
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Oh my... how to start?

First of all many thanks to Johanna Gehrlein from Silber+Rosen who was so kind to present me with this surprise! Thanks a lot, it means even more so, coming from you as author of the great book Rosen-Bestecke or for the German readers das Buch auf deutsch wo sie mich ja auch noch verlinkt hat. SO LIEB! SO SWEET!
But now I too should manage my listing of ten reasons for being happy...

01)  Happy because I still have parents that are alive, just talked to Mom in The Netherlands via phone this afternoon.
02)  Happy for having found TRUE LOVE in my life.
03)  Happy for the health that God granted both of us.
04)  Happy with our personal Paradise we have created in the 20 years of intense gardening.
05)  Happy for being able to communicate in so many languages with people from all over the world!
06)  Happy for seeing our adopted daughter Liz and foster daughter Anita both doing well.
07)  Happy with the health of our felines.
08)  Happy with the beautiful spring season and the perfect weather right now before the heat starts.
09)  Happy with the huge grant of Rotary International that we managed for the poor leprosy patients in Indonesia.
10)  Happy with all the loyal readers of my blog who inspire me to share more!

Now I am delighted to pass it on to four of my favorite readers:
1) Das Büh und die Lillypookze from Schlaflos in NRW for her sweet comments and great writing about her highly skilled creations of cuddle toys. The sweetest creations I've ever seen!
2) Michela from Italy who does the splendid blog of Mami G. Maison that is truly a joy to follow! Of course for me it is special since I lived and worked in Italy and for curing my home-sickness at times... when I'm blue.
3) Nicola from September Cottage certainly is deserving of an award! She is so sweet and bi-lingual in the contact between her and me. She lives in the UK and is from Hamburg, Germany. For the English readers, again this is no language barrier as she has a translation button on her page and even with some of its shortcomings, don't miss all the above mentioned blogs!
And now... this is the highlight as it certainly is last but not LEAST:
4) Johanna Gehrlein from Silber+Rosen! Silber-und-Rosen-Shop

Hope these fine young ladies are all very happy recipients of this well earned award. Congratulations and wishing all of you many more years of serious, quality blogging! Let's stay in touch as we all continue our sociable journey through cyberspace where there are no virtual boundaries.

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