
Friday, May 13, 2011

{Mazus Reptans Alba - Groundcover with Snapdragon Flower}

In early April we do have this striking groundcover, Mazus reptans 'Alba', blooming behind our gazebo. A carpeter from Asia with bright green leaves and tiny white snapdragon flowers. In German it is called: Himalaya-Löwenmäulchen weiß. This Himalayan native is invasive, but easily controlled. Showy white flowers, with a velvety texture and a deep yellow blaze on the lower petal, truly set 'Alba' apart from the lavender flowered species of Mazus and from other groundcovers. Very durable and easy to grow, with a prostrate spreading habit, trailing stems and rich mid-green leaves. Perfect among paving stones as well. The hyperlinks also show availability. This nursery even calls it a 'Classy Groundcover with interesting and unusual mini-orchid like spring blooms.
So let's have a look at this little gem: join me on a Garden Tour.


  1. Good morning Mariette,

    what a beautiful flowerimpression.

    Lovely Greetings, Mary

  2. Very pretty Mariette! How I would love to have these beauty's instead of all the weeds I am seeing in my garden right now!! :(

    xo Catherine

  3. Hi! Dear Mariette,

    I've just finished dinner here in Japan. And opening pc, I was kind of surprised that you introduced us these lovely flowers as Snapdragon flowers. They are different from the ones I know, which have long stalks.
    Yey, I also thought they look like mini-orchid .

    Made me really delightful, thank you SO much sharing them,

    Love, orchid

  4. Beautiful Mariette! This reminds me of my sea of violets out there at this very moment! So invasive in such a pretty way!

  5. Beautiful flowers!
    Have a nice day my dear Mariette.

  6. Good morning - we have the same sweet little flowers in our garden - I love them - many greetings from germany

  7. Goede morgen Mariette,
    Heerlijk om op de vroege morgen deze prachtige bloemen te zien!!!!!!
    Een hele fijne dag Elly.

  8. What a nice flowers !!...never seen them before......happy day

  9. Very pretty Mariette! How I would love to have these beauty's instead of all the weeds I am seeing in my garden right now!! :(

    xo Catherine

  10. Hi! Dear Mariette,

    I've just finished dinner here in Japan. And opening pc, I was kind of surprised that you introduced us these lovely flowers as Snapdragon flowers. They are different from the ones I know, which have long stalks.
    Yey, I also thought they look like mini-orchid .

    Made me really delightful, thank you SO much sharing them,

    Love, orchid

  11. Wat n prachtige plant! Nog nooit gezien, maar heeel mooi!

  12. Hello Mariette,
    Those beautiful flowers look like thousands of white butterflies landed in your garden, so pretty!
    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog.
    I'm so glad the blog is back, I found out I'm lost without it!
    I hope you have a nice weekend,

  13. Ah, and we are back om track! Enjoy your beautiful garden, dearest sweet Mariette o xx o

  14. Thank you for finding my blog today, and for your wonderful tip about settings. I'm very new to blogging so I don't know a lot of the technical things.

    What beautiful flowers.

  15. It´s really a precious gem, how beautiful!!!!


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