
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Husband Pieter Talks About His Experiences during WWII in TV Interview

Memorial Day is on May 29 so it is again important for the young(er) generations to hear first hand stories from people that were deprived from ANY FREEDOM:

If you view this on YouTube you will find clickable links below video from the segments where Pieter is mentioned with photos and where he speaks. Also don't forget to click on 'CC' for seeing English caption...

Related link:
By Husband Pieter: MY LIFE AS A TEEN DURING THE WWII ERA | previous post by husband Pieter


  1. Beste Mariette,

    Vrijheid zoveel waard!
    Het kan niet genoeg gezegd worden.

    Alle goeds en liefs,

  2. The survivors of World War 2 are becoming fewer and every interview with one of them is a treasure for the young generation - an opportunity to learn about the price of freedom from first hand stories.

  3. Hi dear Mariette - hope by now you are doing much better and are on the road to a total recovery from your recent frightening health scare.
    Watched this interesting interview with Pieter - always enjoy listening to him. Being somewhat older than me he can recall more of the struggles during WWII - I was a baby when our town on the south coast of England was bombed several times so I don't have actual memories, only the stories told me by my parents, and then reading and watching movies etc. about those hard, sad times. Both my parents were in the Royal Air Force when they met and married - my mother left when she was expecting me and my dad stayed until the end of the war. In Britain, like the Netherlands, we were rationed for many years and food was scarce. We grew our own 'Victory Garden' with veggies and fruits - I learned a lot about gardening as a young child! Today I'm thinking about my parents and all military personnel who gave so much for our freedom throughout the world.
    Hope we'll see more of you here soon. I'm just back from California so am behind on the blog. This lousy wet weather all weekend hasn't helped - a shame with so many planning outdoor celebrations.
    Thinking of you.
    Mary XX

  4. Hello Mariette and Pieter, I just watched that interview showcasing Pieter's vivid recollections of the terrors of war. What an important lesson this is for every person to understand the horrors and waste of war. Today on Memorial Day is especially appropriate to remember the people who fought in each war, and while they suffered the awful experiences of those times, they vastly improved the world for the rest of us.

  5. That was a wonderful interview with your Pieter about his experiences while occupied. These stories have to be told and made alive - our young people are too focused on themselves and many don't want to think about it too deeply, as it ruffles their delicate feathers - I am sure that interview touched many - Thank you for sharing it with us. God Bless

  6. No tuvimos bastante con esa guerra, para que la humanidad aprendiera las trágicas consecuencias que trae la guerra. Hoy volvemos de nuevo a las confrontaciones con la invasión de territorios ucranianos.

  7. The interview was interesting, I have a love of history

  8. I agree with Debby—these stories have to be told and shared.
    I have memories of the horror stories of the Japanese Occupation my parents used to regale us with.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette.

  9. An incredible testimony that gave me goosebumps. I hope you're better, you're certainly recovering, that's my wish.

  10. Thinking of you both and hoping all is OK in your lovely corner of Georgia.
    Sending hugs - Mary

  11. From Helen in Bend Oregon .... missing your wonderful presence and special brand of energy today. Hoping things in your household are OK.

  12. I've just watched Sue Colter's interview with you, Pieter. I was very moved by it, especially by the note of reconciliation at the end. It reminded me of Fr Werenfried van Straaten OPream, 'The Bacon Priest' who helped bring about reconciliation between victims of WWII in his native Netherlands and in Germany. Aid to the Church in Need,, grew out of this.

    I hope that Mariette's recovery is progressing. You are both in my prayers.

    It was interesting to see at the end of the program three young men from my native city, the Real Dublin!, talking about their visit to Dublin, GA.

    Warmest greetings from Ireland. May God bless you both.

  13. Warmest greetings from Ireland. I hope, Mariette, that you are on the way to a full recovery. Know that you and Pieter are in my prayers.

    I was moved by the interview with Pieter, particularly by the note of reconciliation at the end. It reminded me of the famous Dutch 'Bacon Priest, Fr Werenfried van Straaten, a Norbertine, who saw that both the people of the Netherlands and people in Germany were victims of WWII. His initial work of asking Dutch people to help Germans who were left with nothing after the war grew into Aid to the Church in Need (

    I was amused to see three visitors from my native city, Dublin - the Real Dublin! - being interviewed by Sue about their visit to Dublin, GA

    May God bless you both abundantly.

  14. Oh Mariette what an experience but like you said, “you’re alive.” Take care of yourself and heal. My goodness you and Pieter both have been through the wringer this year. Thanks so much for checking in. I do think of you often and tend to worry when I don’t hear from you. Love ya and God Bless you.

  15. Heartwarming to know your energy level allowed a comment on my "Fever" poem ... I can imagine your group singing it! You especially .... try to consume shakes, etc that will add a few pounds to your already tiny frame. Thinking of you, sending energy from Bend.

  16. Dearest, if you read this, thanks so much for letting us know you are recuperating - we were so concerned! Know it's going to be a bit of a long haul most likely but if anyone can survive all you've been through this's definitely YOU sweet Mariette!
    Sending get well prayers and good thoughts to you, and Pieter too of course.
    Chin up and be sure to hang in there - we miss you and look forward to you being able to write more soon.
    Love XX

  17. I can't wait to watch the whole video. I am going to need to get my son or mom to take the kids out for a bit. Glad to see you are ok. I was worried about you and had been thinking about you.

  18. Non riesco a postare nel mio blog,puoi aiutarmi?Grazie

  19. Venho para desejar uma excelente semana,
    com melhoras na sua saúde, Mariette.
    Deixo também um abraço para o distinto casal
    Mariette / Pieter.
    Uma boa semana para o casal.

  20. i hope you're doing well thinking of you regime

  21. Helen here in Bend Oregon ... I am concerned for your wellbeing. If you have any way of reaching out please, please do.

  22. Mariette,

    Ik hoop dat het goed met jullie gaat.
    Hierbij lieve groetjes,

  23. I hope you are doing well and feeling much better. Will watch the video now that we do not have three grand girls with us . I miss them but need some time. Hugs, Betsy

  24. Dearest Mariette, sorry I have not asked earlier (I also had some health problem), but I am concerned about your "silence" both on your blog and on FB. I hope you are doing well, but maybe still tired ?
    Thinking of and praying for you and Pieter!
    Many hugs!!!

  25. Just checking in on you, Mariette. I hope you are doing Ok. I hope it's not too hot there where you live - this weekend is a hot one here in the mountains. Just thinking of you on this Sunday morning.


  26. Bedankt voor het delen van dit. Het doet me denken aan de verhalen van mijn ouders (kids in Rotterdam toentertijd)

  27. Liefs van hier. Hoe gaat het nu met je?

  28. Thinking of you today. Regine


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