
Friday, October 22, 2010

{2 Pink Roses Jewelry/Pill Box composition painted in France}

Another Romantic Jewelry/Pill Box with two darling PINK ROSES composition painted on the lid.
Françoise Kiéné Aced, my artist friend from France has again proven her skills here.
Signed with her initials, as you clearly can see. This is for sale at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique:  Mariette's Back to Basics.
Unique French Country Style gift!
Don't wait as this unique piece is the ONLY one available.
View Françoise's collection in this post:{IKEA WHITE GODMORGON CABINET FOR ROMANTIC ROSE BOXES}

Sorry Sold out...


  1. Liebe Mariette,
    die Dosen sind ganz zauberhaft und romantisch!
    Ganz lieben Gruß

  2. Liebe mariette,fast zu schade um nur Pillen darin aufzubewahren, oder???
    Wir waren heute in der nahegelegenen Stadt zum Einkaufen ubd auch ein bisschen "Chrysanthema" luft zu schnuppern.Seit einigen Jahren findert dort im Herbst eine Chrysanthemenausstellung statt.In der Innestadt sind überall Chrysanthemenarrangements aufgebaut und es kommen mittlerweile ganze Busladungen voller Touristen.In diesen Wochen ist die Stadt total überfüllt mit Menschen.Allerdings gibt es auch ein schönes Rahmenprogramm mit Musik und Kochshows,ein Riesenrad um hoch über der Heimat den Blick schweifen zu lassen und natürlich Chrysanthemen soweit das Auge reicht...
    GGLG astrid

  3. ♥ Olá, amiga!
    Passei para uma visitinha...♥♥
    Linda, delicada e romântica!...amei a caixa!♥
    ♥ Bom fim de semana!
    ♥♥ Itabira

  4. Dear Mariette,

    The decoration of that box is so gorgeous... simply romantic.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my story. It's very much appreciated :-))


  5. Dear Mariette!!!

    I was thinking of you this morning...Crumbs had an extra long sniff - WHAT a lovely way describe the dog's sniffing...I LOVED how you put it!!! :) SO this particular bush this morning was a fascinating read (I wish I had a book like that on the go at the moment...)

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

    With lots of love


  6. Dear Mariette,
    Oh how beautiful the romantic box is. Gorgeous roses from such talented hands of your friend. I do not think it will last long in your shop.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. It is so nice to see you. Your comments are always encouraging and inspiring to me.
    I hope you have a grand week filled with lots of creativity.

    Blessings to you,
    Celestina Marie


Thanks for your visit and comment.
