
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Our Dutch Mushroom Growing Training Centre Yielded YEAR ROUND TOP QUALITY MUSHROOMS!

Fig. 19. View of a Dutch standard growing room containing, as an average, 180 m2 of growing surface in shelf-beds. This picture of a first break of an off-white strain of full—grown compost out of a tunnel was taken in 1973 in one of the growing rooms of the instructional farm at the Mushroom Growers' Training Centre in Horst, the Netherlands.

What husband Pieter, above all wanted to show here, was that even back then, in 1973, we covered almost every square inch of growing surface! There is no room left for more. Because then it hurts the quality.

This was the very best learning experience for all our thousands of students. They got a tour through the instructional farm at the Mushroom Growers' Training Centre, as part of the daily practical knowledge exchange.

Highlighted here from our book: But above all a Training Centre where this theory was supported by a well—equipped modern instruction farm with year-round high production of top—quality mushrooms.

Foreword by Ir. P. Jan Smits
Teacher/Deputy Principal Practical Training Centre for 
Mushroom Growing 1980 — 1984
Berschenhoek, the Netherlands, May 2020

Contrary to others, that only talk about yield per square meter, at the Training Centre we always went for top—quality mushrooms!
This got published in the Dutch Champignoncultuur's Year Report over 1969.
Bottom you can read in Dutch: Kwaliteit 1 Quality I ca. 60 %
Kwaliteit/Quality  IX ca. 19 % (closed but less firm and less broad stem)
Kwaliteit/Quality II ca. 12 %
Kwaliteit/Quality III ca. 9 %

Over 1972 
Quality I 60 %
Quality II 23 %
Quality III 17 %

Sure would love to see any publications by other experts about their quality yields.

We have to realize that these figures as well as the above photo are from 1969 and 1972/1973.
That was again the reason for using that photo in our book.
A photo always shows far more than just words.

Related links:

modern mushroom growing 2020 - harvesting - published in Mushroom Business 

Over 1st Half of 1974 Our Mushroom Growing Training Centre Yielded 63% First Quality


  1. Hello Mariette, That sure is a lot of mushrooms in the top photo! You are so right about quality being paramount, especially in agriculture, in which profitability depends on quality production. Seconds and culls are sold in bulk at a bargain rate, or perhaps even discarded.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Quality is paramount as it directly relates to market value.
      There are so many 'famous' experts however that never ever mention any quality level, just talking about total yield. Top quality is also related to shelf life!
      Being a true teacher and both of us understanding the job, we have to bring this up for the sake of the many growers.

  2. Una marea di funghi,deve essere stata una grande soddisfazione.Buona giornata Mariette.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Soprattutto quando si parla di funghi di alta qualità.

  3. Herrlich ist Dein neuer Header, liebe Mariette, Schokolade, lecker Kaffee, ein gutes Buch... Herz was willst Du mehr...
    Pilze... das sind beeindruckende Anblicke und Zahlen!
    Liebe Grüße von Traudi.♥

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Danke und ja damit kann man sich im Winter wirklich wohl fühlen!
      Die Zahlen der Qualität waren immer beeindruckend in unser Zentrum.
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. You and your husband were/are most dedicated to your knowledge and science. Amazing people.

    God bless always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and yes, we both know what we're talking about and never have been bought by anyone for speaking 'their word'...

  5. Pueden estar orgullosos de su excelente producción.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Estamos orgullosos de estos resultados durante los 20 años que llevamos a cabo este Centro de Formación. Desde entonces, nadie ha logrado repetir este nivel de calidad...

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      These were facts about the 60% top quality we maintained.

  7. You were both certainly experts in your field ✨ Good morning Mariette, I have been reading your last post, what a lovely tribute to your older sister, mother and father. I can't imagine what it would have been like for your mother not to hold her child even for a few moments, it would have an everlasting effect on a mother's life. Hopefully these days they are much more sensitive 💜 I hope the new year has begun well for you, surely it has to be better than the last, for the whole world ✨

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Well, we certainly can show the facts about our top quality mushrooms being grown by us, contrary to several that just mention yields, regardless the quality or worse, lack of it.
      Yes, being denied to hold your newborn was such an awful fate for my Mom.

  8. Photo shows more than words for sure. The photo of growing room looks amazing with all the mushrooms!

    Have a wonderful day, Mariette xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, such a photo, together with the year results of 60% top quality speak volumes.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
