
Friday, July 22, 2022

Pieter Captured our Estate + Progress for me to View While in Limburg

 After doing the usual watering in the morning for keeping plants and shrubs alive, using the electric pump and water from our pond, Pieter made another round for me to SEE how our Estate looked like.
June 7, our Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno',
A near perfect bud
Looking inside
Our Fiberglass Window Boxes alongside veranda and bay window area of kitchen on June 8.
These are our double greenish white flowering petunias; Blanket® Double Chardonnay Petunia Plants ←click link
Our Moonflower, a night blooming Ipomoea
Near our Vinyl Picket Fence Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana' - Rose-of-Sharon 'Diana' 
Our double blooming Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc
Fiberglass Window Boxes on retainer wall near driveway on June 9 with Golden Lantana that trail down.
Detail and you see an empty can of wood preservative for Pieter's Wood Trail Mega Task...
He spent quite a lot on that trail, going back and forth to Home Depot.
These photos are all from June 9, around 8:40 after breakfast time.
Looking all so lush!
Our Palm trees.
Palm Trees with the tall Italian Cypress.
And all Pot Plants around...
Happy and well cared for Pot Plants and Palm Trees!
Our Home seen from the back, taken from the gazebo area.
We both love the sight of the house without that humongous live oak there.
The bare spot still needs to fill in with grass but in a couple of years, that too will be done!
The progress of the Wood Trail on June 11
Detail with the axe to the right for attacking roots that were in the way...
Pieter's shadow is visible with his iPadPro.
Another short 1:55 minute update on Pieter's progress, captured on June 11.
Oh, I KNEW that he was aiming for having it all DONE when I would come home!
Photo taken on June 14, around 8:15 after breakfast.
Showing all the cut up 22 inch boards, that Pieter got at Home Depot.
By having several rotten boards he was short of several in the end.
We used to buy those 22 x 22 inch squares with boards from Lowes in 1993 through 1996 but they are no longer available.
Only 3 seconds, video taken by me on June 21 and to the right you see the blue tarp that went over those 
cut up 22 inch boards from Home Depot, to protect them from heavy rain.
The FINAL part seems always to be hard. 
Photo from June 21 shows clearly the elevated way of this newly laid wood trail.
The rotten boards and beams that were buried in the ground still needed to be gathered up along the trail.
We also need to get rid of the black bottomless trash can, left on our property by some workers...

Related links:
Our Agapanthus and Wood Trail | showing our first Wood Trail laid out
Pieter's NEW Love—While I was in Limburg | previous post by me
Pieter Capturing his Progress on the Wood Trail while I was in Limburg | previous post by me
{Our Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana' - Rose-of-Sharon 'Diana'} | previous post by me
{Our Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc & Our Life in Italy} | previous post by me


  1. All the flowers are glorious, Mariette, and so well cared-for. I love your boardwalk too, it boggles my mind how much work Pieter has done! I hope he's pleased with all his efforts. :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Thank you and yes, that was probably the BEST time for our garden and Pieter did an excellent job, watering with our electric pump, using water from the pond.
      The boardwalk's big reveal will come in my July 28th post.
      Yes, Pieter is happy and he hopes this will stay for years to come, without any rot. For that purpose he's raised it off the ground.

  2. Your landscaping is out of this world, Mariette! Blessings!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Well, over those 32 years of living here, we've created our own garden.

  3. Cuando la temperatura es buena, eso repercute en las plantas. Yo he perdido alguna de ellas, con los 43 º que tenemos de máxima y las estoy regando a diario.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      De hecho, las temperaturas razonables y la humedad más alta con mucha agua hacen felices a las plantas. Pero los humanos nunca pueden sustituir solo con agua. ¡Los veranos pueden ser tan duros!

  4. Your landscaping must be such a joy, and that wooden trail looks like is it almost complete.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and soon you will get to see the reveal of the completed trail.

  5. Your property looks so beautiful and that wooden trail is incredible. Pieter has been very busy. My husband couldn't even keep all my plants alive while I was gone for a month. :/

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you so much and yes, a lot got done while I was gone!
      So sad when we lose plants due to lack of care. We've had house–sitters like that and lost 16 orchids... or a guy mowing the lawn, hitting the watering–system's pipe and just closing the main valve. Result was that ALL of our houseplants that hung and stood in our greenhouse, under nozzles from a water–computer activated sprinkler system had turned into HAY!
      It makes you want to cry when losing your green 'children'...
      Big hugs,

  6. The flowers are very pretty, dearest Mariette.
    Your landscaping is beautiful and Pieter is amazing!

    Hugs and blessings.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you for all three compliments!

  7. Olá

    Que belas fotos! Adorei tudo, as flores são maravilhosas o resto também é tudo muito verdinho.


    1. Querida Manuela,
      Obrigado por sua visita e comentário.
      Amanhã, quando finalmente voltarmos para casa depois de 11 dias fora, esperamos encontrar as coisas ainda florescendo bem.

  8. You both are an inspiration to me. You get your hands on the work and aren't afraid to do it yourself.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Well, to get the job done well, you better do it yourself.
      Who else would sweat and work as meticulous FOR you?!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
