
Friday, November 26, 2021

Sudden Whirlwind without rain and big tree gets lifted up out of the ground

In Georgia the weather can be unpredictable at times.

Like this SUDDEN WHIRLWIND without rain on Friday, June 19 of 1998.
Quickly I grabbed our video camera and exited through the veranda door to capture our trees bending in the wind.
A very dramatic sky came suddenly...
Next I walked to the wood garden, across the creek where Pieter was working and he showed me a tree that got lifted out of the ground by this strong wind.
Pieter shows that he can place his fingers into the opening created .
If you click on YouTube watching you can see at clickable 2:23 how it is lifted up a few centimeters.
Good thing is that both of us are not scared... 😜


  1. That looks very dangerous. We're having high winds this very day here.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Oh, high winds can cause a lot of damage.
      This tree hung on another one at the very top...

  2. You two were either brave or foolish. LOL. I'd have been taking shelter somewhere safe from possible falling trees!

    My co-worker's sister-in-law actually was killed in a freak accident a few years ago; she was out walking the perimeter of a golf course on a windy morning when a tree fell on her. So take care if you and/or Pieter are out in a wind storm again, Mariette.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      This tree hung on another one from the top so we certainly were not foolish.
      Here also a terrible accident happened when a huge old tree fell on a car in downtown on the main road...
      That is the reason that we always have to remove dangerous trees and in time.

  3. En algunas zonas de costa, a veces sopla un viento fuerte que te puede tirar al suelo. cuando alguna vez me ha cogido caminando me he parado y después he seguido mo camino.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sin duda has experimentado un viento fuerte y muy repentino a lo largo de la costa. Siempre tenemos parte de la temporada de huracanes que pasa a lo largo de la costa y estamos a menos de dos horas de distancia.

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Very sudden and only brief... no rain!

  5. Hello Mariette, That is some quite dramatic footage--it has that "end of the world" feeling to it. I wonder if that wasn't a dry downburst. When I lived in Ohio, we had one once that downed over 100 trees in my yard in just a few seconds.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Don't know what it was as it happened all so quick and I just ran outside after grabbing the video camera. It all looked unreal, seeing those tall trees doing gymnastics. Pieter was working (as usual) in the wood garden and he showed me that tree that came up by the force of the wind. There were no trees down and not seen any damage in our neighborhood from this whirlwind.

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      We never should underestimate the powers of Nature!

  7. oha das sieht sehr gefährlich aus... Mein Vater warnte mich: "Wer sich in Gefahr begibt, kommt darin um!"
    Liebe Mariette, Gott sei Dank ist Euch nichts passiert. Ist denn der Pavillon ganz geblieben?
    In Ostfriesland tobte im August 2021 ein schwerer Tornado, der 50 Häuser brutal beschädigt hat! Ganz schrecklich für die Menschen, die dort wohnen.
    Ich freue mich dass Dir die Geschenkverpackung gefällt und Du sie auf Pinterest gepint hat, Danke dafür. Bin auch dort, aber schon lange nicht mehr aktiv. Deine Aktion hat mich aufgemuntert und ich habe aktualisiert und folge Dir jetzt ;-)))
    Dir und Pieter eine angenehme Adventszeit, holt jo munter un blievt gesund!
    Herzlich Traudi.♥

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, alles ist ganz geblieben, es war nur dieser einziger Baum der hoch geheben wurde aber er hat ja auf andere Bäume gehangen und konnte einfach nicht umfallen.
      Deine selbstgebastelte Geschenkverpackung war so toll; die mußte ich einfach auf Pinterest einstellen!
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

    2. vielen Dank ;-)))))))
      und liebe Grüße von Traudi.♥


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