
Monday, January 16, 2023

Kitties we LOVE and GRIEF for...

 A dear Blogger Friend lost her precious Derry boy.
LOVE this photo of sweet Derry!
Kitties and or Puppies can really look inside our soul...
Their faces can convey so much and they truly are such loyal companions.
May Derry R.I.P. and may his Mom find the strength for moving on without this cuddle bear near her...
November 22, 2022 our Spunky girl claimed my European pillow, the one below the regular sized one.
Hah, my water bottles on the night table to the right...
This made in Germany flannel set with yellow roses, I'd enlarged its duvet cover so it would now fit the 'larger' Caribbean light down comforter.
It was quite a task for taking it apart on one side with the seam ripper but it was so worth it!
Our kitties LOVE it as much as we do... 😼
Spooky nestled close to his Papi while reading on his Samsung tablet...
Speckie only claims her tiny spot next to her Papi's pillow... arms crossed.
Spooky next to me on the love seat. He sure LOVES his blanket and with one eye he follows what I'm typing here on my MacBook—for you to read...
Yes, our kitties are all seniors and they show more and more gray hair in their fur.
Speckie is 13 since November 10 and her four siblings by adoption are turning 16 on March 30.
Spooky's paw—looking like a blackberry...
But YES they forever leave a footprint on our hearts—and they are so loved!
On January 8, 2023 this neighborhood kitty (male) is on our patio in one of the pot plants and staring at our kitties in the windowsill of the bay window area...
Ours stay inside when it's cold and those 'friend–kitties' come to our home looking for some affection... SAD!
That's why it is a tremendous solace when we lose one of our beloved kitties—knowing they lived a sheltered life with good medical care, good food and lots of LOVE and cuddles!
There are so many others that never get such human love... This kitty also limps and that for over half a year. 
Those eyes speak volumes!


  1. I love all of your babies. And it is so sweet to see them close up and in their home with their mommy and Daddy. Derry and all that came before him have been wonderfully loved furriends of us in our home. I will miss him truly, and you and I know how hard it will be for his Mom to deal with his having gone on before her. She will always love him as she does the others, and will never ever forget them. They are family just as ours are family too.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Yes, for almost 22 years early February we have had kitties and they are all so very much loved. Derry's Mom has had kitties for about as long and it is oh so tough when they're gone.
      My daily prayer is that I will be there till the end of their lives... They sure ARE family!
      If one kitty Mom griefs — we all grief with her and the same for any kitty Dad.

  2. Hai postato dei gattini meravigliosi.Io non ho animali,ma mi sarebbe piaciuto.Dicono che avere un animale sia un antidepressivo.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Immagino che avere un animale domestico sia il compagno più fedele che si possa avere!
      Amano l'incondizionamento...

  3. Mariette, thank you, I'm crying all over again. I appreciate all your kind words of condolence. ♥

    I loved seeing the pics of your own cats, though it's bittersweet for me. Sadder is the poor cat outside, with no one to care for him. I know Derry had a wonderful life here, though right now that doesn't ease the pain of loss. In time, I hope it will.

    Blessings to you all ♥

    1. Dearest Kim,
      No thanks as this is only natural — we all grief Derry with you!
      Knowing too well how it feels to lose such a loyal companion and losing their unconditional love is heart breaking. I've shed many tears over the loss of our kitties over the last 22 years. Even before when we lived in The Netherlands and when our sweet Bartje got poisoned and his dead body shoved under the entrance door adjacent to the wooden pergola. That was our surprise for Easter morning... Some people can be so cruel! And yes, even that friend–cat who loves to hang around the house—searching for a glimpse of affection. Guess our kitties told him about their lives...
      Our Speckie girl has been sick the past couple of days. We always worry about them and knowing fully well that they're not going to be with us forever. But while they are with us—we love them as unconditional as they love us!
      Big all around hugs for you and lucky you have always been an avid photographer and have many captured moments to continue on. Like you already suggested, sharing them as your 'Monday Mancat Memories' might be the best way to heal...
      Mariette and Pieter who always reads all comments...

  4. Cats are independent and rule any relationship. I know mine did; that's why I wrote a book about him.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Guess the ancient Egyptians knew already about all the mysteries around cats—they kept them as companions and they even got mummified with their owner.

  5. Cats are incredible animals. Your friend certainly gave hers a lot of love, but it's sad when they leave, there's a very deep void.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, they are incredible and losing such a loyal companion leaves a deep void.
      But with lots of support we all make it through!

  6. Ja de poezen zijn jullie kindjes.Je krijgt er veel liefde van terug. En ook leuke momenten. Wij hadden ook een poes.Veel plezier van gehad.

    1. Beste Ellie,
      Ja, ook voor Kim, was Derry uit de 1ste foto alles wat ze had. Hij is niet meer sinds vrijdag dus is ze alléén. Het zijn kindjes en heel aanhankelijk. Die van jullie was ook heel lief en heeft een mooi leven gehad.

  7. Me encantan los gatos y aunque ahora no tengo ninguno en casa, los he tenido cuando era pequeña.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, los gatitos son compañeros tan dulces, juguetones y también leales.
      Me alegro de que también lo sepas de primera mano.

  8. I used to have 5 cats and a dog. They've all passed and now just 1 cat and 1 dog - both are almost 9 years old. We have such a perfect balance with them and I am not interested in getting another dog or cat. We're one big happy content family of four; everyone gets along so nicely. Bring in a new cat or dog and everything gets all messed up and I don't want to lose the congeniality that we have.

    I do love cats. They've always been a weakness of mine.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      It sure is important to find that perfect balance—ours get along rather well with each other and so do we with each other 😏
      Our concern is far more that we don't want that our kitties outlive us...
      There are so many sad stories about pets ending up at the humane society and not getting adopted due to being senior.
      Pets are so very special and they do touch our hearts in a unique way!

  9. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Derry sure was a handsome cat man!

  10. RIP Derry.
    It's heartbreaking when our furbabies leave us.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, it is very sad because they have become family members.

  11. Zoveel liefde van onze beestje 🍀🐾🍀❤️ Groetjes van mij

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja, wij ontvangen inderdaad heel veel liefde van onze beestjes. Lieve huisdieren!

  12. Dit is genieten Mariette.
    (als je onze Milly wilt zien kun je dat op mijn gedichtenblog)

    Lieve groetjes,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, naast het leed bij het verlies van een van onze furbabies of die van een lieve vriendin, géven ze zo ontzettend veel liefde en warmte!
      Had al een comment achtergelaten en nu ook juist jou blog toegevoegd op mijn sideline met behulp van mijn eerdere post hoe je dat moest doen om 'm ook te laten veranderen bij een nieuwe post.
      BLIJ ermee!


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