
Saturday, April 30, 2011

{1818 Jeanne d'Arc Rose in Our Garden}

On April 2nd already our French Jeanne d'Arc Rose started blooming, from Pickering Nurseries, Ontario in Canada. These nursery people were Dutch immigrants who arrived in 1950. We got our 1818 Jeanne d'Arc in January of 2001 and it is a very prolific, very early bloomer. You also will find this noisette rose at The Antique Rose Emporium. On April 12 ours was in full bloom already. Join me for a Mariette's Back to Basics Garden Tour.
These are on the fence of our wood garden, facing the road.
A very vigorous grower indeed!
Facing the wood garden.
A rose to highly recommend!


  1. Hello Mariette,
    what a phantastic rose, looks almost like a Camellia. Beautiful!
    Greetings, Johanna

  2. Cara Mariette,il tuo giardino è sempre bello!Trasmette pace e serenità.Felice domenica,Rosetta

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    es ist immer wieder schön bei dir.
    Das baut mich auf.

    Herzliche Grüße und frohe Stunden

  4. Dear Mariette,

    As Johanna said, your pretty rose almost looks like a camellia.
    I have two white camellias in my garden that are almost ready to bloom.
    Your roses are so pretty and must look so pretty in your garden. Do they have a fragrance?

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend and have enjoyed celebrating Pieter's birthday.

    Happy weekend

  5. Hi Mariette, how beautiful! lever is like a skirt of many leaflets, or rufflers. Hugs, Rose Marie

  6. Beautiful! Pickering is 2 hours from us... we'll need to check them out during one of our summer drives. We are working on getting roses into our gardens this season and your posts have been so inspirational. Wishing you a fabulous week-end! xo HHL

  7. wooow, liebe Mariette, was für eine faszinierende Rose... ganz in weiß... und ihr Blattwerk strotzt vor Kraft und Gesundheit!

    ich wünsche Dir und Deinem Mann Peter einen wunderschönen Start in den Wonnemonat Mai
    liebe Grüße von Traudi

  8. Splendide queste rose... sono di un bianco abbagliante!!
    Io poi AMO le rose, sono il mio fiore preferito...
    A proposito: ne ho piantata una adesso, secondo te ce la farà a resistere e a crescere?

    Baci e abbracci
    Buon weekend

  9. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    was für wunderwunderschöne Rosen die Jeanne D'arc Rosen. Ich liebe Rosen. Habe einige englischen Rosen im Garten, aber diese Rose habe ich noch nie gesehen. Es gibt wahrscheinlich nur bei Euch. Hier habe ich noch noch nicht gesehen. Sie sieht fast wie Pfingstrosen aus. Sehr hübsch!
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße,

  10. A very special rose , Mariette, looks like a camelia, isnt' it,

    love Janny

  11. Hi Mariette, those roses sure are big and beautiful. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Tammy

  12. ♫° ·.Amiga!
    As flores estão muito bonitas, imagino como devem estar perfumadas...

    Um lindo fim de semana!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  13. Prachtige rozen zeg!
    En leuk dat je bij mij langs bent geweest....Rein en Ria zijn schatten he?!
    Groetjes Yvonne

  14. What a beautiful rose, it reminds me of a peopny. Just beautiful. I wish I had your skill at gardening. Oh well, I will just enjoy your beautiful tour!

    Have a wonderful week my friend,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
