
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Pieter practicing Bach's Minuet

A happy Pieter on Sunday evening, October 25, 1998 while I was cooking supper...
Pieter points to section where he has to play 8 notes at once and also read them!



  1. Complimenti Pieter per questo bel concerto di Bach!Statemi bene e buona giornata.

  2. People who have musical (or other) talent always amaze me! No one in my family does, that's certain. Music definitely speaks to the soul and can bring such joy. :-)

  3. Music is a joy, and the performer of music (in this case, Pieter) experienced and enthusiastic, offers us , the audience a great pleasure. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I so love Bach! Tell Pieter I enjoyed this very much.
    Blessings, Mariette!

  5. Always happy to see your name on my Readers List! I hope your physical well being is continuing to improve EVERY day!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your visits to my blog, Mariette.

  6. Una gran partitura, de un grandioso compositor.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  7. I enjoyed hearing Pieter play.
    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette

  8. Hello Mariette and Pieter, What a charming piece that Minuet is, and how lucky to be able to play it for yourself. In my Ohio life I had a piano, and what a blessing it was for figuring out music and playing some favorite pieces. A keyboard instrument can often be the center of a home.

  9. It can be seen that your Pieter, in addition to being a multifaceted man, is an excellent entertainer. You are a wonderful couple

  10. Gostei muito de ver Pieter tocar, aguardarei mais vezes!
    Como está você, Mariette? Como está sua saúde?
    Deixo votos de feliz semana, paz e muita saúde!

  11. Hey, pretty good. Now he needs to start working on the left hand! I used to play a little, but never kept at it.

  12. Thanks for sharing the little video, Mariette. Pieter is so talented. Oh, how I wish I continued with my piano lessons. I can only play a couple songs to this day. I hope you are doing well, and enjoy the Autumn season coming up. : )


  13. Absolutely wonderful. Thinking of you today. Hugs. Love to you. Regine

  14. I enjoyed that. I came from Duta's blog and thought that is a Dutch name when I saw yours Indeed Where is the accent from? Groningen?

  15. Olá, Mariette, uma ótima postagem, feita com bom gosto e musicalidade.
    Gostei de ver Pieter ao piano, com sua bela música.
    Aplausos para o distinto casal.
    Votos de um bom final de semana, saúde e paz!

  16. Think of you often. Hope you’re well. Regine

  17. How nice! these memories that you have kept safe, how cherished they are, it shows!

  18. Hello, Mariette. I hope that your PET went well. I am praying for you and Pieter. God bless you both. Father Sean. PS Maybe in light of the video you posted here you should change the name of the blog to 'MARIETTE'S BACH TO BASICS'. On that (flat?) note I'll leave.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
