
Saturday, June 25, 2011

{Daylily Hemerocallis WHITE TUXEDO + SAD Feline & Canine Love Story}

Our Daylily Hemerocallis WHITE TUXEDO are blooming again, like last year when I did a post about them, see link below. The successful breeder was our neighbor across the street. She passed away, but each year when the White Tuxedo bloom we think of her in a special way.
 Pieter took these photos in the morning around 10:00 AM when they were at their best looking.
They live true to their name; for only a day...
On May 22, I did post about our sweet feline girl 'Spooky'. Just check {Our Felines - Sweet Spooky I...}. She got befriended with the Dachshund from across the street, Daisy was her name. Her human parents were the dailily breeders...
You guessed it, our Spooky girl was crossing the street to visit with Daisy!
We did board Spooky at the Pet Lodge with our pet duck, while we flew on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to The Netherlands for Pieter's eldest brother's birthday. A couple of days later we picked up our best friends at the airport in Amsterdam, who flew in from Atlanta. After touring in The Netherlands we flew with them to Venice and toured Italy together from May 28 till June 7. We got back home on June 12... That were 22 nights for feline Spooky and for Kwekkie the pet duck, at the Pet Lodge!
Arriving home, there was already a card in the mail for Spooky, from Daisy her friend...
Dear Spooky,
I surely am glad you're back home. While you were away I didn't get into much trouble since there was no need to cross the road. I have been chasing rabbits, squirrels and frogs in the garden. Watch out for the frogs - some of them taste bad and make your mouth foam. I learned to quickly push them with my nose so they don't get me. I'll show you how, on one of your visits.
Heather's three cats are here but they aren't any fun to play with. Did I tell you that you are my best animal friend. We have fun playing chase, don't we. Come over to see me soon. My "parents" tell me not to cross the road to your house but sometimes I forget.
Your best friend,
Another letter from Daisy on 30 September.
She writes that her cast will come off in two more weeks. That day she got home with a new cast and when her human parents opened the door of the car to carry her into the house, Daisy made a noise they'd never heard her make before. From the back of their house came another noise; that was our Spooky who had been waiting for her friend, to welcome her home... Daisy however was not allowed to play outside.
On October 8 at 2:00 PM, Spooky came home from her visit to Daisy, in vain as she only could see her through the front door side glass panel. She crossed the road when Pieter was with ant killer on the front lawn and he heard a bang... He heard a car racing down the hill and when he looked up he saw our Spooky girl on the road. The car never even slowed down from speeding past our home. Pieter rushed inside to call me and when I raced down the stairs and lifted her up, her heart was still beating but very weak... She didn't look wounded but soon blood came running from her mouth and she died in my arms. I sobbed and carried her to the back of our garden where she got buried by Pieter and his brother Toon, who was staying with us, as well as his new love Wilhelmien.
Handing Spooky's body to Pieter for her burial. Toon took this photo of us.
Sad ending and Daisy really mourned about Spooky, so did we.
But Spooky lived for one-and-a-half year with us versus a dailily that lives but a day...
Have any of you lost a dear pet due to reckless driving?

Related link:
{Daylily White Tuxedo} | previous post by me


  1. Dear Mariette,

    Oh yes, we went through such an ordeal with our kids when not only once but twice we lost a cat that way... So sad!

    My heart goes out to you.


  2. Mariette, The circle of life is sometime glorious but often sad. I know you will have sweet memories of Spooky. At the same time the beautiful daylily reminds you of your dear neighbor. Beautiful post. Hugs, Ginger

  3. Those postcards are the sweetest. What a wonderful friendship but such a sad ending. How lovely that you have the daylily to remind you of your neighbor. Have a beautiful day. Tammy

  4. Dear Mariette,

    What a beautiful memory those pretty white flowers are to you deceased friend.

    Happy weekend!

    Madelief x

  5. Verschrikkelijk Mariette! Zoals je misschien al gelezen hebt, heeft Sandy ook van de week haar jongste kat verloren omdat hij overreden is.
    Ik wens jullie veel sterkte en ook voor de overbuurhond!
    Lieve groeten,

  6. What a truly wondeful way to remember a dear friend/neighbour. and what a friendship your furbabies shared. The post cards and letters are wonderful, capturing the essense I'm certain those furbabies felt!! Thank you for sharing this and the gorgeous photos of the daylilies!!! I love how Pieter capture the water droplets!! wishing you a blessed week...xo HHL

  7. Liebe <mariette,
    Deine Geschichte über die Blume ist wunderschön.
    Es sit tragisch, wenn man ein liebes Haustier durch die Unvernunft und den Egoismus eines <menschen verliert. Die kleinen Wesen haben nie eine Chance.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. What a sweet , yet heartbreaking story. My heart truely aches for you all, as I am a pet and animal lover. I am sorry I was remiss in hitting the follow button, I thought I had, thanks for letting me know.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  9. O Mariette, I am so sad for you, as I know how much you loved Spooky and saw the lovely pictures of Spooky on your blog.Sadly, this tragedy happened to my fabulous tomcat, Monty- it was dreadful .And our beloved stray Tara, who was so happy with us, and I am sure would have come home every night, one day never returned- I fear the same accident happened then.I cherish my cats so much, like you do, and there are cars around everywhere, so nowadays, i let them out and " guard them"- i.e. make sure they do not go too far- and carry them around in my arms in the garden- I just don't want them to die such a death ever!!

  10. Awwww...that is so sad. Will you plant a flower on her grave? I have not lost one to wreckless driving, but to irresponsible pet ownerhsip, by having someone's dog kill my pet cat.

    It really upsets me when people speed in a residential area. Down by the lake is a 15 mph speed limit because people and pets live there and the ducks walk around too - but some people drive 35 or more while on their cell phone. I'm so amazed not more accidents happen down there. Why do people have to be so careless and selfish?

    Again, please accept my condolences. Your day lily sure is beautiful and one must take time to look at it since it only blooms one day! (that's kind of sad too!)

    Bis bald. Schoenes Wochenende,
    von Doris und Gizzy :-)

  11. Ja, onze Lotje...ik moet nog bijna huilen als ik er aan denk...
    Lotje was een poesje zoals er nooit een bestaan heeft, het was net een hondje, de dierenarts kon nooit haar hartje luisteren omdat ze zo hard spinde, hoe enger ze het vond hoe harder ze spinde..
    Ze spinde trouwens altijd....

    Ze kon houtjes apporteren net een hondje, trap op en trap af, gooide je dat houtje op een verdieping, dan ging zij het halen en legde het voor je voeten...

    Ze heeft mama gespeeld over een kitten van 4 weken, die baldadige jongens in de beek wilden gooien, dat kitten heeft zij grootgebracht alsof het haar eigen jonkie was.

    Op een dag is ze aangereden, de buurman had de klap gehoord, en belde me op.
    Ze was weggekropen in een sloot, in de buis die onder een oprit ligt, goed dat de buurman het gehoord en gezien heeft, anders hadden wij haar nooit meer gevonden, ze is blijven leven tot ze mij gezien had, keek me aan toen ik op mijn knieen in die sloot zat om haar er eventueel uit te halen, miauwde en spinde nog een keer en overleed toen, het leek wel of ze gewacht had tot iemand van ons haar nog gevonden had.....

  12. Oh no....I simply cannot bear the loss of an animal. I just can't.....I am so sorry to hear of this dearest. Thank you for visiting me today. It is so wonderful to have visitors that truly enjoy my efforts to write. Have a peaceful evening. I love how you LOVE animals; so do I.They are so special to my heart. Anita

  13. Querida Mariette:
    Tus flores daylily hemerocallis white tuxedo estan hermosas.
    Y siento mucho saber que un conductor irresponsable haya atropellado a Spooky. Yo tuve un perro que yo amaba mucho, lo atropellaron y murio en mis brazos. Para los que amamos los animlaes, las mascotan forman parte de la familia, y es muy triste ver que estas cosas pasan.
    Te mando un abrazo.

  14. Liebe Mariette,

    immer wieder ist es schön bei dir,
    und das ist erfreulich.

    Liebe Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  15. Oh Mariette,
    This story just pulls at my heart. I can so feel your hearbreak as I have lost beloved pets too. Not to reckless driving, but sudden death.
    I know how sad it is. I am so very sorry this happened and I send my heartfelt sympathy to you and your hubby.
    Friendship hugs to you my dear and love always.
    XO Celestina Marie

  16. Dear Mariette,

    Such a sad story and brings tears to my eyes, as it reminded me of our dear sweet Louie who was hit by a car on the long drive that goes down near our house. I know the sadness of loosing a beloved and precious member of the family.
    Sending hugs and love to you.
    The Daylily is so beautiful.

    Love Carolyn

  17. Poor sweet Spooky. It is so sad when we loose one of our four-legged friends.

    Big hug for you Mariette,
    xo Catherine

  18. Lieve Mariette,

    Zoals Nicole al schreef hebben wij onze jongste kat Joep vorige week moeten laten inslapen.

    Joep was al een paar daagjes weg, meestal komt hij na een nacht weer thuis. Maandag middag zag ik hem vanuit het keukenraam komen. Heel langzaam en zich slepend. John is gaan kijken en zei dat hij met de achterpoten onder een auto was gekomen. Er was niets meer aan te doen en wij hebben gelijk laten inslapen. Niet wetend hoelang hij al pijn had en hoelang hij erover heeft gedaan om naar huis te komen. Joep is 1 jaar geworden. Ook Silver is verdrietig en mist zijn halfbroertje. Hij is nu heel aanhankelijk. Maar wij hebben net als jullie wel veel leuke en goede herinneringen aan Joep en jullie aan Spooky.

    Veel sterkte en lieve groetjes,

  19. Lieve Mariette,

    Zoals Nicole al schreef hebben wij onze jongste kat Joep vorige week moeten laten inslapen.

    Joep was al een paar daagjes weg, meestal komt hij na een nacht weer thuis. Maandag middag zag ik hem vanuit het keukenraam komen. Heel langzaam en zich slepend. John is gaan kijken en zei dat hij met de achterpoten onder een auto was gekomen. Er was niets meer aan te doen en wij hebben gelijk laten inslapen. Niet wetend hoelang hij al pijn had en hoelang hij erover heeft gedaan om naar huis te komen. Joep is 1 jaar geworden. Ook Silver is verdrietig en mist zijn halfbroertje. Hij is nu heel aanhankelijk. Maar wij hebben net als jullie wel veel leuke en goede herinneringen aan Joep en jullie aan Spooky.

    Veel sterkte en lieve groetjes,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
