
Thursday, October 28, 2010

{Cholesterol: When? How? Why?}

Of course, after husband Pieter's quadruple bypass on September 3, we are now more educated than before on a healthy diet and such.
As before in my blog about the heart I want to share this valuable information with you.
High Cholesterol is one factor that increases the risk of disease.
Just click on the following images that I got from the French Linternaute Magazine on line.
Stay tuned for some healthy recipes!


  1. Hi Mariette,
    Thank you for sharing your info on heart health. It is so important to know and follow. My hubby and I are avid health nuts and always stayed informed on heart health issues.
    Looking forward to your recipes.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. It was an awesome tea room and the pics just don't do it justice.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  2. Guten Morgen,
    mit diesem Thema muß ich mich auch regelmäßig auseinanderstzen.
    Mein Cholesterinspiegel ist auch immer zu hoch.
    Also der LDL Spiegel, da aber das Hdl bei mir auch immer recht hach ist gleicht es sich wieder weitestgehend aus.

    Besonders schön finde ich den Fragenkatalog dazu, bei mir läuft das so.
    Rauchen sie? Nein
    Trinken sie?Nein
    Essen sie viel Butter? Nein
    Viel Schweinefleisch? Nein hauptsächlich Geflügel
    Ja dann.
    Wieso ist mein Cholesterin dann so Hoch?
    Vielleicht Vererbung.

    Also kann ich ernährungsmäßig nichts umstellen.
    Mal schauen wie es bei der nächsten Untersuchung abläuft.

    Ganz liebe Grüße

  3. Hi Mariette, it is important to know this information! There are many ways of eating poorly, today we have so many and such a variety of sites with junk food and poor eating habits. For example, eating more salad is something we support, but not always accomplish. I think care is to have a compromise oneself. Rose Marie greetings

  4. Thanks so much for some great information. This is my first visit to your site, but I'll be back!

    1. Dearest Linda,
      You are quite welcome and my intention is always to help others with certain health issues. As we age, our health is often at risk and we can do a lot by adhering to a good diet and exercise.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
