
Monday, December 20, 2021

Pieter Cleaned our Front Door Lights and HURT his Eye

 Having your own home requires ongoing maintenance and or repair...
One of the LED lights next to our front door did no longer work.
So Pieter started to take them off the wall, to replace their dusk to dawn light control.
This is AFTER Pieter did the job, successfully!
In 2013, the spot behind them has not even been painted...
They needed some deep cleaning!
The contractor that build our home, did not leave much of the wire outside of the wall, for working with.
That made things complicated, for disconnecting and re-connecting.
The hand carved wooden name plaque got made in Indonesia and was a gift for Pieter's help in the mushroom cultivation there.
Cast aluminum in white, that we brought back from Italy.
They both needed a new dusk to dawn light control.
Pieter also did sand the cast aluminum and paint the lights, before hanging them back onto the wall.
In doing these various chores, somehow, he must have gotten something inside his left eye...
There are also glass panels...
While we were living and working in Indonesia, the house got build.
The usage of such LONG screws proves that the professionalism at times was not the best!
On November 3, I had to be with Pieter at the Vision Eye Group Ophthalmology Clinic in Macon for his 8:00 AM appointment...
One hour drive...
We tried on Friday, to get an emergency appointment in at the local Dublin Eye Associates.
But he could only be seen by mid February!
So I was so glad that they fit us in for seeing the ophthalmologist in Macon, the one that did my eye surgery end of 2020 and early this year.
Grateful, as it turned out Pieter had a swollen eye and it got scratched, very painful all together!
With some special drops for two weeks, which we picked up at the pharmacy on the way home, he got fast pain relief and also better vision.
That was quite a scare!
On Wednesday, December 1, we both went back, again early appointment at 8:00 AM and all looked well again.


  1. Thank goodness this story had a happy ending!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      It was quite a scare and worse for being rejected here locally! Pieter was in pain but when I drove him to Macon, he soon got relief with the right drops and healing.

  2. Per fortuna che è andato tutto bene!Buona giornata.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Oh, entrambi ci sentiamo così felici per la fine di un periodo molto spaventoso!

  3. A pain in the eye must be treated immediately! You did well to go elsewhere when you were rejected in your city. Glad to read everything is OK now!.
    Hugs, Marie-Anne

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Absolutely because our eyes are so precious and important. The pain was also bad.
      They deserved the review for both places that we left them...
      All is well and we're happy!

  4. Sometimes the simplest tasks turn out to be more complicated. Have you ever seen that climbing the tree was easier than fixing the outdoor lamp? Luckily everything turned out well.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, comparing the two tasks it turned out that way!
      But we're happy the way it all ended.

  5. Praise God all is well with Pieter.

    God bless you both.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, indeed we can praise God for that!

  6. Huh, how scary. Fortunately, the eye is getting better.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, that was very scary but it is okay now!

  7. Hello Mariette, I don't know what is wrong with clinics and hospitals for rejecting emergency cases. I am glad that Pieter found relief and recovered, but how annoying to have to spend all that time in discomfort, especially with a worrying eye injury. Debris seems to get everywhere--in the future I imagine that safety goggles would be in order for repairs of this sort.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      One really wonders why courtesy and willingness to help seems to be out of the window. But we sure were grateful that they worked him in early morning, first patient, in Macon. You are right about the goggles but it might have happened by taking them off the wall already... who knows?

  8. So thankful and happy that Pieter is on the mend, Mariette. Just in time to have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Yes, he got completely healed. It was a scare but he already has been reading a lot since this.

  9. Glad it all worked out and Pieter is doing well - our eyes are so precious!

    Love that carved sign - only in Indonesia can you find such detailed wood carving. I've watched them at work, fascinating, and affordable prices! Such a thoughtful gift.

    Outdoor house lights certainly brighten the night - lucky you having a live-in 'electrician', is Pieter for hire, LOL!
    Hugs, Mary

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Yes, indeed we both are so happy it turned out well after getting caring treatment.
      That sign is indeed very special and remains a special gift to both of us. You are lucky for having seen them work, we lived and worked there and saw it all.
      Yes, the entire house is well lit for safety and whatever and with Eco Friendly LED lights as both of us are very energy conscious. Pieter so far has always managed to do it all by himself; lucky me indeed.

  10. You are so right about home maintenance, which is one of the many reasons we just sold our summer home in Colorado.
    So sorry to hear about Pieter’s injury. That must have been very painful. We have two tall Cyprus trees in front of our house. One was leaning too far left. Yesterday we were out there. Tom on a tall ladder, me on a smaller one. I pushed and held the tree until he could tie it up to the shutter hardware. Our kids would have a fit if they knew we were up on ladders. Shhh!
    Merry Christmas. L, Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      You were smart in selling your summer home, we all come to a stage in life where you cannot do it all yourself...
      One does what one can do but at times it is scary and your kids might be rightly worried. We all KNOW that too but at times action is needed.
      Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  11. I am so sorry! PLEASE let me know how he is!

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      It were a few worrisome days for both of us but all worked out well with professional care. We're still waiting for his new eye glass prescription but so far he enjoys his reading like before. So happy for him!

  12. I'm sorry Pieter couldn't be treated locally, but am glad he just needed drops and that all ended well.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, it all ended very well and he got treated in a courteous way.
      Don't know why they tried to shove him off locally, due to his age...?
      But it yielded her a two star review for refusing to see him as per Pieter's request.

  13. Dear Mariette - you have such a pretty entrance to your home especially when it is all lit up during the evening. Really pleased that Pieter got the necessary attention for his eye quickly especially during these difficult times, and also glad that all is well with him. He did a great job.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Thank you and yes, especially now it also got painted it looks nice. Top photo was after the house got pressure washed.
      Oh, we both were so worried as Pieter so much LOVES to read on his nook and the blog posts and such on his iPad.
      All he undertakes ends up looking great.

  14. I know it hurts terribly bad to get an eye scratched. Awful pain! I just cannot see how a local doctor could have the nerve to expect Pieter to wait until February. So glad a fine Dr. Hinson could see Pieter and have eye taken care of. Makes me angry.
    My husband is always bringing me those gosh awful big safety glasses to wear when he sees me out working. He wears his cutting grass over his glasses. I think I will hire someone to do the lights here. Steve just had his second lens replacement as there was much scar tissue built up from the first a few years ago.
    Your front entrance is so nice with the large porch, and I do like those mushrooms at the steps. Hugs, Betsy

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      It is indeed very painful and it was hard to watch him suffer...
      Well, for having the nerve to not see Pieter, they did receive a review accordingly.
      Pieter wears safety glasses in his workshop but not anywhere else.
      Steve better be very careful indeed, our eyes are given only once.
      The mushroom on the left was a gift from Mom & Dad when they first came to visit here and picked it up at a Garden Center while on the road with them.


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