
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Stone Mountain Scenic Railroad with Mom & Dad and again with Pieter

Pieter had gone to China and Taiwan as a People to People Citizen Ambassador and meanwhile I went to The Netherlands.
After three weeks, Pieter briefly got reunited with me in The Netherlands and did some business for Campbell Soup in Europe that included traveling to England,  Switzerland and Austria... (see post below).
We flew back home on April 20, 1987, to Atlanta, USA, with Mom & Dad in tow for their very first flight and visit with us the coming 4 weeks.
On May 16, I would fly back to The Netherlands with Mom & Dad and did consulting work in Germany for 2 weeks before returning to the USA.
Pieter meanwhile was in Australia and in Christchurch, New Zealand for Campbell.

But on April 28, while Pieter was working for Campbell Soup, I took Mom & Dad to Atlanta for riding the Stone Mountain Scenic Railroad with them.
Mom & Dad are standing in the center in front of the train that we rode around Stone Mountain.
Stone Mountain Park Georgia's No 1 tourist attraction:  click the link
Summit Skyride at present time, just click it.
This picture also shows best the Confederate Memorial. You can read more when you click on the pink.
Mom & Dad standing now before the Stone Mountain Rail Road Station and with the Confederate Memorial visible above them as I stepped far enough back.
It is HUGE, the top of the summit is 1,686 feet (514 m) above sea level and 825 feet (251 m) above the surrounding area.
To the right you see Dad pointing out something to Mom...
It was a lovely day!
Was wishing then that Pieter could have joined us...
On Saturday, August 8, 1987 the same year, we both went with our friend Griffin to Stone Mountain!
So happy that Pieter got to see it now as well!
So this time Pieter too got to ride the train around Stone Mountain and we hiked the 2.5 km to the summit!
Yep we dared to hike up to the summit!
Pieter wearing his Burberry polo shirt with Ghurka shorts.
What a view!
We made it back down, just in time before a thunder storm!
Pieter in the center, behind that boy...
It sure felt like being on top of the world...
We even stayed for the Laser Show!
Miss those two director chairs that Pieter got from Campbell Soup.
We had them in our front porch and a friend who watered the plants while we were abroad, had used the sprinklers and left them on without removing the chairs; they got ugly rust stains...
At least I got this photo!
Laser Show at Stone Mountain Georgia click for more info...
We spent the night in Atlanta and next day we started with breakfast at 7:30 AM and went to the Cyclorama and to the Zoo in Atlanta... Yes, a city with LOTS to see and do!

Hope you enjoyed these fond memories and thanks for your visit and comment!

Related links:
Taking Husband Pieter back to Knoxville, TN in Mom & Dad's Footsteps | previous post
{Part XVI of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - Taipei, Taiwan} | previous post by me
{Mom Lived 16 Days Short of Her 91st Birthday} | previous post by me with Mom & Dad's words in guest book


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    this must have been a great Trip! Thank you for all those wonderful and lovely photos! So wonderful memories for you!
    Have a great new week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Our entire life is one day only a big memory; at least we hope so!
      It sure was a very special adventure.

  2. Hello Mariette, These mountain-cut memorials amaze me that they can be so big and still stay in proportion and be attractive. Since my mother likes lions, we have found for her a number of models and old photographs of Bertel Thorvaldsen's Lion of Lucerne in Switzerland, a moving statue with some unusual iconography. Since you have traveled so much in Europe, I wonder if you have seen the original?

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Indeed, the proportion makes them even more of an art piece!
      Interesting that your Mother likes lions, every person has a favorite that becomes a collection.
      Both of us have never traveled to Lucerne and thus never seen the original Bertel Thorvaldsen's Lion.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    ich freue mich über deinn schönen Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und es freut mich das du hier warst zum lesen!
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Sicuramente un viaggio fantastico, le fotografie sono stupende.
    Buon inizio settimana

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Non è stato così tanto di un viaggio perché viviamo solo due ore di distanza da esso, ma per vederlo che è stato incredibile!
      Un abbraccio,

  5. Indrukwekkend om dat in het echt te zien, lijkt me. Mooi dat je dit aan jouw ouders hebt kunnen laten zien en er ook samen met Pieter bent geweest. Fijne week, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Jazeker en dat bereiken we met zo'n twee uur rijden van ons af.
      Het was erg indrukwekkend en ook het ritje met de trein er omheen was geweldig.
      Later met Pieter de klim naar boven was geweldig, zou nu niet meer kunnen voor hem, maar ook de trein en later de laser show was fantastisch.

  6. I have been to the top of Stone Mountain while visiting Tom’s daughter in Atlanta....Views are great from up there.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, that sure was very impressive, would love to go back once more and see how it looks right now... things have changed in the surroundings.

  7. Wow...what a wonderful trip and such great photos. Never been there...but it's on our Bucket List! I love what you are wearing! CUTE!

    <3 Rebecca

    1. Dearest Rebecca,
      It was a very special trip with my Parents and so fortunate for having Pieter with me the 2nd time when a good friend took us over there!
      For us it is just a good 2 hour drive but for you a flight to Atlanta of course...
      Thank you for your compliment about the outfit!

  8. Hi Mariette! Great memories. It's amazing that you have photos to go through and to remember past times.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Well, we sure have our photos and everything well organized and all digital and till 2005 we also kept a diary. That helps in finding things.
      Fond memories forever!

  9. Wow, you hiked up to the top of Stone Mountain? That's amazing! I've never tried that. Though, I did go up there on the skyride. The view from there was really beautiful!
    Those director chairs must have been very comfortable while the laser show. Too bad they were ruined. I bet you enjoyed the show very much :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, we both did at that time, now it would kill my Pieter but the memory is precious.
      Bet the SkyRide is impressive and we still can do that both.
      For the laser show the director chairs were indeed perfect, leaning back a bit for looking up and sitting comfortable.
      It was a very impressive show and we were so lucky with the weather all the way.

  10. Never had I dreamt that the rock mountain of the Confederate Memorial was so huge.
    You are very tough.

    1. Dearest RTC.,
      Yes, it indeed is HUGE. Well, we both have always worked in mountainous areas, so maybe we had endurance!

  11. Dearest Agnes,
    Thank you, they are so valuable right now for the memory of Mom & Dad!

  12. This is a part of the USA I have not yet visited. Good that you and Pieter found one another as you are both globetrotters, and traveling wouldn't be nearly as much fun without a partner-in-crime! I suspect you have many more trips to share on your blog. Nice for your parents along also. :)

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      It is quite an interesting part of the USA and very unique.
      Love your 'partner-in-crime' label here and you are so right about that!
      Those memories shared with Mom & Dad, without my partner-in-crime as Campbell Soup claimed him, are precious!

  13. Wie schön, dass Du Deinen Eltern all das zeigen konntest, liebe Mariette! Das machen nicht alle Kinder! Sie werden darüber sehr glücklich gewesen sein.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, da hast du Recht aber es bleiben für uns immer die schöne Erinnerungen von glückliche Eltern!
      Liebe Grüße,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
