
Thursday, January 6, 2011

{Part II: 19 NEW Romantic Rose Boxes etc. by French Artist Françoise}

Okay, here comes the remainder of the romantic French Country Style Rose Art by Françoise Kiéné from France.

French Basics

Unique Signed Collage Painting in Classical Frame by Françoise. See again at: Spectrenoir for more details.
Sorry Sold Out...
Unique French Country Style gifts!

Beautiful composition of pink roses and hydrangea by Françoise, in a technique of collage and painting on cloth that has been tightened on a wooden chassis. See it at: Spectrenoir for more info.

Beautiful painted composition on wooden pencil box with sliding top. Signed by artist Françoise Kíéné. See at: Spectrenoir again for more.

Wooden box with romantic roses by French artist Françoise Kiéné. Look at: Mariette's Back to Basics for sizing and more.

Wooden Box with pink Roses on a pale blue background, done by French artist Françoise Kiéné. See at: Spectrenoir for more about it.

Dark wooden box with roses composition painted by French artist  Françoise Kiéné. Some woodcarving on the lid and on outsides. See it at: Spectrenoir for full info.

Round wooden box with rose and violets by French artist Françoise. View it at: Spectrenoir for further info.

Hexagonal wooden box with roses on a pale blue background by French artist Françoise Kiéné. See it at: Spectrenoir for more info.

Photo by Françoise the artist

Three adorable  wooden boxes with rose(s) composition painted on the lid by French artist Françoise Kiéné. For further information please see them at: Spectrenoir.

The photos are made by Françoise and by me, in our gazebo without a flash as the summer sun is providing already plenty of light. So that's why you have seen different colors but rest assured all the French Basics Artwork from Françoise looks so nature-like; it is great perfection!

Sorry SOLD OUT...


  1. Hallo meine liebe Mariette,

    erst mal vielen herzlichen Dank für deine lieben Glückwünsche zu meinem Lädchen, ich hab mich sehr darüber gefreut :o)))

    Deine romantischen Rosenbilder auf den Holzschatullen sind absolut zauberhaft, wer kann den nur sooo schön malen... WOW ... gaaanz toll!!!

    Wünsch dir noch eine wunderschöne Restwoche und schick gaaanz viele liebe Grüße


  2. Mariette, Liebes! Ich kann Dir garnicht beschreiben, wie schön ich diese Rosenschätze finde!
    Françoise Kiéné kannte ich noch nicht, aber wer so hauchzart malen kann, den muss man im Auge behalten! Danke für diesen wundervollen Post! Das tut der Seele gut!

    Ganz doll liebe und verzauberte Grüße aus Moers nach Georgia, Biene & die Kittycatz :O)

  3. Hi Mariette, hope I could have been with you in the gazebo staring at these beauties (beauty is a French phonetic corruption after all).
    Like the last wooden boxes above all.
    All the best, Elisabetta

  4. Dear Mariette!!!!!

    I CANNOT believe HOW much I have missed!!! You have been BUSY!!! Just came back to read up on you edible flower post and there are 4 new ones too!!!!! Sommer time is running too fast!!!!! NOT enough hours in the days.... Mike went back to France this afternoon, so I will have a little more time now again....feeling guilty...:)!!!! Well, better get reading!!!!!!

    Have a LOVELY day - is it HOT in Georgia too?I think this is my hottest summer in the UK yet (well, have not had many summers here...but still!).

    Will be back soon!



  5. Liebe Mariette,
    auch hier kann man nur sagen - wunderschön!
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  6. Marietta Hello, Thanks for your feedback and your support always, are appreciated! I'll try my flags, like I said I'm not very good blogger. You are told that these boxes with the roses are beautiful, visit your online store and you have some interesting things romantic home décor, I have answered some of your questions in my blog, greetings Rose Marie


Thanks for your visit and comment.
