
Monday, February 15, 2021

With Dad to Santa Cruz, Redwood State Parks, Pebble Beach, Monterey Sea Aquarium + Dinner at Shadowbrook Restaurant

On Monday, March 1 in 1993,  husband Pieter was in Chicago giving a Seminar for Campbell Soup and I would go for one day to their Pescadero Mushroom Farm in Santa Cruz.

Thus, I checked out with Dad, from our San Francisco hotel and started driving South via Highway 101 onto Highway 1 along the coast via the Scenic Half Moon Bay drive.

This is Highway 1, along the coast... Near Half Moon Bay you view the eroded cliff sides.
Pieter and I have also been there at times that the road was covered with eroded rocks and sand and traffic blocked.
As I had to work next day for the Campbell Soup plant in Pescadero, we first went there.
Then I did take Dad back up to the north for driving the scenic Skyline Boulevard, Route 35 to show Dad the natural wonders of this region.
There was no GPS back then, all I had was some magazine info with the most scenic routes...
BUT after a stop and guidance from a guy on a tractor, we ended up in the Big Basin Redwood State Park.
We managed to see the burned out Chimney Tree but could not find the Auto Tree, one of the oldest and where a car can drive through. 
Dad was in awe, and he had me run back to the car, for fetching the camera and capturing at least some images with him!
Dad was eager for consulting his book at home, back in The Netherlands, and checking out the pictures and information...
Now it was on to our final destination for the day, the Holiday Inn at Santa Cruz.
We both did walk briskly towards the Fisherman's Wharf, before dark – showing Dad the seals and where they would jump onto the wooden beams at the board walk for sleeping...
See my previous post about my First Trip to California, Santa Cruz – below this one.
Next day I started around 7:00 with my consulting job at the Campbell Soup's Pescadero mushroom farm and worked all day.
In return, the manager had one of his staff members, Carmen, tour with us the entire following day for sight seeing the coming day.
Carmen, started out by taking us to another Redwood area, the Pescadero Memorial Park.
Memorial Park (2nd Hike) click link for seeing this exact tree with info as Carmen missed part of it...
It obviously is a kind of cut off tree on the side that is not visible from the top in our photo.
Dad tried to capture me against another redwood or Sequoia sempervirens...
Next, Carmen took my Dad and me to Pebble Beach click for more info.
Dad and Carmen at Pebble Beach...
Sand–polished Gems, you can read more from the above mentioned link.
Giving you a view from Pebble Beach, over the Pacific Ocean
More of the Pacific Ocean with a rather strong surf and lots of shore birds
A better view from Pebble Beach and its many shore birds
Center photo you can see the silhouette of Pescadero's famous Pigeon Point Lighthouse in Pescadero between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz along the rugged San Mateo coast line...
It is the tallest lighthouse on the West Coast!
See better photo in my previous post below: My First Trip to California, Santa Cruz
Dad in Monterey, after our very scenic drive down Highway 1; belonging to the most scenic of the world.
Carmen and me on the rocks in Monterey at the Wharf
Dad in Monterey at the Wharf
It sure was a perfect day, and we thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Monterey Sea Aquarium where we found the Sea Otters the most funny! One was allowed to touch the smaller sea creatures; so educative and fun and Dad was very happy.
Near the Sea Aquarium with a happy Dad!
We got treated royally that March 3, with a dinner at the famous Shadowbrook Restaurant in Capitola, where Dad got to ride the Cable Car; one of the most unique restaurants in the West.
Pieter dined here with the Campbell staff on January 27...
Next day, I drove back in our Dollar rental car, my blue Plymouth, to return it at the San Francisco Airport.
Crazy 'triple' photo but you clearly can see the yellow Tidy tips, California's spring wildflower!
Called the Ramada Inn with the courtesy phone, and with their shuttle we arrived for checking in for one night stay at the San Francisco Airport.
On Friday, March 5, we checked out from our hotel at 5:15 and with shuttle to the airport for our early flight from 6:40 to Minneapolis/St.Paul–the first leg of our journey back to the East, to Atlanta, Georgia.
We arrived home by 18:30 due to the 3 hours time difference!
Did sleep in on Saturday, March 6, for nursing my Bronchitis and Sciatica...
Pieter got home at 14:30 from his Campbell Soup Seminar in Chicago and he took Dad for singing practice by 16:00 together with the organist at the First Baptist Church. 
Dad's solos were the Negro Spirituals: Thank You Lord and Steal Away, which he also repeated on the 14th of March at yet another Church in town.
Both the organist and my Dad sounded perfect, and it got rounded off with a standing reception and refreshments in their social hall.
Dad flew back home on March 20, together with his Presidential gift from Uncle Bo Whaley; a specially handmade Irish shillelagh cane.
Skillfully crafted by our local Easter Seal workers. The day before, the Georgia Governor got presented with one by our local officials during the annual St. Patrick's Joint Civic Luncheon, organized by Pieter's Rotary Club.
Even President Carter received one in August of 1980...
So much for one week in California and three weeks in Georgia, all the way from The Netherlands...

Related links:

Dad with me in San Francisco and Golden Gate Bridge Cruise | previous post

My First Trip to California, Santa Cruz | previous post by me with Shadowbrook Restaurant where Dad now dined with me...


  1. Really Enjoying This Series - Looking Forward To The Rest Of The CoastlineTravels - And All Those Ticket Stubs, So Cool - Glad You Held Onto Those Treasures


    1. Dearest Travis,
      That was IT as I wrote below that we flew back via Minneapolis/St.Paul to Atlanta...
      But indeed those Coastline Travels were great!

  2. Wonderful memories, Mariette. So lovely. Thank you.

    God bless you and your family.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes they sure are and in the end, memories is all there is left...
      First we have to MAKE them!

  3. Hello Mariette, You were lucky to be able to share the wonders of Highway 1 with your father. I once drove this highway from Los Angeles to San Francisco, and it was a never-ending series of marvels. I did not see the redwoods from there, but did make a special trip to Mt. Tamalpais to see the giant trees--one of the most awe-inspiring things I have ever witnessed.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Happy for having driven it all the way up from Los Angeles, that's a stretch, below Monterey, where we never drove... Marvels indeed and it hardly matters in what season.
      Those redwoods are indeed awe–inspiring when one realizes standing in front of a tree that was there already when Jesus walked this earth.

  4. Wow, what a memorable trip, Mariette! So much to see in California; I would love to visit the state at some point.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Yes, there was so much to see before the substantial damage by wildfires to those redwood state parks. We have been oh so lucky!

  5. This really was a trip of a lifetime spent with your father Mariette, memories to treasure for always đź’™

    1. Dearest Grace,
      It sure was and especially now Dad no longer is with us, these are memories to treasure.

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Memories to treasure forever.
      Yes, those do belong to the giants of the world!

  7. Son preciosos los paisajes que se aprecian en las fotografĂ­as.

    Otros buenos recuerdos del pasado.


    1. Querida AntĂłnia,
      Sí, viajamos por una de las autopistas más pintorescas del mundo y esas secuoyas eran impresionantes. Papá lo disfrutó tanto y atesoro esos recuerdos especiales...

  8. He must have really loved that trip. Isn’t it fun to provide special times for those you love. My husband for years said “one day I am going to play Pebble Beach” so I saved and saved my own money and surprised him with airline tickets for us, a hotel on site and two rounds of golf at Pebble Beach with a caddy. I did a LOT of saving! He was blown away.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Oh, it is rewarding if you notice that you can really please a loved one. Pieter had already bought Dad's ticket from Amsterdam to Atlanta, on November 31, 1992. He'd spent the night in hotel before flying by himself (without me...) to Bombay, India for consulting work. The segment with Dad within the U.S.A. I managed with a companion ticket at special rate; you as a former flight attendant for sure recall those!
      Oh, you went to the other Pebble Beach resort area, south of Monterey. It sure confused me at first to discover they have two in the same state! What a royal treat you pulled off; no wonder he was blown away!

  9. Goedemorgen Mariette, wat een mooie tijd hadden jullie samen toen je vader op visite was. Zo leuk om dan veel mooie plekken te kunnen bezoeken. Fijn dat je altijd veel foto's hebt gemaakt. Fijne dag en lieve groet!

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja het was een erg mooie en waardevolle tijd om later prácht herinneringen te hebben om later op terug te kunnen kijken.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
