
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Flying on Delta Premium Select–Savannah to Amsterdam

 FINALLY, after years of COVID nonsense, I would be flying across the Atlantic Ocean for bringing home some special items from Mom & Dad's Estate.
Things that could NOT be sent by mail or any other means as their sentimental value was too high.
So, on the evening before husband Pieter's 93rd Birthday, I logged in to his Delta account for checking how many miles he had left.
Pieter had indicated that with all the nonsense going on at present he did NOT want to fly; way too much stress for his heart condition.
This was Thursday evening, where I had the option for 148,000 miles to fly with Premium Select (only 2 seats available!) to Amsterdam, from Savannah, Georgia via Detroit, Michigan.
Did not want to complete this option before checking with Pieter (who was by now sleeping...)
Next day I tried again to complete my trip on line but could not do so...
My long legal name, always causes problems.
So, I had to call.
After 1 hour 47 minutes (mainly for being on hold...) I finally managed to book this special Premium Select flight!
Now I had to pay with 152,000 miles, but I GOT it and was oh so happy, and so was Pieter for making very good use of his miles!
This very flight would have cost me US $ 2,406.97 + Tax in the end...
Arrive refreshed... especially for a night flight — I loved this idea!
BUT on my departure day at 2:03 AM while we were sound asleep... This email arrived.
My Flight got cancelled but rebooked.
Now I had to fly via Paris on Air France and then on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam...
Our private driver, who used our own car, arrived by 10:00 AM to drive us to the Savannah Airport in two hours time.
At the special check–in counter for Sky Priority® I showed my paperwork and the agent was so helpful and courteous but he did NOT manage to print my boarding passes for whatever reason.
So he called a higher ranking Delta person, who had to call him back.
A total of 2 hours I stood there, Pieter and our private driver waiting patiently.
But nothing could be done.
Went home with this... a new booking for next day!
My new schedule for the SHORT solo trip to Limburg, The Netherlands...
Sure enough, we again went to Savannah, with our private driver.
I joked, that now Mike our driver, didn't even need the GPS as we all remembered the Interstate exits... 😏
Arriving in Savannah, the very same agent at the Sky Priority® counter recognized me from afar and waved.
In no time he'd checked me in and I was off to Atlanta and on to Amsterdam.
Hugging and kissing my Pieter goodbye for a brief time!
When I tried to call Pieter from Savannah, my iPhone 13Pro read: no server!
True, as I had requested to switch my service to The Netherlands and that went already into effect.
But in Atlanta I still managed to do a video WhatsApp call with Pieter at home, just before boarding with the use of the Airport WiFi.
I was in the air soon...
The adjustable footrest however did NOT FUNCTION, neither for my neighbor, a young German.
But I managed to fly to Amsterdam!
Oh, also my Low Sodium/No Salt added meal went 'missing'...
And NO Tumi Amenity Kit either.
On my way and yes, I did wear my down jacket during the flight!
Felt great.

Stay tuned for more...

Related link:


  1. Wow what an adventure even before reaching the Netherlands. Flying used to be fun. I don’t like flying anymore. It’s been about 4 years for me. Last time I flew to Alabama to spend a week with my brother and his family.

    Looking forward to the rest of the story…

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Oh, in many ways this looked more like a trip out of hell...
      It used to be fun and you got treated with respect and highest courtesy.
      For me it was three years ago since I flew with Pieter to The Netherlands to see Dad one final time... that's what I felt and my feeling proved right.
      Sad that spending time with family for you also kind of halted due to changed times.

  2. Va siendo hora de viajar y de visitar a los familiares.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, yo también lo pensé, ¡pero ciertamente no fue fácil!

  3. There usually are glitches when travelling, even without COVID restrictions. Glad it was all sorted out. I'm terribly frightened of flying, usually start crying uncontrollably when walking from the boarding area onto the plane, and I cry until we're at cruising altitude, when my fatalistic attitude kicks in. That or some Scotch. So better you than me!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Oh, the surprises coming your way are no longer fun to deal with but I'm sure glad to be back!
      Still having trouble with my right ear though, from the landing at JFK New York... But at least I slept well because I take every 8 hours a Turmeric capsule. Looks like an ear infection as my hearing is also affected... choir practice last night was not the same.
      For you it must be quite an ordeal to ever fly and very hard to subdue...

  4. What a lot of travelling. You are really brave, Mariette. Very brave to go all this way on your own. I admire your courage and stamina. What an example you are.

    God bless you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      The traveling was minor compared to the years that both of us flew back and forth to Indonesia for work and we did so 21 times. This was a rather short distance compared with that.
      But OH how times have changed since then! Never ever did we expect to see this.
      Sure glad I'm back home and done with my final flight.

  5. How brave of you to travel solo halfway around the world!

    I am so in awe of you, Mariette.

    ((hugs and blessings))

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      This was only a 'short' distance and only 6 hours time–difference so not at all halfway like e.g. our trips to Indonesia were or even farther, flying to Australia with 14 hours time difference....
      I've flown before to work in Germany, solo as Campbell Soup did NOT allow me to consult any mushroom farms in the USA as a conflict of interest. But those were shorter trips...

  6. Bellissima esperienza.Pensa che io per la paura non ho mai preso l'aereo.Olga

    1. Cara Olga,
      Oh, Pieter ed io abbiamo entrambi volato per oltre 1.500.000 miglia ... quindi entrambi non abbiamo mai conosciuto la paura! 😉

  7. I really like flying but don't like the idea of wearing a mask for hours on end

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Well, luckily there was NO mask wearing involved for my trip. Neither at the airport, nor in the plane!

  8. Sorry you had such a hassle. We didn’t have glitches at all going to Paris. Aren’t those foot rests wonderful! Makes all the difference in the world! We are headed over again in Aug. Thus time to Ireland. I have been reading about the horrible crowds at the airports. Not looking forward to it…Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      You were very lucky with your trip to Paris, probably by far not as busy yet.
      Oh, those footrests are indeed wonderful IF they work... missed it on my night flight over!
      August might be a calmer time for travel to Europe as school here starts already in August, but not in Europe.

  9. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      It ought to be except that my leg and footrest did not function...


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