
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

{Calycanthus floridus L. Carolina Allspice, Strawberry Shrub}

  • Introducing one more member of our botanical garden. This one is a native that we purchased also from the former Caroll Gardens, Maryland. It's name is Calycanthus floridus L. or Carolina Allspice, Strawberry Shrub and in German it is called: Karolina-Nelkenpfeffer. 
  • So now you all know! Deciduous shrub with 2" reddish brown, very fragrant flowers. borne at the tips of short branchlets in May and June. 
  • Well, ours bloom in April... This is the old fashioned shrub from which Grandmother used the flowers tied in her handkerchief. 
  • When squeezed, an unforgettable sweet fragrance was emitted. Attractive glossy, deep green, corrugated foliage. So here she is (it HAS to be a she...)... Join me on a Garden Tour.

  • This photo I took on April 2nd of this year! Very early bloomer.

  • This was April 27, 2010
  • Pieter took this one on April 14, of this year.


  1. Le tue piante belle come sempre.Un bacione,Roseta

  2. guten morgen!

    ich habe diese pflanze noch nie gesehen, schaut sehr interessant aus!

    ich wünsch euch eine schöne woche!

  3. Hello Mariette,
    I have seen this plant since years in the garden catalogues and was always interested to buy one because its said that their scent disperses midges. But I thought it is a strong, but not really nice smell. When you tell me it is a sweet fragrance, I really want to have such a plant. Thank you for this idea.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  4. OF course it's a SHE....looking divine, smelling SO sweet....:D
    (nooit eerder gezien trouwens ;)!!)

  5. Hello, my dearest friend!

    Oh, you makes me feel really delightful introducing us these beautiful flowers. I thought it looked like a kind of cactus^^;

    Thank you SO much for your kind mail, I think I need a little time to write what I want to tell you in English. I'm so grateful to you for taking time for me writing warmhearted letter.
    Love, Orchid.

  6. fiori davvero insoliti e magnifici, non li conoscevo, sono davvero incantevoli. baci ady

  7. Hi, Different from what I had seen in your garden. Looks very different, you are right it seems a kind of plant like cactus, what is it, because your resume is great and its flower looks like the seed. It is beautiful, the variety in your garden is large! you have so many varieties, how long people take when they go to take a tour to your botanical garden, you explain the names and are labeled? Notice how that has several names, although I am not very knowledgeable about plants, spices, etc.. I see that according to the cities that grow, is his name. The other day I remembered that there was a plant that ate people in your salad is not common, like fruits countryside who rarely seen commonly. Well, Mariette, enough chatter ', what is certain is the enjoyment we get when we inf. of each plant and its brief history. Thanks, hugs, Rose Marie

  8. Thanks for sharing this beautiful old shrub. I hadn't seen it in a long time. I have great memories of that shrub in the summer. I guess the early blooming was because of the wonderful care it has been given.


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