
Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter weekend is over, at least here in the USA it is only till Sunday as they don't celebrate Second Easter Day which is Monday. But being from the Old World, it is still in our minds and always will remain that way.
Today is also the memory of Pieter's Mother's birthday... and a very sad tiding that did reach us on Saturday in the wee hours of the morning by 1:30AM (6:30AM Dutch time) that our dear sister-in-law Dora Vedder had passed on to eternity.
Let me first put a photo here from the champagne tin that I'd mentioned in my Easter Season blog, that I use to put up Easter items for storage till the next Easter. That was from Thé and Dora Vedder, given to Pieter for a special birthday.
 Here it is together with a beautiful pot of mini cyclamen which were given by friend Maria Runggaldier from Ristorante da Maria. We will treasure the tin even more so from now on!
Getting back to Dora... I will show here a beautiful teacup and saucer that I'd received from her one year. It is a Purple Violet from Provincial Flowers by Royal Albert, in  the Purple Violet England. I was lucky to find a second set just alike at Replacements Ltd. and even found two silver demitasse spoons from Wallace Silver in the Violet pattern at Replacements Ltd with a bon-bon scoop as well. It helps to always have two of each so you can enjoy a cup of tea with a friend or with your husband who IS supposed to be your best friend as well.
Here you see the two demitasse spoons with the cup and saucer as well as a tiny silver vase that I filled with freshly picked purple violets from our botanical garden. They are all over the floor of our wood garden where we walk over a trail to enjoy all the beauty. In the front with the one demitasse spoon are candied violets that I made. Lots of work and no wonder why these candied violets are that expensive, if purchased to decorate a special cake! Only nuns in a monastery, or the many hands in a harem; given each a task could accomplish all this, but we as ordinary housewives cannot be that kind of centipede...
It was fun though for trying!
Well here we have two options... and which would get approval for a vintage look?
Pensez à moi ~ yes, Dora we will always remember you when comes violet time and I will treasure your teacup & saucer as long as I live and as long as they live... with the help of Replacements Ltd.
 Dora, you have passed on to eternity but your heart remains forever young and you certainly were the Hostess of Hostesses serving so many generous, delicious meals to the ones you loved so much. 
Thanks for feeding our body and soul.


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ja wirklich ein trauriges Ostern für euch. Wie schön, dass du Erinnerungsstücke an deine Schwägerin hast. So viele Gedanken und Erinnerungen steigen in uns hoch, wenn wir uns mit diesen Erinnerungsstücken beschäftigen. Es ist ja wunderbar, dass du von diesem seltenen Muster noch ein zweites Set gefunden hast. Und die Besteckteile sind zauberhaft und passen wunderbar dazu. Die zarten Veilchen sind so schön und ich stelle es mir herrlich vor, wenn im Garten große Plätze damit bewachsen sind.

    Wir haben uns als Kinder gerne den Spruch ins Poesiealbum geschrieben:

    Sei wie das Veilchen im Moose
    bescheiden, sittsam und rein
    und nicht wie die stolze Rose,
    die immer bewundert will sein.

    Liebe Grüße von Johanna

  2. Hi Mariette, dearest! It made me so sad reading about Dora! Our "Pops" (hubbies dad) died in last november. I saved a little croched crocheted, lilac tablecloth from his heritage. I hold an eagle eye on it! It means so much to me! Dad's heirloom on the table and wonderful memories in my heart.

    I want to thank you from the heart for your wonderful comment on my blog. Dein Blog ist wundervoll und ich hab mich als Follower eingetragen, damit ich nichts mehr verpasse.

    Sei lieb gedrückt! Biene von Moers, Germany (nahe der holländischen Grenze ... Venlo), wo heut die Sonne einen ganzen Tag lang fleissig den Tag erleuchtet hat!

  3. Beste Pieter en Mariette,

    Veel sterkte met de verwerking van het verlies van Dora. Je hebt een heel warm en dankbaar berichtje geplaatst. Groetjes Ingrid

  4. Thanks for all your support!
    Lots of love and sunshine from Georgia/USA ~ yes we need sunshine to focus always positively. I feel blessed with such a network of support world-wide!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Your words about Dora were so touching. I am sad to hear of her passing and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    You are very kind to think of me in this post and I am humbled by your sweet words.. I am certainly no expect on vintage styling but thank you thinking of me.. I love flowers that are displayed in silver vases as you have them here. Their lovely as all you do...
    Warm hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
