
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

{French Country Style Table Lamp in Rose Decor}

Well, it is not yet spring, so we do need some ambiance lighting in our homes!
What about a rare find of a French Country Style Limoges Table Lamp in Rose Decor?

Check at: Spectrenoir for more info.
Husband Pieter did manage again to rebuild the wiring from French to American system and it is ready with a new Energy Saving bulb; for keeping the Planet Green!

Limoges France


  1. Herrlich das Rosendekor.
    Ich mag diesen Stil auch.
    Viele liebe Grüße

  2. Dear Mariette,

    I missed several of your posts, but caught up with you today. Congratulations on your fathers birthday. Ninety years old is quite something! So good to have your parents with you for such a long time! I would love that too. I hope you had a nice chat yesterday.

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  3. Oh la la, that is gorgeous! And a happy belated birthday to your dad!!!

  4. Quelle bien jolie rose de porcelaine!!
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    ★Bonne Année Mariette!!!★

  5. Van den Broek! Geloof het of niet maar daar ging ik heel vaak friet eten. Mijn beste schoolvriendin, Y. Lindelauf woonde in de straat waar ook frietzaak Van den Broek is, de Julianastraat als ik me niet vergis. Van den Broek stond bekend als de zaak met de lekkerste friet van Brunssum!!!
    Wat grappig dit.
    Een heel gezellige woensdag, lieve Mariette xxxxx

  6. Amiga, passei para uma visitinha e para desejar uma ótima semana... quando vi a postagem sobre o aniversário do seu pai...
    Deve ser uma enorme felicidade ter seu pai e sua mãe vivos...
    Sinto uma enorme saudade do meu pai...
    Então, amiga... cuide bem deles, dedique-se ao máximo que puder... porque você tem essas jóias preciosas.
    Bjs do Brasil

  7. Dear Mariette,

    First off, thank you so so much for the many kind words and wonderful comments that you leave for me. Whenever I see your name appear as I scroll down my comments, I cannot wait to read your reply :) How amazing it must have been to live and work in Indonesia—thank you for sharing a bit about your life on my New Year post.

    As for the lamp, what a find! It will certainly cheer up a corner wonderfully...

    Hope you are having a fabulous week and start the new year. May it be filled with many surprises and great things!

  8. Thank you Mairette, for your beautiful visit to my soulfully French art work.

    Stay beautiful and filled with inspiration.


  9. Hallo Mariette,
    sehr hübsch ist diese Lampe. Du hast ein gutes Auge für schöne Sachen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  10. Dear Mariette,

    Thank you so much for your beautiful comment and your sweet words on my blog. It´s always a pleasure knowing new bloggers like you!!!

    The lamp is so nice and delicate, love the roses motif!!
    Happy belated birthday to your dad, hope you have a wonderful year full of joy and love!



Thanks for your visit and comment.
