
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

{Aesculus pavia -- Red Buckeye}

  • Our garden does indeed have an endless variety of surprises; day by day! One walks and discovers new blooms that were not there a couple of days ago. 
  • But by mid April it was this year the most yielding time of year, as far as blossoms. Exactly at the time we were about to leave for Florida. 
  • BUT we took some photos before and one by one (by subject) you will get to see them here. Aesculus pavia by its botanical name or Red Buckeye by its common name is from the Family: Hippocastanaceae (horse chestnut Family). 
  • They do produce large nuts but those are poisonous to humans if mistaken for true chestnuts! 
  • If you click the hyperlink you get to see the nuts as well. Their blooms are so pretty in red; have a look! Join me for a Garden Tour.

  • This photo I took on April 8.

  • This was even taken before, on April 2nd.
  • April 2nd

  • April 8th
  • The entire shrub, near our gazebo next to the wooden walking trail.


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    wir freuen uns wieder an deiner

    Frohe Grüße und einen sonnigen Tag
    Angela und Elisabeth

  2. Hi Mariette, you are so fortunate to have so many blooms surrounding you. But snakes! Yikes! I can't believe you actually picked it up to take pictures. Brave soul you are! My Zack who is 12 would have run screaming in the opposite direction. :) Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    schöne Pflanzen die Du da hast!!!

    LG Lea

  4. Geweldig !! owwww...ik zou best eens door je tuin willen lopen........fijne dag liefs van

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    tolle Fotos. Du hast uns die Blüten in ihrer ganzen Schönheit gezeigt.
    Mit war nicht bekannt, dass die Früchte so giftig sind.
    Liebe Grüße

  6. Hallo Mariette,
    da hast du mir eine botanische Spezialität vorgestellt, die ich wirklich noch nie gesehen habe. Wirklich wunderschön! Euer Garten ist eine botanische Sehenswürdigkeit. Bei uns ist alles so trocken, es müsste mal wieder regnen.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  7. Dear Mariette,
    Piękne zdjęcia;-)
    Dziękuję za odwiedziny u mnie i pozdrawiam.

  8. Beautiful flower dear Mariette!
    Kisses and greetings.

  9. Reds in a garden always bring it to life doesn't it? Wonderful!
    xo Catherine

  10. Che meravigliosi fiori. Ma quanto sei fortunata ad essere circondata Baci Paola

  11. i'm always so surprised by the amount of gorgeous flowers you have in your garden!
    i have never seen such a beautiful garden! it must be a dream come true to have it!
    i have necer seen most of the flowers you show!
    that is so pretty!
    take care,

  12. Olá, amiga!
    As flores são simples e bonitas.
    Amei a tonalidade de vermelho.
    Tenha uma linda noite!
    Brasil °º♫
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.


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