
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Our Permanent Resident Angels & Cross Stitch for Christmas

Just reposting this 2011 post...
On November 9, I did already write about Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS that have taken up permanent residence, not only for the Christmas season. All our ANGELS - CHERUBS are the REAL thing, made out of special wood and hand carved in South Tyrol, Italy. So here they are shown once more to you as they sure belong to the Christmas season.
The golden wreath we added for the Christmas season...
Quite an angelic population on our mantle... They are our Permanent Residents!
From Bad/Münstereifel, Germany I did bring this pure linen cross stitched Christmas bow back home.
The edging of the linen band is done in gold and the hand embroidered cross stitching also used gold for the stars as well as for some contrast stitching.
Hard to capture on photo.
I've just finished a scan from this bow & stars cross stitch pattern, for those of you that are interested in it.
Look for it below and feel free to print it out.
My German friend Marlene, did bring me a second one when she and her husband Egon did visit us after their tour through Mexico.
They are hung each year in the living room from the doorknobs of the oak wall unit.
This is the scan and I put it as a larger size. The width of the linen band is 7 cm or 2.8"
The entire cross stitch pattern is 11 cm long or 4.3" so you can determine the thread count accordingly.
If you love it as much as I did at first sight, okay - here is the pattern for you.
Just a small Christmas gift from me—to my loyal readers!
Obviously many visitors loved this... 11,044 views.

Related links:

{6 Antique & Vintage Italian Angels, Cherubs Putti} previous post by me
{Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS} previous post by me
{Our Living Room} previous post by me
{5 Angels - Putti from Italy & Germany} previous post by me


  1. Oh, your angels are beautiful, very special indeed. They look great in a group with the wreath. The cross-stitch bow is very pretty too. It is lovely to collect Christmas pieces in our travels; I love finding happy memories of our travels when the ornaments come out to play for Christmas.

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Thank you and those are indeed treasures to both of us.
      We always would visit the German Pilgrimage city of Kevelaer when we went to The Netherlands. It was just across the border and not far from our birth area.
      If you search top right on my blog the word Pilgrimage you find two posts with link...
      Yes, those pieces handed down from our Parents and other loved ones—each tell their story when we once again use them.

  2. That cross-stitch bow is beautiful, Mariette! Such delicate work to do.

    I hope you all have a lovely, blessed Christmas. Purrs to the cats from Derry!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, some woman's hands did quite a job on them.
      But that is still nothing compared to the artful chiseling of the wood carved angels!
      Wishing you and Derry also a Merry Christmas—stay warm and cozy.

  3. Buenas decoraciones artesanales de Navidad. Yo ya lo tengo todo a punto, La terraza y el balcón he puesto la decoración más tarde ya que tuvimos unos días de lluvia y me hubiera mojado al ponerlas.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y las tallas del Tirol del Sur, Italia es casi celestial.
      También tuvimos lluvia y ahora hay heladas en la víspera de Navidad incluso -9 ° C.
      ¡Amor y una Navidad malhumorada!

  4. Prachtig werk,ik weet hoeveel tijd het kost dit te maken.

    1. Beste lezeres,
      Ja, als je het zelf ook doet dan pas waardeer je zoiets!

  5. Your shining angels are made with great hands in an artisan's heart.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Yes, those artisans can create heavenly pieces!

  6. What fabulous Christmas decorations you have, Mariette.

    With best wishes from over here.

    God bless you and Pieter this Christmas and always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and both of us do treasure them!
      At the moment I need a lot of best wishes... feeling so sick and weak.

  7. Mooie kerstspullen heb je Mariette.

    Fijne kerstdagen,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, dat handgesneden werk van Zuid Tyrol is erg mooi en wordt ook steeds zeldzamer.
      Jullie ook Fijne Kerstdagen!

  8. Beautiful cherubs and I can understand that you keep them visible year round, it would be a shame to pack them away in a storage box. The embroidered bow is lovely, the finished edges are so pretty too.
    Hope you and Pieter enjoy the blessings of Christmas and that you have healthy and Happy New Year dear Mariette. Stay warm - we're going down to 10F tonight! Winds have been scary all day, neighbor's tree fell and thankfully just missed his beautiful sunroom extension built this summer!!!!
    Best wishes and hugs from us both - Mary & Bob

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Nobody in his right mind would want to hide such incredible wood carvings—also they are becoming more and more rare.
      As for that embroidered bow it is remarkable what two shades of gold thread can do on the edging.
      We'll have 15.8°F tonight so not much warmer than you.
      Yes, winds have been strong for days—your neighbor got lucky with his sunroom extension!
      Stay cozy and warm and enjoy a Merry Christmas!
      Pieter & Mariette

  9. Your angels are beautiful!
    And I absolutely love your cross-stitch bow.

    Wishing you a blessed and joyous Christmas, dearest Mariette!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and to us they are treasures!
      That cross stitched bow is another marvel—so well done.

  10. Mariette, your cherubs over the mantel are so sweet. I really like the brick above the mantel. It reminds me of my mom's growing up. The cross stitch from Germany is a treasured piece. It's wonderful to have items from other countries. The red bow it pretty, and there is so much detail on it. And your golden wreath is beautiful.

    Merry Christmas, dear Mariette. The magazine came today, and I thank you for sending it to me.
    I look forward to reading it. : )


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Yes, those cherubs are our permanent residents and we fell in love with them at the art shop of the German Pilgrimage city.
      The cross stitch also stands out and we treasure that.
      So happy that all of a sudden the delivery changed from December 27 to 23!
      Sent to you with love—enjoy.
      Hugs and Merry Christmas.

  11. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      This was not a gift from a friend but we gifted ourselves these angels.

    2. Okay, my fault. I got lost translating for myself


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