
Sunday, June 26, 2011

{Our Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc & Our Life in Italy}

  • We are fortunate to have some new shrubs of Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc,< (click) or Jeanne D'Arc Rose of Sharon. This species is a rarity with its frilly pure snowy white double flowers.
  • For us it is even more special since we did bring a cutting back from the area where we lived and worked in Italy. These trees were lining the streets of Maser, the neighboring town where we had to pass through first, before reaching our town Cornuda in the province of Treviso. 
  • In the very town of Maser you also find the Villa di Maser< (click) (Villa Barbaro) one of the greatest masterpieces of Andrea Palladio (1508-80), and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • It was on Sunday morning, April 9 of 1989 that we did tour several Venetian villas and also this Villa Barbaro. Together with our boss Gigi and his wife Anna (she translated Pieter's book about Mushroom Growing into Italian). We were with a group of Rotarians and a Venetian Prince
  • Quite educational and we had a delicious lunch afterwards. To my surprise and great joy, Paola from the blog, Laboratorio di Zia Polly: A richiesta vi porto a visitare Asolo < (click) just did a post about Asolo <(click). 
  • The sequence of towns is: Asolo, Maser and then Cornuda. We went that Sunday afternoon to the famous antique market of Asolo, every 2nd Sunday as of today still going on. Just click on Paola's blog for looking at the beautiful city. 
  • She has a google translate button at the top, to the left. For me, reading this was very nostalgic. 
  • So there is a good reason for cherishing our Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc from Italy. We lost one in front of the house but another did fill in and we got babies now! Look for yourself how beautiful they are...
  • For more information you can click on the above hyperlink from Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc
  • Don't forget to click also the other links, the villa info is in English and it is quite a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Paola's blog shows very good pictures of Asolo.

  • These flowers look a bit fried from the hot sun...
  • All the above pictures I took on May 31 and the following are taken by Pieter on June 6.
  • This shrub just began to bloom and behind it you see our huge Southern Magnolia tree.
  • More blooms opened in a week time.
  • Now from the Magnolia tree, facing the house, to the right is another Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc and also on the other side of the brick path to the front door. One of those we had to replace a couple of years ago. Hope we keep them alive now. You see the water hose is right there to water them...
  • For sure, Maser in Treviso, Italy would be a far better climate for them...
  • But meanwhile they make us happy for having something from the time we lived and worked there.
  • The Veneto area has a very rich culture and we sure miss the ancient buildings as well.

BUT we got an authentic Italian Ristorante da Maria and they even do serve the Prosecco from the Asolo area!

Related link:


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    wir freuen uns wieder über deine

    Liebe Grüße und einen guten Sonntag
    Angela und Elisabeth

  2. Are the blooms wilted or do they actually look like that? They are like tissue paper, so fragile. You are fortunate to be surrounded by so many varieties of beautiful vegetation. I appreciate learning about blooms and birds. I really didn't know there were so many doves out there. Have a great day. Tammy

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    da hast du ja einen tollen Strauch gezogen von dem Steckling. Auch das ist wieder ein Beweis für deinen grünen Daumen. Ich glaube, diese Villa haben wir auch schon mal besichtigt, bin aber nicht ganz sicher, weil es so viele tolle Villen gibt. Mir haben es immer die Citrussammlungen angetan.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  4. Wunderschöne Fotos hast Du in Deinem Blog. Überhaupt gefällt mir Dein Blog sehr gut.
    LG aus Deutschland.

  5. Mariette,vedo che n po' d'Italia ti è rimasta nel cuore!Il post di zia Polly,ti ha fatto rivivere momenti passati non sono mai stata ad Asolo,ma dal post di Paola,mi è piaciuto molto!Tu sei tanto cara,grazie degli auguri che mi hai fatto per l'anniversario,baci,Rosetta

  6. Hoi hoi...wat een mooie Mariette....prachtig !....heb een heerlijke dag vandaag ...geniet !! liefs

  7. dear mariette, I love the crumpled look of the flowers. And the name - reeking with history. (did Joan visit Italy? I guess she must have.) Good luck with them in your garden. cheers, cm

  8. Oh Mariette, you have me swooning - I love Hibiscus. What a brilliant job in getting it to grow! And I also truly love Magnolia trees - I dearly miss it in this part of the world. Used to live opposite a house that had a spectacular Magnolia tree - I always got the childish urge to pick up the fallen blooms and glue them back on. It's so magnificent in bloom. Your garden must be a sight for sore eyes.
    Much love and wishing you a beautiful Sunday.

  9. These are seriously divine!! I love the delicate look and what history!! ... wishing you a beautiful and blessed day ..xo HHL

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    toll einen so schönen Garten mit diesen Pflanzen zu haben! Wunderschön ist Dein Hibiskusstrauch!
    Auch gefallen mir die weißen Blüten fast besser als die roten Blüten!
    Noch einen schönen Sonntag und
    ganz lieben Gruß

  11. Das ist ein wunderschöner Strauch .Lg Ina

  12. Hi Mariette, Hibiscus looks so beautiful! I do love the color of white snow and it looks so elegant.

    It's so hot today! I may go out later but now I'm staying inside. I hope you are having wonderful weekend :-)

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    wundervolle Hibiskusblüten. Diese Art hatte ich noch nicht gesehen.
    Dein Garten ist ein Traum. Ich freue mich immer wieder über Deine Blumenpracht, die du uns nahe bringst-
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt Dir

  14. Dearest Mariette,

    How beautiful your tree looks in the sunshine. It is raining again here but I must admit, everything looks fresh and green!

    Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!
    xo Catherine

  15. Hi Mariette,

    The Jeanne D'Arc flowers are absolutely gorgeous! I love them. They are perfect against the green leaves. There are flowers here (Australia) that also wilt in the sun and cold weathers. Almost an analogy of life. The tour of the villias must have been quite amazing and inspirational too. You have many lovely memories Mariette.
    Have a good week,

  16. This is a beautiful hibiscus flower. I've tried to grow fancy hibiscus plants and have been unsuccessfull.

  17. Grazie Mariette, sei una donna dolcissima. Mi fa piacere che ti sia piaciuto il post su Asolo. Prossimamente ne farò uno su posti molto vicini, sempre dei Colli Trevigiani. Noto un pò di nostalgia in te della mia terra. Sbaglio? I fiori che mostri sono un' incanto, mi sembrano luoghi da favola. E solo una donna dall'animo dolce e fatato può mostrare queste meraviglie. Grazie ancora e a prestissimo. Paola


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