
Friday, July 10, 2020

Pieter Carrying Wreath with G.J.A. Van Soest at Memorial of Friends Pierre Heynen, Gérard Kinet etc., Belgium

December 27, was a rainy and miserable day for attending the funeral and memorial for the 1958 Tragedy in Zichen-Zussen-Bolder in Belgium...
Meanwhile I've come across more photos via the ISMS's (International Society for Mushroom Science) from their RESOURCES - PUBLICATIONS - CHAMPIGNONCULTUUR (the Dutch Mushroom Culture/Growing magazine that Pieter wrote big parts for, at the time). You can enter the actual magazine via link below, within blog post - but it is in Dutch...
Husband Pieter is 2nd from Left, carrying the Memorial Wreath together with his colleague G.J.A. Van Soest... (Photo Steegs)
Those were Pieter's first students as he conducted courses in Maastricht for them, at a Grandcafé, see more in the post via link before. Those were the years that Pieter did ride his motor bike...
Hoping that Gérard Kinet's two children, and Pierre Heynen's family might find this info and some final photos of their Dad.
Click link below for going to my then not complete post, with added photos and info:

Comments are off here... only on above link!

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