
Friday, October 29, 2010

{Cholesterol Friendly Pumpkin Soup ♥ Healthy ♥}

As promised before, I want to share these recipes with you.
Just click on the images to enlarge them for better reading.
Enjoy this healthy recipe!
Bon Appétit!

Recette Soupe au potiron | Original French recipe from Le Journal des FEMMES


  1. I love pumpkin soup but am vegetarian so don't do chicken broth. I use a vege extract to season everything with. It is organic and gives just the right seasoning for all my soup and vege dishes. Yummo! I definitely need to make pumpkin soup very soon. Tis the season!

    My dad had bypass surgery when he was 45 and all his brothers and sisters have had heart surgery or have passed away due to heart problems. The year before I was to turn 40, I completely changed my eating habits. At last check, my cholesterol and all numbers were perfect, so I am hoping to break the cycle of heart disease.

    Hope you have a great weekend. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. Hi Mariette,
    thank you for this wonderful recipe. I am going to try this. We love pumpkin soup.
    Greetings, Johanna


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