
Thursday, April 15, 2010


You did see already our Fiberglass Flower Boxes in some of the garden photos but now I want to share them with you more in depth. We do have ours for some ten years now so that is long enough to know what their quality is so I'm confident to share them with my readers. Okay, found my invoice and they are actually from February 21, 1996 - that is the 8Ft ones in the photo below and the other 3Ft and 5FT from our bay windows are from October 14, 1996. They came from Flower Framers of Cincinnati (click it) in Cincinatti, OH. These Fiberglass Window Boxes do come in White, Hunter Green and Satin Black; look here for The Ultimate Flower Box click it and scroll down) as there are 15 other color options besides white.
Due to their larger size they are a far better choice for any plant variety; that creates so to speak a nice buffer. We do live in the southeast where the climate can be rather harsh. The smaller sized window boxes never delivered the performance we get from these. Even with tender perennials such as our prized Verbena Silver Anne we have been able to keep them alive even during cold winters. Just showing you these Verbena Silver Anne in full bloom on the photos below, one more in detail and one full length on our retainer wall next to the drive way.  

They are made out of maintenance-free lightweight fiberglass. For more information please look here at Flower Framers of Cincinnati ←click it. Their drainage system (very visible in the center photo; on the side you see the two holes) is a great feature as well. We also do have them, as you saw earlier in the garden tour, on our bay window of the kitchen and on the side of our veranda. This photo shows the smallest size we have on one of the two bay window sides. Plants thrive extremely well inside these boxes as is evidence in the next close-up.


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    zunächst einmal vielen lieben Dank für deinen sehr netten Kommentar in meinem Rosengärtchen. Darüber habe ich mich total gefreut.

    Welch Blütenpracht!! Einfach wunderschön auch die Blumenkästen. Die Idee finde ich genial.

    Liebe Grüße aus dem Norden Deutschlands von


  2. Dear Mariette!!

    Your flower boxes look fantastic!!! I cannot believe how old they are - I will be needing boxes soon, normally I would not even thougt about anything other than thank you for the tip!!! Also love your flowers you have planted, very very pretty!!!

    Have a great weekend!!


  3. p.s. Just noticed that you left me a comment on my website (cheesecake)- THANK YOU so much!I have given up with checking for comments on it a bit, originally started the website for friends who were always complaining how bad I was when it came to staying in contact....anyway, most of them e-mail or phone me, so to see a comment was really very exciting! Thank you! (And hope you will enjoy the cheese cake!!) Lovely weekend to you! Nicola

  4. those look absolutely fantastic! I might need to get some to put on our deck

  5. Your flowers are gorgeous in the fiber glass boxes. Never have tired them.

  6. Excelentes fotografias de belas flores....


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