
Sunday, April 11, 2010


Just like to share some nice photos with you, taken with Narcissus from our garden used for the dinner I hosted for 12 people here at our home on Monday, March 29. Didn't have time to take photos from the table setting but I did get the highly fragrant Narcissus Cragford; as I knew it would be my last chance and they were not yet introduced to my readers. So after dinner, unloading my second dishwasher and putting things up, I took this shot at 2:00AM from the perfect Narcissus Tazetta. If you click on the hyperlink you will be surprised with the detailed information about these Tazetta being from ancient Greece and Egypt. So if you plan on buying some of these beauties you might want to subscribe to this blog, just as I did. They do list some sales addresses that might be useful for fall ordering flower bulbs.

Okay, let's talk about the Narcissus Cragford that I will show here in a few photos. Here I teamed them up with a cup and saucer from the Daffodil of Royal Albert Friendship series, which is listed at Replacements Ltd so if you fall for it; try your luck! The spoon is from Avon and the embroidered handkerchief kind of matches the larger plate I do have for serving cookies. I thought they do match the Cragford Narcissus just perfectly.

Here they are, more close-up and just letting you catch a glimpse of the cachet pot in which I had arranged them. That is a Wedgwood embossed Queens ware. Below you can better see the Aries heads with garlands in-between.

Very nice embossing on this Queens ware. The inside even has some decorative embossing around the edge.
Hope you enjoyed this brief update but I certainly did not want to withhold this information from you...
It is about time to let go of our Narcissus for the year 2010 ~ they will be back next year and maybe surprise us once again with an early spring...

1 comment:

  1. Liebe Mariette,

    dein Garten ist wirklich ein Füllhorn voller schöner Blüten. Wie wunderbar, wenn man so üppig mit frischen Blumen versorgt ist. Diese Art von Narzissen gefallen mir wirklich gut, sie sind auch auf den alten Blumenstilleben verewigt. Und ich staune, dass es die Narzissen sogar als Porzellandekor gibt. Wie hübsch das zusammen aussieht. Und wie wunderschön du diese Sachen kombinierst. Der Löffel mit dem kunstvoll durchbrochenen Griff ist ja ein ganz besonders schönes Stück. Alles wunderschön - aber da sage ich dir ja nichts Neues.

    Ganz liebe Grüße von Johanna


Thanks for your visit and comment.
