
Friday, February 3, 2023

Pieter ALWAYS Worked Hard and Did Things Himself

 Being an immigrant makes you START OVER LIFE...

Below video on YouTube you find clickable links with information...
Pieter standing proudly in front of his meticulously straight placed fence! 
Seen at clickable 12:26 in above video.
Great job!
Now looking the other way towards our driveway (left) and street.
Corner posts and intermediate posts every 25 m in the concrete.
Total length of 110 m and DAYS OF WORK... Yep, another mega task DONE!

This was also the very day (February 10 of 1984) that Pieter officially had become a member of the Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia/U.S.A.
Pieter was already a member in The Netherlands since May 11, 1976 of the Rotary Club of Venray, The Netherlands district 1550, where he was President in the year 1978/1979.
That very same year, Pieter was also Honorary President of the Rotary Club Royal Forest of Dean, UK district 1100.
Our late friend Roy J. Chappell wrote this to Pieter on Valentine's Day:
Dear Pieter:
Welcome to my Rotary Club—both you and Mariet.
The worldwide reach of Rotary is manifested in your joining our club.
Whenever I may help you in Rotary—or any part of you and Mariet's life here in Laurens County—please call on my.

What a very kind gesture and he's been a tremendous friend over many years and he did tour Mom & Dad and us around through Laurens and surrounding Counties to show us the rural agricultural part of it.
Forever fond memories!
Such a NEAT fence and here you see the wood that had to get split for burning it in our wood burner in the living room.
Our 1st home's garden was of a perfect size, not too deep in the back. To the right you just can see our veranda.
The other end of the 110 meter long fence with our rock garden.
It was on March 9, 1984 that we also had our front porch tiled with the imported Dutch tiles and our garage got tiled with the leftover tiles from the Campbell mushroom farm that Pieter designed.
Just had scrubbed them with authentic Dutch Green Soap and mopped it dry with a real Dutch dweil...
Our tiled garage... also scrubbed clean!
We both loved our 'new' garage with tiles!
Do you have tiles in your garage or front porch?
In our present home we also do...

Related link:
Husband Pieter Doing it ALL | previous post by me showing the now tiled patio and wall added for privacy—done by Pieter of course
My 3rd Home with my French DMC Rose Filet Lace Crocheted Curtains | showing the new front door with windows and my crocheted curtains...
A HUGE Snapping Turtle | previous post by me


  1. I love that veranda and the tiles, and hope that whoever lives in that house now does as well. 🙂

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Thank you and we both always have loved tiles—easier to clean and less tracking of dirt inside the home.
      One of the people living there I knew but at present we have no idea who lives there...

  2. You and Pieter are an example to us all the amount of hard work you have done.

    God bless, Mariette.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, we seldom sat idle and it gives a lot of satisfaction!

  3. Ahora puede estar satisfecho, de todo lo que ha logrado en la vida. Todo lo ha logrado con su esfuerzo y además tiene una gran compañera, que lo apoya y lo apoyará siempre.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Incluso hoy digo: ¡El equipo Vedder lo ha vuelto a hacer! Hacemos cosas juntos tanto como sea posible y nos apoyamos mutuamente de cualquier manera posible ...
      De hecho, muy agradable para mirar hacia atrás.

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, they are indeed lovely for reliving and enjoying the beauty of it.
      We never shied the hard work and it was sad when Campbell Soup forced us to move up north and leaving all that behind...

  5. Dag mariette,

    Wat een leuke huis en huizen in de straat.
    Ik zag ook nog een vlinder op prachtige bloemen.
    En een eekhoorntje die even kwam buurten:)
    Pieter heeft het hek netjes geplaatst.
    Mooi die Nederlandse tegels en de Nederlandse zeep:)

    Mooie herinneringen.

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, die tegels die kwamen beiden vanuit Nederland, de garage was over van de kwekerij en alle materiaal kwam in 90 40-foot containers vanuit Nederland naar Savannah. Wij boften en de Groene Zeep gebruiken we nóg altijd hier. Via Vander Veen's Dutch Store in Wyoming, Michigan.
      Je cultuur verlies je nooit. En dat hek was ook prachtig. Fout gemeten zodat alles te lang was en daar van maakte Pieter het práchtige hekwerk voor onze tuin.
      Die eekhoorntjes had ik later getemd en ze aten uit de hand en we konden ze kriebelen. De babies sprongen bij Pieter speels aan zijn korte broek. Dàt vonden we nog het ergste toen we moesten verhuizen van Campbell's... onze tamme tuinvriendjes achterlaten!
      Maar de herinneringen blijven.

  6. I can see that you are meticulous and demanding people. That's the only way to have a long and respected career. I want it to stay that way for many years to come.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      One of our late friends and one we worked for; Dr. Murray O'Neil used to say—the devil is in the details and that is true for everything!
      Also both of us believe in doing it right the first time.

  7. Lovely pictures and memories! The veranda is just fantastic...
    Have a happy Sunday and take care :)

    1. Dearest Titti,
      Thank you and sure those are lovely memories to both of us!
      Here in the south we most often have a veranda and it adds to the character of the homes.

  8. I love the verandah!
    You and Pieter never cease to amaze me, dearest Mariette.
    Hugs and blessings!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and I guess it comes close to the 'serambi muka' which we also knew in Indonesia!
      Hard work gives so much satisfaction and by doing so we have learned a lot.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
