
Sunday, October 24, 2010

{XIIth ISMS Braunschweig, Germany Plate of 1987}

Just three days ago, I did write about: {My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms}
The happy mushroom family made in brass. Low and behold, I did forget to include this special plate with porcelain painting of Braunschweig with:
 'Der Altstadtmarkt um 1855'
The Old City Market at 1855
The plate's porcelain painting is done by Porzellanmalerei Kreuzer from Altenstadt WN (on the river Waldnaab).
Johanna Gehrlein, from Silber + Rosen (Silver and Roses) would appreciate this kind of porcelain painting!
XIIth International Congress on the
Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi
International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS)
XIIth International Congress on the Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi
Okay, now you know what husband Pieter's 'pay' was for giving two papers at this Congress...
A very nice porcelain plate! 
It is hanging with pride in our office.


  1. Dear Mariette,
    this plate is surely a wonderfull memory to those days in Braunschweig. It is so amazing to hear what huge international congresses are held about mushrooms. Those little guys we all buy in the supermarket and certainly we know that they are cultivated by somebody. But before I have met you I never had thought that there exists a big organisation after it. The plate is a nice eyecatcher and the painting is very nicely done.
    I am sure it is a adorable item in Pieters Office.
    Wish you a nice week.
    Greetings, Johanna

  2. Hi Mariette, very lovely plate. I collect plates and have many hanging in my dining area. Never knew there were conferences on mushrooms. Interesting indeed! Hope you are having a great Monday! :) Tammy

  3. Ohja, liebe Mariette, den Altstadtmarkt, das ist doch das Herz unserer Stadt! Den kenne ich schon, seit ich kleines Kind war. :-)

    Toll, dieser Erinnerungs-Porzellanteller! Die Pilze sind immer mit dabei ...

    Und die FAL kenne ich natürlich gut.

    Erst heute kann ich antworten - denn ich fahre bald auf Kur und habe deshalb vorher noch eine Menge zu tun.

    Viele liebe Grüße


Thanks for your visit and comment.
