
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Mushrooms Talking About Too Much Rain and Not Enough Rain

Mushrooms talking...
Pieter wrote this in the Dutch CHAMPIGNONCULTUUR 1963-6
Nice weather today...
There will be few topics that are talked about as much between people as they are about the weather. 
Because different people have different needs in terms of weather, it will rarely be good for everyone. A farmer yearns for rain on the same day as a city man hopes it stays dry because he wants to take a trip. 
Mushrooms also talk a lot about the weather. They have time for it and they too often don't have a good time. Mushrooms are just like humans, then it rains too much and then too little. 
... then it rains too much.
The other day I ran into a couple of mushrooms, one with a few buckets in his hands and one holding an umbrella, they were just busy talking about the weather.
I've been eavesdropping on them for a while, and here's their story.
... If we are formed inside the casing layer, about a week after casing, then there is enough water as a rule.  When the grower then gets into the cell and he grabs a little casing, he can squeeze out some moisture. As soon as we're the size of a little pea, we'd like it to rain heavily. Then 21/2 to 3 liters of water per square meter may fall in a few days. Those mushroom growers sometimes forget that we, mushrooms, are largely made up of water. We need that water especially when we are growing a lot, so from small pin to adult specimens. 
... and then again too little.
You know what's very bad? If you're born as a button for the second break. These growers often don't pick the mushrooms from the first break soon enough and then you'll sit underneath as a second break. And just longing for rain. Those big mushrooms from the first break will take all the water from us.  Do you know what those growers should do? They should pick that first break as soon as possible and then immediately take care of a fresh rain. Sometimes we're really craving that. 
The other day the grower came to us for feeling if the casing was still moist enough. He kind of stroked his hands across the soil and grumbled with satisfaction that it was still fine. 
I almost got annoyed to death. I should have called on that grower to feel how dry we were here, at the bottom of the casing. We were also almost standing side-to-side, it could have been a large second break. A lot of us died then.
Too bad for us, too bad for the grower. 
P.J.C. Vedder
... a lot died back then. Too bad for the grower.

Interesting history for comparing with the high tech we all know at present!

Thanks for your visit and comment.


  1. Such an interesting read! I worry what my veggie patch would say - i think it is often neglected and I don't water it as much as I should, haha!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend! :) We had a nice day yesterday at the photo studio picking out some photos after our family photo shoot last week!

    Away From Blue

    1. Dearest Mica,
      Yes, no doubt if veggies, like mushrooms 'could' talk we would hear a lot of fussing going on and for good reasons.
      Our weekend was quite busy but very productive.
      Nice for having photos from the family; creating fond memories for later and that is around the corner...!

  2. Replies
    1. Dear Abas,
      Ini tidak baru, sudah untuk waktu yang lama kita tumbuh komersial jamur².

  3. Hello Mariette, Are those mushroom cartoons drawn by Pieter? They are very cute! When I had a lot of houseplants*, it's a good thing they couldn't talk, or they would have reported me to the the plant abuse hotline--it was definitely a case of survival of the fittest. But then, my livelihood and customers weren't depending on the care of the plants.
    *My sister once had a job with a plant company, and got to keep all the switched-out plants. The sturdy ones thrived, and we called the area near the bay window "the jungle."

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, they certainly are!
      They tell a very clear story with their special faces don't they?
      Guess it is a good thing that plants cannot talk in words, they do in a way by showing their unhappiness.
      What a memory from your sister's job period for that plant company!

  4. Liebe Maiette,
    herzlichen Dank für deinen schönen Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, etwas anderes wo Pieter diese lustige (traurige) Zeichnungen gemacht hat.
      Liebe Grüße,

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, Pieter sure managed to do that very well!

  6. This was a fun read! Mushrooms talking about rain and cute illustration :-) I think growers can learn a lot from this mushroom talk!

    Have a wonderful new week, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you, when I came upon this in the old magazines I had to use them.
      Pieter managed in a very clear way to get the message across here!

  7. Hello again Mariette and Pieter, Pieter certainly is talented. Those mushroom cartoons are so adorable, and his commentary so clever, that he could have created a syndicated cartoon strip, and probably could have made more money than by being an expert!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you! Yes, their faces are indeed adorable and the commentary is to the point.
      One wonders what would speak louder to the mushroom growers?! We have heard over the decades all sorts of excuses and statements as that works best for 'them'...?!
      But the Basics in Biology never change...

  8. Hello dear Mariette!
    I’m so impreseed! Pieter is very talented!! Love the mushroom cartoons and the adorable faces!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a great new week! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Yes, he sure is and even more so in his younger years.
      When I found these, I knew I had to use them for sharing on my blog!

  9. Loved this Mariette, it's always good to get the facts straight from the 🍄 😉

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Thank you and I thought so that these are too cute for not sharing with the world.
      Funny when trying to use a mushroom Emoji, that we only have the poisonous Amanita muscaria...

  10. Cute mushroom cartoons. We humans are never happy with the weather - in Summer we complain when it's too hot, and in Winter we complain when it's too cold. Or too much rain, or too little rain...

    1. Dearest Sami,
      But the very same is true for mushrooms, either too much or not enough water, causing many to die. But they depend on the humans to give it to them!

  11. El clima es funtamental para la agricultura. Aquí lleva ya muchos meses sin llover. Los veranos suelen ser muy calurosos y las precipitaciones están ausentes.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Eso es lo mismo aquí en el sur pero para las setas, que se cultivan en interior, dependen de la acción humana o descuido de dar agua a tiempo. Eso hace que muchos cuerpos frutales jóvenes mueran...

  12. Very Interesting - Very Enjoyable As Well - Thank You For This - Refreshing


    1. Dearest Travis,
      Thank you and glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
