
Monday, March 14, 2011

{Our Clematis Armandii - Fragrant Blooms on Evergreen Vine}

  • We used to have two beautiful Clematis Armandii vines but we lost the biggest one... Will show you later a photo of it. Too bad that those things do happen as this is a very hard to cultivate vine, Clematis Armandii: Wayside Gardens also has Clematis 'Apple Blossom'. Ours came from the Durio Nursery years ago and Pieter has managed to have some cuttings; hope they will survive! It is a spectacular evergreen vine with fragrant blooms in early spring!

  • This photo is taken on March 10.

  • This beauty we lost... Photo is from April 2, 2010... There is some chocolate vine 'Akebia quinata' growing into it.

  • This one is younger, grown from our own cuttings too and it is on the fence between our neighbors and us.

  • Still lots of buds to open up.

  • Again, we can enjoy these blooms from our bay window view.

  • Only one day later but now with full sun and blue sky.

  • Photo taken from our neighbor's property towards our home and around noon.

  • Above you can see the blossoms of the Red bud tree 'Cercis Canadensis' that is blooming now.
For those in the area; Book an Event for a Garden Tour.


  1. I love this flowers.
    Your garden looks so beautiful

    Thanks for this wonderful pictures.

    Lovely Greetings and a very nice new week,

  2. Hi Mariette .. thanks for coming over - that's so kind of Doris to recommend my blog - hope you enjoy some news posts (when I get to do one! - soon I hope!).

    The fragrant Clematis looks beautiful and obviously has a wonderful scent - a real harbinger of Spring ..

    Lovely being here - see you soon .. Hilary

  3. Beautiful flowers and photos Mariette!
    Kisses and happy new week.

  4. Le clematis sono molto belle nei giardini!Ti parlano della primavera.Ciao,Mariette,Rosetta

  5. Your garden is wonderful and I like this flower so much! Beautiful pictures! Hugs Yvonne

  6. Wat een geweldige plant !!!! zo mooi !!!....geniet er maar lekker van !! fijne week ....liefs

  7. Hi Mariette, that the armandii beautiful clematis. They look splendid in all views, and my attention the green of their leaves. It is always so nice flowers in our own garden. Here in my country, there are several botanical gardens and the few times that I visited, there are all kinds of flowers so beautiful, with evocative scents. Have you had a great year with growing your flowers, because your photos are wonderful! Greetings, Rose Marie

  8. Hello Mariette,
    this Clematis looks as pretty and exotic as a Orchidee.
    Greetings, Johanna

  9. So very pretty and tropical looking! Hope you are having a bright an beautiful day. Tammy

  10. Liebe Mariette,das ist ja eine wunderschöne Pflanze,sie wirkt so edel und ich kann mir auch den Duft gut vorstellen.Die Natur ist ein Wunder, verzaubert uns doch die Schönheit der Pflanzen jedes Jahr wieder.Alles Liebe für Dich-Edith.

  11. Ciao Mariette, che piacere conoscerti! Grazie per essere passata dal mio blog, la cosa mi riempie di gioia!! ^_^
    Che bel blog hai e che bei fiori... io li amo tantissimo, mettono allegria, serenità, gioia...

    Tornerò presto a trovarti.

    Un abbraccio

  12. Prachtige bloemen! Ik geloof ze doen het allemaal geweldig in jullie tuin, toch?!

  13. Liebe Mariette,

    ohhh wie weh muss es dir tun all das zu sehen, wo du doch schon dort gewesen bist...ich glaube dir , das du die Japaner in dein Herz geschlossen hast !!! Und dass sie wirklich im Glauben ihre Ruhe finden...Ich bete wirklich und hoffe...danke für deine lieben Zeilen,

    alles Gute ,


  14. Oh how beautiful those flowers are! I can almost smell them:)

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment about my Japan post. I would've hugged you too for bringing my child home safe!!! That's an awesome responsibility and I can imagine going through that changes your perspective a lot!

    Have a wonderful day my friend:)

  15. Wat een mooie tuin en mooie planten hebben jullie. Ik heb gisteren een beetje in de tuin gedaan, want het zonnetje scheen heerlijk. In onze tuin was 3 jaar niets meer gedaan voordat wij er kwamen wonen. Het kost dus heel wat tijd om deze weer in orde te brengen en dan te bedenkend dat wij in NL een piepklein tuintje hadden met stenen Hihihi.

    Groetjes Sandy


Thanks for your visit and comment.
