
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Both of us LOVE Elephants

 Having touched a baby elephant in person in South India even made us fall in love deeper with elephants.
We even love to wear elephants...
Me, September 18, in my Escada elephant outfit—complete with shoes and I forgot my jeans purse...

Pieter wearing his black Escada silk elephant tie.
Shown in a 2015 blog post: {Princess Diana's Elephant Tie just like Pieter's} ←click it.
If you scroll down you also see Princess Diana wearing her Escada elephant jacket in black versus mine in blue jeans below her picture.
Backside of my Escada silk elephant shirt.
Also elephants on the cuffs.
Such designers are artists!
Yes, I do have a silk scarf in that style as well.
Showing the embroidered elephants around pockets and matching elephant belt.
Had to take this picture of the belt buckle inside, not in bright, sunny daylight to show you that on the previous picture it was just some glare at the top.

Related link:


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and I still love wearing this outfit.

  2. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    I also love elephants and although I never touched one, I think they are so inteligent and brave and at the same time, seem so sweet and fragile.
    I stopped going to the circus when I was still a child, because I saw the elephants, the horses, the lions and so many animals locked up in cages and with whip marks on their skin...
    I believe that wild animals should be free in their habitat and that more could be done to stop illegal hunting.
    Both your outfits are beautiful, as usual and I especially love your silk shirt and the silk scarf you are wearing in May of 2000.
    And I wasn't surprised that Princess Diana was wearing a silk tie just like Pieter's, because she was known for her timeless elegance and Pieter and you are elegant icons, too!
    Elegant minds think alike! ;)

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Yes, elephants are very intelligent and also gentle in many ways.
      Pieter read the #1 New York Times Bestseller—Water for Elephants on his Samsung tablet and he shared so much about it with me.
      That is more or less equivalent to what you describe about animals being locked up.
      What both of us do despise is the trophy hunting!
      Thank you for the compliment and there are only two incidences that we recall with Princess Diana being like minded.
      Too bad she no longer is around for continuing to give the voiceless some much needed attention!
      Hugs from both of us to both of you.

    2. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
      I read a little excerpt from that book, to know more about it and I read a part where a lit cigarrette butt is thrown inside the open mouth of Rosie, the elephant... That's so cruel!!! Why would anyone do that? I know it's only a book, but unfortunatelly many times animals are cruely mistreated and cannot defend themselves.
      May God bless them and protect them from evil people.
      I also read your previous post and I'm so glad you and Pieter, together with the Dublin Rottary Club, were able to help those in need. It's so sad to see such beautiful young ladies become outcasts for life and to see so many men and women affected by that terrible disease that destroys their futures...
      Diana was an elegant lady inside and out and so are you and Pieter. Elegance has to do with clothes, yes, but especially with the heart and with caring for those in need.
      I remember she died in August 31st of 1997, just 1 week before Nuno and I got married and then on September 5th, the day before our wedding at the church, Mother Teresa of Calcutá died, too.
      They were friends in life and died only a week apart, depriving the world of 2 wonderful role models.
      Hugs from both of us to you and Pieter, too!

    3. Oh, and I forgot to say that I noticed you were wearing your beautiful yellow shirt with the Atlanta embroidery and your Escada Sport shorts!

  3. You both look very elegant as usual. I specially like your belt buckle. My sister in law is fanatic about elephants and whenever I see a scarf or ornaments with elephants I buy it for her.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Thank you and we have one friend for whom we collected elephants from all over the world. She does not wear them but displays them.
      While enjoying a couple of days in Acapulco, Mexico—after regular work in Mexico as consultants, I found a tri–color gold bracelet a ring and earrings at the gift shop of the Camino Real hotel. So yes, I do wear them!
      Elephants resemble one of the most intelligent and emotional creatures.

  4. So beautiful. Regine

    1. Dearest Regine,
      Thank you and elephants are meaningful!

  5. You are a very beautiful couple. I also really like elephants. They are affectionate and protective of their family.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and yes, we humans could learn so much from elephants!

  6. Sempre elegantissima,buona serata:

  7. You both look gorgeous in your elegant clothes!!!!
    And there is no doubt how much you love elephants, those so impressive creatures!
    Many hugs, dearest Mariette!

    1. Dearest Marie–Anne,
      Thank you so much!
      Yes, very gentle and intelligent creatures!

  8. You two make such a gorgeous couple, Mariette.
    I am afraid of elephants. Once when we were walking past an elephant in Bali, it hurled a tree branch at us! 🐘

    Hugs and blessings, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you so much!
      Wow, that was not such a sweet encounter as ours was—but we were dealing with some babies.
      Guess any adult elephant can have a 'headache'...

  9. How great you both look! I have never been near an elephant, Mom always said to us that she was like an elephant in that they never forget. I guess we must have done something wrong at the time. I would love to see an elephant in person. I love watching documentaries about them. Hugs, Betsy

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Thank you and yes, meeting and touching one in person is incredible.
      They do never forget—they are way too intelligent for ever doing so.
      Your Mom sure knew a lot about them for teaching you that way!

  10. Interrumpo por un tiempo mi actividad. Tengo avería en el ordenador

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Buena suerte con la resolución del problema de su computadora!
      Grandes abrazos,

  11. I think elephants are so special.
    I've only seen them in zoos so far.
    I have a beautiful work of art in glass of elephants and a charm on my bracelet.
    But that blouse of yours and the buckle on the belt is great!

    There is still a lot for me to read on your website :)
    I will return!

    Dear greetings to you,

    1. Dearest Hilly,
      Thank you for reading on and you might find the labels, helpful. You find them when scrolling down...
      Oh, you and I have a charm bracelet! My silver bracelet that I received from my 'Opa' for my Confirmation. You can actually see it here:
      Your beautiful work of art in glass will no doubt be stunning.
      We have several elephant pieces in our home and several for jewelry as well.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
