
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

{2 Ideas picked up at the Grand Hyatt, Atlanta}

For decades we do stay at our favorite hotels from the Hyatt family. 
The Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead is one of our favorites. Formerly it was hotel Nikko; hence its beautiful Japanese garden! Build in 1990. 
It was on April 30, of 1993 that we both did go to the Orange Ball; dinner & dance in honor of the Dutch Queen's birthday with the Atlanta Holland Club in Atlanta. A great evening with some 150 guests attending.
Not only is their service great, also the rooms and restaurant as well!
Let me show you what we took home as a great idea from this Hyatt hotel:
On March 3, 2007 we took this photo at the Grand Hyatt.
Detail of the Aluminum U-Channel with rounded sides.
After writing to the Grand Hyatt we did get the address of the company.
It is McMaster-Carr from Atlanta (among its several locations) and here you can see their rounded U-Channels (click on hyperlink to go to their website).
In the toilet downstairs in our Rose Suite it is implemented already with three glass shelves (only 2 are shown).
This is the tissue roll holder in the Rose Suite, from Damixa/Denmark.
We had not enough space for using it in a 'double setting' as learned from the Grand Hyatt in Atlanta...
In our bathroom it did work and even side-by-side by turning one upside down.
Not very close together, due to the design but still very convenient for ample supply!
This is our guest bathroom duo.


  1. Schöne Ideen, vorallem das Regal gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Wenn man viel auf Reisen ist und in Hotels übernachtet kann sich immer neue Ideen mit nach Hause nehmen.

    ganz liebe Grüße

  2. Hallo Mariette,
    ja, das ist wahr. Wenn man die Augen offen hält, findet man viele gute Ideen. Du hast dein heim überall hübsch und geschmackvoll eingerichtet.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  3. Hi Mariette,

    Nice details & ideas! Hope you and Pieter are well? I am very busy with work, my family & baking. There is an apple bramble cobler in the oven now that smells heavenly!

    Wish you a nice day!

    lieve groet, Madelief


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