
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Forest Tent Caterpillar Tried to KISS me at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

While at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, we sat on a bench outside and enjoyed our slice of cranberry nut bread with butter on it.
It was a surprise to suddenly notice this critter walking 'UP' to me!
Put him/her back on my knee but the race up to my LIPS started anew...!
Up it came and FAST.
Did pick it up and placed it on the picnic table and we left.
Guess it CRIED

What would you have done?

Only later of course, I figured out that this was a Forest Tent Caterpillar or Malacosoma disstria
Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth
Malacosoma disstria Hübner, 1820 ←click link for more images.
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens also has a Zoo and Nature Center 
So after the Caterpillar tried to KISS me, that is where we went next...
What a beauty of a Peacock in Pieter's favorite color blue, as he can distinguish it well, being color blind...
The Indian Peafowl is one of the most colorful species of bird.
The males, called peacocks are well known for their courtship displays in which they fan their long colorful trains in order to impress females.
Well, this one did show quite a lot of its colorful train!
What a majestic bird!
A groundhog sitting up... had to zoom in through the wire.
Wire visible later with Bobcat photos.
Elegant deer, and there even was one roaming freely around. At one time it was nudging my hand, where I held the iPhone, while I read some information... 
This turtle was HUGE, an African Spurred Tortoise...
A barn owl...
And a Bobcat and here I could not walk up to the wire for capturing it through there... out of protection there was another wooden fence I guess.
When I used my usual kitty call, it turned its head and we could admire its majestic 'grand' kitty face!
They live in Georgia as well.

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens has a lot to be seen and is educative for children as well!
Hope you enjoyed your virtual visit without getting 'KISSED'...

Related link:


  1. Another great outing. Wonderful that you had such good weather. The pictures are awesome. Spending time in nature is always a good thing.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, it was a perfect day all together.
      Being in nature is healthy and so soothing for our soul.

  2. What would you have done? I would have run a mile away. I'm not good with such creatures.

    Loved the plumage on the peacock - how beautiful. Great photos, Mariette. Thanx. The bobcat looks happy.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      They just try to stay alive and are looking for something to feed on.
      It was just a funny encounter and yes, those peacocks were the best show!
      Guess the bobcat is used to its surroundings and happy for being fed and being able to nap.

  3. I like caterpillars, but I'm not going to let one get near my face. :-P I would put it down safely out of the way, of course!

    It's nice to see all the birds and animals, especially the peacock and owl. I always have concerns when I see animals in what appears to be small cages, though, especially that bobcat. Even if it was raised in captivity, being confined to a small area is cruel to me. However, I realize that you've zoomed in tightly, and so the enclosure might be quite large. I hope so!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Haha, that caterpillar did not bother me, I laughed as it was so determined and the way it actually 'walked'.
      Oh, we both realized that very well about the animals. Great for being able to observe them rather close in their ultra sized cages but they belong in the wild indeed.
      First we couldn't find the bobcat and there was another smaller wooden shed and we presumed it was hiding/napping in there. Guess it gets fed there as it opened from the back and inside the fencing. Then I saw it rather up high and tried my best to come closer but the wooden fence keeps you from walking up to the wire. At least that was its purpose, I could have climbed/stepped over it but you don't of course!
      The owl also had a large domein. There was another type of owl that did not look too happy...

  4. OH NO, no kisses allowed! Great photos Mariette. Happy Weekend.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Guess it would be a bit prickly...🐛
      The Peacock were out in the open, thus easier to capture.
      Happy weekend to you and hugs,

  5. The peacock is a really beautiful bird.

  6. Buenos animales has captado en tu recorrido. Soy también un admiradora del reino animal.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Nos amamos la naturaleza y también a todos los animales!

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and peacocks are such regal birds!

  8. Beautiful. Whenever I have the opportunity, I also like to walk through places like this, to meet nature, your photos are great.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and there indeed is no greater joy than being outdoors in the fresh air and observing nature.

  9. Dearest Mariette,

    When we lived in a different city for a few years (back in the early 2000s), they had a terrible infestation of the Forest Tent Catepillars all through town, practically on every evergreen species, lots of bushes and shrubs, and trees. It was such an ugly mess, killed so much vegetation in spite of everything they tried. (Killed my roses, too.) I remember it took years to get it under control. The city said the catepillars were probably carried in on various evergreens that were then sold for landscaping.

    Peacocks are such lovely birds. I had no idea of the sounds they could make until my ex and I lived in a part of town near the new zoo that had brought in a peacock couple; I heard them late one evening and so did lots of other folks. They thought a woman was screaming and called the police saying someone was being attacked. Ha!

    We have barn owls and screech owls near us... the river is about a block away with lots of trees along both sides, so we can hear them late at night after the sun goes down.

    What a great visit you had to the nature area!



    1. Dearest Diana,
      Guess the Caterpillars can do extensive damage and it is sad. Read about them being invasive so that says enough.
      As soon as we parked our car, I could hear the peacocks call, remember that from India and also Mexico where they kept them at a Hacienda hotel. They cannot fly but manage to get onto the roof.
      Here in our immediate surrounding there is also an owl, for decades I hear him at night but never got to see him/her.
      It certainly was a perfect outing and so glad that we managed to do it together and with perfect weather. Great idea also for using up our points from Hyatt for free nights!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
