
Sunday, May 1, 2022

Found Father–in–law's Girl at Café H. Albers Altena in Groesbeek, Netherlands

 In a previous post (see link below this post) I mentioned that my Father–in–law told my husband Pieter when he was a young boy, about a beautiful dark–haired girl at the Café in Groesbeek, The Netherlands.
Just today, I received an email with this photo, from Gerrie G. Driessen chairman from Heemkundekring Groesbeek (←click link) with a reply to my April 8, request for information.
The name of the H. Albers Café Boerderij (Farmstead) Altena in Groesbeek, right on the border with Germany, is where Pieter's Dad was seated.
But wait a minute...
The gentleman seated to the right of the door in the above picture, next to the waiter, drew my attention!
It was once more that I spotted my Father–in–law, now seated with a glass of red wine in his hand.
There is a bottle of red wine visible on the table to the right.

But on his left (for the viewer) is the beautiful dark–haired girl he talked about!
The very same tablecloth is on the table as in my post below.
Stories are coming to life!
Guess he met her there, while being a Border Guard.
We still don't know when exactly during WWI he served.
Sadly this very building got destroyed during WWII (1944–1945) by shells.

Grateful to Gerrie Driessen the amateur historian ←click link.
This morning I had a reply from Archief Well and Marleen Timmermans sent me an image of the location of Café Altena, right on the border with Germany (red markings).
As she wrote: the Internet has many advantages, you can see that again.
For us it sure has and we manage to meet the kindest people!

Related links:
Found Father–in–law's Picture as a Dutch Border Guard in 1918 | previous post by me and now we know that picture was in front of the very same Café...


  1. Queste sono foo storiche.Buon lunedì

    1. Cara Olga,
      Sì, sono foto storiche e molto significativo per noi!

  2. How wonderful and very kind that someone read your post and got in contact with you. It also shows how many people read your Blog.

    History coming to life again bringing back memories.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, they followed the link to my post as I'd placed that inside my email to them, requesting any help or information.
      This is indeed almost miraculous that history is coming to life!
      Also a sign from our loved ones above...

  3. Buen hallazgo, que nos hace recordar el pasado. Es un buen testimonio histórico de la familia.
    Me alegro de que ahora estas imágenes, estén en vuestros archivos.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Oh, fue una sorpresa encantadora recibir este correo electrónico con la foto adjunta. Entonces vi a mi suegro de inmediato. Pieter estaba tan sorprendido ya que ahora subraya la historia a la que se ha aferrado durante toda su vida ...

  4. Mariette, it's wonderful that you have a copy of the old photo, and truly amazing to see the woman to whom your father-in-law was referring!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      This is almost too good to be true but yes, it IS the completion of a long told story.
      Probably his Dad's only true love and for one reason or another never realized.
      One day we will learn about that story too!
      Maybe this was just a message from above, nudging me to search and find...
      It looks like on a Sunday he visited there to order a wine and maybe converse with her and her family.
      Anyway, this is a God sent!

  5. Oh how I love the old old photos you publish here ... I was recently gifted a photo of myself and my father (who died when I was sixteen) .. we were at a lake on my maternal grandfather's property, he was in a rowboat, helping nine year old Me into it. The image brought tears and memories of him.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes, such old photos are almost like gifts from heaven that reach us in an unexpected, almost mysterious way. I bet you got tearful seeing your beloved Father in action, helping you in the boat. Pieter was about your age when his Dad took him those 18.6 miles one–way to the above café, hoping to see his beloved girl back... He did not see her. Wish we would know this full love story... But he ended up marrying Pieter's Mom some 6 years after the above photo was taken.

  6. Wow, how cool is that, I love looking at old photos and wondering about the people and places in them

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Oh, this was quite a lovely surprise and what a treasure to suddenly look at a moment in his life. Like a movie, the players are all there but the script is lost to us...
      But Pieter was so happy, seeing now that indeed it was a beauty and no wonder he never forgot her. That was some 18 years later when Pieter sat on the back of his Dad's bike... he only remembers the ice cream but the girl was not there.

  7. This is the good thing about the internet. There is every opportunity to keep these records forever.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, a very good thing about the Internet!
      We otherwise would never have found this and now thanks to some courteous people, history is coming to life.

  8. Talk About Amazing - What A Small World - SO Pleased They Reached Out As Well - Please Tell Mr Pieter That I Said YO - Be Well My Dear


    1. Dearest Travis,
      Indeed Amazing! Guess loved ones from above have been involved!
      Yes, grateful for that chairman for having reached out and forwarding us this photo.
      Pieter reads on his iPad always the comments, so he appreciates that a biker from the West says YO.

  9. Hello! Thanks for the comment now i´following your blog
    Thats a cool story

    1. Dearest Magda,
      Yes, it is an incredible story for seeing the actual girl Pieter's Dad was talking about...
      A piece of romantic history and grateful for Internet!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
