before...
Always delicious home cooked meals, by him and his wife.
We walked in Asolo together.
Wearing my self made woolen skirt. The fabric was a gift from a friend here in Dublin, GA who owned a woolen mill...
On Friday, November 2, we got picked up by Tommaso after he'd checked out for us at the hotel.
Now off to Montebelluna and that yielded lovely black boots for me!
We always have been treated royally.
We said our goodbyes at the mushroom farms, also to Martin and his brother.
Now off into the direction of the Brenner Pass to Austria.
Our hotel from 1981, Staudacherhof' was closed so we sleep at hotel Obermühle.
We had a delicious meal and were on time in bed!
Saturday, November 2 we got up at 7:00 and after a delicious breakfast (oh, how we miss that bread here in the USA) we were riding by 9:00 via Munich.
With a stop in Altenahr, Germany and a quick visit with a dear friend, just as a coffee break, we were at my Parent's home by 19:15 with Babi Pangang from the Chinese restaurant...
We ourselves did drive some 3800 km and in Italy they drove another 1000 km with us.
On Wednesday November 7, we had a 25th wedding anniversary of Pieter's best friend.
A lovely day with lots of people we know.
On our wedding anniversary day,  the 10th of November, we flew back to Atlanta, USA...
Thanks for your visit and comment!


  1. Hello Mariette, Lucky you for finding that special ring--obviously, it was waiting for you. Universities are always interesting places to visit and tour, and it is amazing the number and variety of experts that are their major resource.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Guess that was the truth, just happened to be in Venice for finding that matching coral rose ring!
      The University of Bologna was a very worthwhile visit with this Professor of Mycology.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for more memories of your trips through the world!
    Thos mushrooms are so big!
    Wihsing you and Pieter a wonderful new week!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      This was a very interesting work visit at the University of Bologna, Italy.
      Yes, those Pleurotus are very big and healthy.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    sonnige und herzliche Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und gleichfalls,
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Dearest Mariette; Oh, the Pleurotus mushroom(hiratake in Japanese)is so big. And also big wonderful gathering♬ Love the coordination of your fashion with the skirt you've made.
    We are in the middle of rainy season :-) Wishing you will have a wonderful coming week.
    Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Yes, Professor Floriano Ferri being one of the world's leading Pleurotus mycologists managed to have excellent size.

  5. Dear Mariette.
    You have shown us such big mushrooms!
    The woolen skirt you made youirself really suits you.
    I hope you and Pieter have a good new week.

    1. Dearest Tomoko,
      Thank you and yes, those Pleurotus were worthy of being photographed; excellent quality and size.
      At that time I did sew a lot, not very much to buy for my almost Japanese size... Now I'm happy here in the USA as there is plenty in size 4 (34) due to lots of Asians.

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, very healthy and perfect Pleurotus!

  7. I love the first photo of you holding big pleurotus!
    Hotel Obermühle looks like a lovely place to stay :-)
    Have a wonderful new week, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you, it was a great Pleurotus for being photographed; just perfect.
      Indeed, hotel Obermühle is a lovely hotel in a wonderful area!

  8. Having internet problems here in the mountains. Your header pic of your lovely house comes through but no other pic. I suppose you are sharing another of your fabulous trips with us.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Too bad that your Internet is too weak for picking up photos...
      Hope you're both doing fine otherwise!

  9. I've never seen mushrooms that large!
    Nice looking skirt you made and I remember having two woolen skirts that flared a little that I loved to wear years ago.
    Wishing you a wonderful week

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Well, the Italians are experts at growing Pleurotus as you can see.
      At that time I sure did sew but already for decades I've quit doing so. No need with Outlets where I find small sizes.

  10. Olá,como estás? Espero que todos estejam bem por aí.
    Amei seus passeios. Um dia ainda quero conhecer Veneza.
    Amei os look. A moda aqui está muito feia. Apesar de não fazer mais frio. Nesta época tínhamos inverno rigoroso. Agora os dias são muito quentes, chega ser assustador esse tempo.
    Bjos tenha uma ótima semana.

    1. Dearest Anajá,
      Oh you no doubt one day will end up in Venice! We have been there numerous times and even lived in Il Veneto for our work.
      Hard to imagine that you are having winter now... Stay warm.

  11. What charming stops of your travels, Mariette. Love the hotel. You have been to many European countries. You look lovely with your hair up also.

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      Thank you and yes, that was a fabulous hotel in a special location.
      My hair being worn that way had all to do with the hygiene rules for mushroom growing so that's how I wore it all the time. Like working in a hospital, pulling hair back for not touching anything...

  12. Those mushrooms are gigantic Mariette. That Austrian hotel is very charming.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, those Italian Pleurotus are at their best size and looks as they are masterfully grown.
      Austria has a lot of charm in its architecture and natural surroundings.

  13. Replies
    1. Dearest R's Rue,
      Thank you and returning it right back to you!

  14. I will never see such mushrooms as those Pleurotus. They are magnificent. And you are, as always, looking fabulous! xx

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Well, we both have seen plenty of them and also did produce them at the Practical Training College in The Netherlands.
      Believe it or not, we even did harvest them here, off a decaying tree in our wood garden! You probably read my post: {Pleurotus Ostreatus in Wood Garden Provided Meal}
      Sending you hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
