
Friday, March 11, 2022

More Trees Cut Down

 With such a vast property as we have, there is always lots of work to be done.
Trees need to be trimmed, or removed entirely.
So, it was time again on February 15, for our tree man, David Yoder to get the job done!
Since these could not fall freely, everywhere, some had to be done by climbing up to get the limbs and the top off...
Strong legs for doing so!
This huge 'leaning' monster was another candidate as we did not want it to ever fall on the road and over the creek...
With the cherry picker, some branches got cut off and also a rope tied around the tree top for pulling it the other way with the use of their Kubota.
Rather tricky for placing the cherry picker from ðŸŒ³BUCKEYE PREFERRED SERVICES LLC close to the recently patched up creek area.
The County has attempted numerous times to keep it from caving in during heavy rain and flood waters.
You clearly can see that the tree was leaning towards the road and it was tall enough for hitting all across...
Showing you this image to give you an idea of how much underbrush comes up over the years...
Do you see the stack of underbrush wood piled up on the left of this bridge?
Pieter has been vigorously clearing a lot!
Here you see how the Kubota removes one of the sawn off side branches, done from the cherry picker...
It needed to be cleared off the Wood Trail where we walk.
A Tree Felling Wedge gets driven into the tree trunk...
Finally this leaning monster is FORCED by pulling the rope tight, to fall the way we wanted it to fall.
Another big tree got cut down as we wanted to create space for our four Beech trees and also give our Mexican Live Oak more light and space, as well as the Japanese and Chinese Live Oaks.
Bird houses are temporarily down for finding a new spot, some of them at least.
The Beech tree also got trimmed up.
We both love the much more open view and those branches and trunks will rot away within a couple of years.
Yes, the uptake of our Estate is at times a costly one and requires a lot of hard work!

Related links:
Big Trees Down and others Trimmed  Continued | previous post from cutting on November 2, 2021
Big Trees Down and others Trimmed | previous post from cutting on November 1, 2021


  1. What a big job. So lucky to have people come and do it for you. They are expert at this kind of work.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, those are really big jobs and impossible to tackle yourself.
      It sure takes some professionals with lots of experience.

  2. Das ist aber wirklich eine ordentliche Aktion... viel Arbeit.
    Habt ihr einen Kamin? Das fällt mir sofort ein bei so viel Arbeit mit Holz.
    Danke für die vielen Fotos und Videos. Es ist spannend zu sehen.
    Viele Grüsse zu Euch.

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Ja das sind riesige Jobs.
      Wir hatten einen Kamin aber da geht kein Holz mehr drin, es ist schon lange her umgebaut worden auf artificial gas logs. Es war viel zu staubig und man hat damit auch immer viele Insekten mit rein geholt die im Holz leben.
      Ja, spannend war es auch. Habe es auch für meinem Pieter gemacht damit er sehen konnte wie es hervor gegangen ist. Er lag ja mit Schmerzen im Bett nachdem er vom Zahnarzt heim kam. Die Narkose lies nach... Es war sein 'Kronenjahr', in dem sie diesmal herauskamen, alle sechs und jetzt ohne Brücke ein oberer Zahnersatz rein, am selben Tag.
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Such a huge job, Mariette. It's good you have someone trusted to remove the trees. It's worth the effort, though; your property is amazing. :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      That was quite a job indeed but we're so glad they're down.
      This past night was one with horrendous rain and strong wind and still is. Tonight -5°C so one can never know what is coming our way suddenly after having had sunny days and 31°C.
      Now we can do the cat-walk again, our kitties always follow us when we walk the trail.

  4. We too often have to have trees and/or limbs taken down as they threaten the house. Fortunately, we have a great tree service to do the job.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Oh living with trees is beautiful in many ways but it also comes with a huge responsibility. We are very fortunate with such a tree crew and for them it is hard work and the must be in constant communication with each other!

  5. Really big trees! Felling trees is a dangerous job.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, over more than 25 years those got too big and dangerous if leaning that way.
      It sure is a dangerous job that requires a lot of expertise.

  6. Avete un grande lavoro per sistemare il parco.Tagliare gli alberi è pericoloso,dovete ingaggiare persone molto esperte.Buona domenica.

    1. Cara Olga,
      In effetti, per mantenere un parco così privato ci vuole un sacco di sforzo!
      Ma ci piace.

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Well they're not being taken often...

  8. I'd pay someone else to do that, too.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Oh yes, you have to as one cannot do that him/herself!

  9. Hello Mariette, A tree planted for shade seems to grow very slowly, but otherwise plants have a way of gradually taking over before we realize that they have become overgrown, are blocking views, an so forth. We used to fell dead trees in a woods to get wood for a maple syrup operation. You can get trees to fall wherever you want with great precision, but felling trees is still dangerous work--there can be flying debris and of course trees and large branches are extremely heavy.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Most of those trees were there but we wanted to give the ones we planted ample space and light. The leaning one close to the road and creek was another story.
      Yes, felling trees is rather dangerous and they even made me step back while I was using my iPhone 13 Pro. One never knows.

  10. WOW! That certainly is a HUGE job!

    Glad you have someone to tackle this dangerous task.

    Hugs to you, my friend!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, that certainly is a HUGE one and one with precision.
      We treasure such a crew.

  11. I know from experience how much work trees can be. Ugh. And I did most of the yard work back then because Jerry's been disabled for a very long time. But I like any type of yard work, I truly miss it, not having our own home anymore. But since son John is in a different home where the yard hasn't been teneded very well, maybe I'll get a work-out this year. Ha! Blessings, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Diana,
      It is quite a load of work, all year and in many areas. You probably will get your work–out reading the above.
      I've been weeding out one day in the warm sunshine and loved the stretching and squatting down. Good for me but now with the frost and nippy weather it is not that inviting...

  12. I would love to have a space like this with trees. Just the other day she was thinking: I've never had a tree!

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and we sure got more than enough and they grow tall over the years.
      But this will be sufficient for the coming years.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
