
Saturday, December 17, 2022

May your 4th Advent Week lead towards a REAL CHRISTMAS

Yes, the year is getting thinner and we all are preparing for Christmas 2022.
May this 4th Advent week lead us towards a REAL CHRISTMAS
Far away from the commercial holiday it has become...

 The green cotton Zweigart Aida tablecloth now with a Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse plate for the brass spiral candle holders.

May the Enchantment fill our hearts.
If we do not live, speak and think in the language of enchantment, including naming angels and recognizing spirits... then the soul will go out of our lives and communities, and we will wonder why nothing seems to hold together and nothing seems to have value anymore. ~Thomas Moore

In the back is a group of angels looking on, all from South Tyrol, Italy.
The one on the left is a ceramic one and was a gift from Italian friend Maria from Ristorante da Maria and the others are all wooden angels from Italy.

Now two sterling silver candle holders with fluted bobèches have joined the Royal Selangor pewter ones that we bought in Singapore.
Royal Selangor is established in 1885 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The silver crocheted doily has been hand made by a former Turkish neighbor in The Netherlands.
Incredible work, I would not be able to copy that!
The silver tray was handmade for us in Kotagede, near Yogyakarta in Indonesia.

Two Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse ←(click it) candle holders and two silver plated tall ones with tapers and bobèches.
Each of them also holds a Hugger Candle Snugger.
Candles are Dutch Gouda. Yes, Gouda is a city that produces fine cheeses and candles!


  1. What a wonderful Christmas decorations you have. And I hope Gouda cheese too. One of my favourites.

    God bless always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and as for the cheese, that is off limits for both of us due to our strict health diet...

  2. Le tue decorazioni natalizie sono fantastiche.Buon pomeriggio.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie! Abbracci e significativo 4° Avvento.

  3. The real Christmas, like those celebrated in years gone by, were lovely.
    Your Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse china is beautiful My SIL used to be in sales for them in the '80's and covered Germany, France and The Netherlands. She and my brother now live in the 10th century tiny village in France - and I envy them so much, especially at this time of year where Christmas is still old fashioned and non-commercial.
    Enjoy your Christmas dear Mariette & Pieter.

    1. Dearest Mary,
      For us Christmas still has remained the same—both of us never will adopt the commercial Christmas about want. Just got home together from Church where I lend my soprano voice to the chancel choir and together with orchestra we gave a Christmas concert—ending with Händel's Messiah—The Halleluja Chorus.
      Pieter enjoyed it and we all managed to deliver after hours of practice!
      Often I've joked about both of us having earned over 1,500,000 frequent flyer miles during our consulting work. But earning frequent flyer miles for our final destination—heaven—is something else!
      Your Sister–in–law no doubt knew about Mason's company store:
      That is how Pieter fell in love with this pattern and I love it equally!
      Hugs and Merry Christmas to you and Bob.
      Pieter & Mariette

  4. Son preciosos los candelabros que sostienen esas velas.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Pieter se enamoró de ese patrón y yo los amo por igual.

  5. Leuke dingen heb je voor kerst Mariette.

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Dank je en het is het feest van Licht en Hoop.

  6. Hi, Mariette!
    You always set everything with such elegance...
    Wishing you a 4th advent week filled with God's Spirit and Love and I too hope that people may look more to the Reason for the seanson, instead of looking at how many gifts they will buy and receive.
    Lots of hugs to you, Pieter, the kitties and Kewkkie and have a wonderful week!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Thank you!
      Yes, the Reason for the Season seems often quite lost...
      Wishing you, Nuno and Tareco all the best and sending lots of hugs.
      Pieter & Mariette

  7. Olá, querida Mariette, belíssima sua decoração de Natal,
    Natal é isso, é amor por decorar uma mesa linda, reunir-se
    com a família ou amigos, é tornar linda essa noite mágica.
    Um encanto tudo, vi sua postagem abaixo, também.
    Quero desejar a você e Pieter um Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo
    com muita paz, saúde e esperança!
    BOAS FESTAS, querida!

    1. Prezados Taís,
      Obrigado e você menciona apenas os elemants importantes.
      Abraços e tudo de melhor para você e para os seus.

  8. I absolutely love your Christmas decorations 🧡🧡🧡

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette!

  9. How beautiful. All items are references from other places and keep good memories.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, they're indeed related to either people or places where we've worked.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
