
Sunday, March 13, 2011

{Our 2 Inseparable Feline Siblings SACHA & BANDIDO}

These photos I just have to share with you. Brother and sister Bandido (Dido) and Sacha are so crazy about each other that they embrace one other while sleeping! Humans could learn a lot from them. They kiss and cuddle each other like they're going to eat one another alive...

Bandido (r) has the softest 'silky' fur we ever felt on any feline. His 'Mamita' was like that too. You can read her story: {Telling YOU the Tale of our 4 Feline Girls}. Those two are really inseparable since birth.

They sleep always with a big smile on their faces...
A bundle of bliss...

Related link:
{R.I.P. SACHA GIRL} | later post by me about Sacha's tragic death...


  1. Amazing, beautiful! I think they remember when they were together in the belly of their mother ...
    Happy week end

  2. So adorable.these cats are obviously very loved and very relaxed and loving !!
    I will certainly pass the blog award on and will do some research today whom I would like to pass it onto!!
    I was running late after the long blogpost so had no time left.
    My knees seem to be worn cartilege- ouch!! so not uch one can do...I have to admit I do a lot on my knees when i am gardenng, as otherwise I get terrible back ache.Seems you can't win !!! hahaha.Have a great weekend!!

  3. Hello Mariette,
    this is a picture of the perfect harmony, the Yin & Yang of a catlife. So visible in their smile. Cats are much more than just house pets. Animals have so much more personality than we are able to comprehend. Dear Mariette, this photo made my day.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Hi Mariette, who cute your cats. I've always believed from experience that our pets soften human beings, we give some perspectives on love and loyalty. You are right, teach us so much when we learn at home and observe their behavior, etc.. They are beautiful! Greetings, Rose Marie

  5. Aaahhh, wat lief, die twee zo saampjes!
    Leuke foto's!
    Fijn weekend nog wenst je,

  6. Liebe Mariette wie du schon sagst wir können uns etwas abschauen von den beiden.Schön wo soviel Harmony zu finden ist,Ich denke mir auch oft bei meiner Katze sie genießt die Berührung so,es wäre auch bei uns Menschen so wichtig einander zu berühren.Viel Liebe wünsche ich dir von ganzen Herzen.Edith.

  7. OMG Mariette, they're so cute and lovely, no wonder you're so proud
    of 'em.
    “Two cats can live as cheaply as
    one, and their owner has twice
    as much fun”. (Lloyd Alexander)
    Baci & abbracci a tutti voi!

  8. Wat een lieffies !!! lijken onze twee meiden wel......zo lief !!! fijn weekend...liefs van

  9. Ach liebe Mariette was für ein harmonisches Katzengespann, ganz herrlich sie bei kuscheln zu beobachten!! Ja Du hast Recht wir sollten uns ein Beispiel an ihnen nehmen!
    Liebe Mariette ganz lieben Dank auch für deine Kommentare über Geld und Freundschaft. Also ich bin eigentlich optimistisch, auch wenn es vielleicht nicht so rüber kommt. Ich hoffe eigentlich sehr, das sie ihre Reaktion noch mal in aller Ruhe überdenkt. Nun ja ich warte mal ab was sich tut.
    Dir wünsche ich noch einen wunderschönen Sonntag und lass Dir liebe Grüße aus Germany hier :))

  10. So lovely post Mariette !!!
    Have a wonderful sunday,

  11. Beautiful photos! Makes you want to curl up there with them.

  12. Thanks for sharing the SWEET photos of your cute kitties:)

  13. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat zien je katten er lief uit op de foto!

    Een hele gezellige zondag!

    Lieve groet,

    Madelief x

  14. Ach Gott, liebe Mariette, diese kuschelnden Katzengeschwister sind ja absolut entzückend! Thanks for sharing! Unsere schwarze Katze Nina hat übrigens auch so ein wunderbar weiches Fell! (Und einen kleinen weißen Fleck auf dem Hals. Vielleicht ist sie eine entfernte Verwandte deiner Katzen? :o)) Sehr schön und traurig auch die Geschichte ihrer "Mamita". Ich hoffe sehr, wenn sie schon nicht bei euch leben kann, hat sie wenigstens irgendwo ein anderes gutes Zuhause gefunden!
    Herzliche Grüße und ich streichle deine Katzen!
    Alles Liebe, Traude
    PS: Ohn, und schlimm auch, was du mir über die Aufhellercremes geschrieben hast. Läßt sich eure Pflegetochter nicht überreden, auf diese Creme zu verzichten? Es ist so traurig, wenn Menschen glauben, dass irgend etwas mit ihrem Aussehen nicht in Ordnung ist, nur weil ihnen die Medien das einreden...

  15. Dearest Mariette, I thank you so much all your lovely comments on my blog and also the help about the thumbnail which I tried but was really over my skills, but it is working well now...
    My holidyas in the south where pretty near Osorno, the place you´ve got married and I always know that you have fond memories of my country.
    I have loved browsing through your beautiful older posts and did enjoyed your garden so much, it is looking soooooo pretty these days!!!!
    Sending you lots of hugs my dear friend.
    maria cecilia

  16. Thanks for your visit to my blog. I'm happy of this. I love so much Treviso and province and today I eat in a Agriturismo (it is like a country farm where you can eat and sleep). Thanks for wonderfull thinks that you have write in my blog. I've a cat and I love it, with all my family, and its name is Matrix. Sorry for my english. It is many time that I don 't speank and I don't write in this language.

  17. You cats are so sweet and cute to sleep together like that, I've got three cats but sadly they don't cuddle each other.
    Thank you for passing by my blog today and you asked about the buttons, yes, they are bought in the souk, come over and I'll take you.

  18. Dear Mariette,

    Those pictures are precious. Your cats are so cute!

    By the way, I was so impressed by a video about big cats I watched today, posted by

    I'd like to share with you the link to the video...I promise you will be amazed:

    Have a great week, my friend, and thanks for stopping by my blog. You are a gem!


  19. Oh how sweet these two are, Mariette! We certainly can learn a lot from them—they are too adorable... thank you for sharing these pictures with us. Hope you had a very nice weekend,


  20. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat een schatje die 2 katten. Het is altijd leuk en vooral genieten om naar de katten te kijken. Onze katten zijn half broertjes van elkaar met 1 jaar verschil. Maar ze zijn ook heel verschillend, maar wel heel aanhankelijk en lief.

    Groetjes en dikke knuffel aan de katten,

  21. Darling kitties! My Violet used to kiss her sister Daisy every morning when she'd go see her across the street. Unfortunately, I moved and she doesn't get to see her every day but now Harvey and Newman kiss her every morning when she gets out of bed. I love how animal siblings interact with each other.

  22. They are so beautiful! Aahhh, siblings' love:)

  23. yes, humans could learn a lot from them...sad to say this


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