
Sunday, June 5, 2011

{My French DMC Rose Filet Lace Crocheted Curtains}

In one of my previous blogs from September 27, about {Our Home of almost 20 years} I've mentioned that I will show you the Rose Filet Lace Curtains that I hand crocheted from French DMC crochet thread. So now I will show them to you. If you read about the DMC History, than you know why I used this double mercerized finest crochet cotton.  After all, I worked 80 hours on this front door set and it was for a value of $ 100.00 on material in 1990!
If there are still readers that don't know that I do LOVE roses... well, here you see a Rubber Ducky skirt that I got as a gift from friend Lei. Also you see the oak bench worked with roses in the back.
The curtains can face either way, I do vary at times. I've made them in Indonesia while living and working there. But now let's go back to where it started...
In May of 1975, I got this Dutch magazine and fell literally in love with the Rose design.
So I got out my steel crochet hook and thread and made me the first hand crocheted rose curtain.
Hung on two rods, in my living room... back in The Netherlands.
A couple of years later we bought our own home, instead of renting, and I designed another Rose Filet Lace Curtain. Still in The Netherlands.
Five years later, I designed another set for our first home in Dublin, Georgia - USA...
You can see it behind my friend and me.
September 1987 seen from inside at our former home...
While living in Pennsylvania and later in Italy, I did not have a Rose Filet Lace Curtain but while living and working in Indonesia I did crochet 80 hours and came home with the completed set. So since November of 1990, they're hanging here. Our garden is not yet established in this photo; we just moved in.
For the side windows I designed them in a finer, size 20 DMC Cébélia and for the main windows it is a size 10 Cébélia.
French DMC Cébélia Crochet cotton is indeed the finest in the world!
It being double mercerized makes it smooth and silky to work with and it looks great too.
On the inside I did sew a heavy rayon-cotton damask curtain with roses... as it helps keep the energy bill low during winter, as well as our hot summers. When not closed, it hangs with some tassels and cords to the side. Here is Anita, our foster-daughter standing in front of the front door.
You also still can see our white ceramic chandelier from Italy...
If you type in ceramic chandelier from the search box, top right you find more posts about it in detail.
Curtain is closed here.
Pieter wearing his Ermenegildo Zegna suit and I my Escada suit with blouse.
The rayon-cotton damask I got from Britex Fabrics in San Francisco. My favorite store for fabrics and notions. When we were still doing consulting work, we got to go to San Francisco quite often. They do also have a swatch service. Check out their site and I do follow their blog as well (you find it on the side-bar).
You can see how I did sew and pleat them, after I'd put the ribbon on.
Hard to capture the damask rose pattern... in a cream color.
But the rayon-cotton blend is beautiful. I don't like synthetics and these are far better for the energy saving purpose. So in two ways we keep the planet green.
 This week I did clean the windows and wash meanwhile the crocheted curtains in my Miele washer.
Now the trick for having them hung just perfect.
Take them out of the washing machine after the spinning cycle has completed and work with them while they're still moist. First attach all four corners. Pieter, together with my Dad did painstakingly hammer tiny brass nails around the windows. They complained that it took them forever but I told them, that's only fair as I did crochet for 80 hours! The brass will never tarnish the curtains and besides, it is all painted over white. Below you get to see a detail with those nails.
The side panels are hanging already and this time I let the roses face towards the center.
Done and it took me less than an hour to pin them on.
When it is dark they show even better.
So now you've seen my hand crocheted French DMC Cébélia Rose Curtains in Filet-Lace...
Together with the heavy rayon-cotton over curtain it is our way of Going Green!

Related link:


  1. Wow Mariette, wat een werk!!! En ze zijn echt schitterend. Ik heb in het verleden ook wel eens iets met een roos gehaakt, maar verder dan een kleedje kwam ik niet hoor. Chapeau!

  2. So very beautiful Mariette. That is definitely a project of love with all the time involved. I tried working with thread once many years ago but wasn't successful. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  3. L

    Bom fim de semana!

    º° ✿✿♥ ♫° ·.

  4. Hi Mariette thanx for your visit , just been reading your last few posts and catching up Franks story is interesting isnt it ! and of course your beautiful flowers are always a delight Enjoy youer weekend fay x

  5. Oh, what a JOB!!!
    It is increasingly amazing job that I cannot belive that you did it yourself having huge garden as well.
    I do know from your former post that you really are a lady with versatile skill.
    But this is a huge one, but at the same time you must have felt enormous sense of achievement!!!
    Your family look all happy♪♪♪

    Have a lovely Sunday, Mariette!!!

  6. Hallo Mariette,

    Heel veel werk zulke mooie gordijntjes, maar dan heb je ook iets bijzonders!Je ziet er mooi en koket uit op de foto met de rozenrok en bijpassende rode schoentjes!

    Liefs Janny

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    da bin ich sprachlos. Erst mal über die wunderschöne von Dir selbst gefertigte Häkelarbeit, als auch über den sehr einladend aussehenden Hauseingang. Ich habe auch schon mal so einen ähnlichen Vorhang für eine Balkontüre gehäkelt und weiß was für eine Arbeit und was für eine Zählerei das ist. Sieht wirklich supertoll aus.

    Ganz liebe Grüße,

  8. Mariette che splendido lavoro!! E tu sei bellissima ^^

    Sai che anche io sono stata adottata? Chi adotta un figlio dev'essere per forza una persona speciale... Complimenti a te e a tuo marito ^_^


  9. Wauw, dat is een uitgebreid verhaal over je gehaakte gordijntjes...maar wel erg leuk
    Ik heb ze ook gehad, maar liggen nu in de kast.
    Heb in de 80er jaren dus overal gehaakte gordijntjes gehad in ons huis, ben er ook erg lang aan bezig geweest, ja dat wat toen mode.
    Ow ja, en ook kastrandjes, met roosjes, en gehaakte tafelkleedjes, allemaal op zolder nu, want iets waar je zoveel tijd aan besteed hebt, dat doe je zomaar niet weg.
    Je rode rokje is super...heb je dat nog?
    Dus bij je voordeur, overal rozen, aan het bankje, voor de ramen,als overgordijnen, en zelfs op Mariëtte:)

    Fijn weekend

  10. mariette sei bravissima!!!!!!!!!!!!! il tuo lavoro è splendido e, come la tua casa...siete una bella coppia...complimenti un abbraccio lory

  11. Wow Mariette, how absolutely gorgeous your crocheted panels look! You're so clever to be able to crochet! I love your little skirt too:)

  12. Liebe Mariette,wunderschöne Häkelarbeiten, sehr zeitaufwendig aber dafür auch einmalig.
    Liebe Abendgrüße sendet dir

  13. Liebe Mariette,deine Gardinchen sehen gaaaaaanz toll aus !!Ich liebe das Filethäkeln mit dem dünnen Baumwollgarn und weiß ganz genau wie viel Arbeit darin steckt .Ganz toll gemacht !!Liebe Grüße von Ina

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    Dies alles liest sich wie ein Buch, eine Geschichte , die alles umfasst, Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, vereint in Freundschaft und Kreativität, in "knusheid" all over the world....
    Man kann sich kaum satt sehen....
    Ganz herzliche Grüße Anett

  15. Hi Mariette,
    I am positively stunned at your talent! Wow, those curtins, if I could do something half as good I'd be a very happy woman!

  16. What a great post on your curtains. They look beautiful, such fine work. Well done, you have the perfect entrance to show them off.

  17. Hello, Mariette. Nice to meet you!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and your comment. I enjoy your blog and, oh, what a beautiful work! I love your curtains very much!!
    I have not met Orchid..I will visit her and say hi :-)

  18. You are a very talented woman Mariette ~ and so much patience to be able to do such intricate work!


    Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
    xo Catherine

  19. Hi, Orchid again!!!

    Oh, I checked the word "epiphyte" in both English and Japanese. And I printed out the page you taught me♡♡♡ Thank you SO MUCH. Lots of information for me.

    I see☆ There are this type of plants and orchid is defined 2 kinds "terrestrial and epiphyte". I need to read it with dictionary again so that I can understand better.
    You had these on your patio♪♪♪ I guessed it right on that point.

    Many thanks and hugs, Orchid.

  20. Mariette, your crochet curtains are very beautiful. Such delicate work. They look so perfect on your door.
    I've never done filet crochet, but I want to try.

  21. Goeiemorgen Mariette, ten eerste hartelijk dank voor je lieve woorden over onze poes Minet..sja 21 is ongelofelijk he, hopelijk geniet je ook nog heel langs van jouw poezenbeest(en)!
    Je hebt een ontzettend leuke blog, creatief en je komt op me over als een levensgenieter vol nostalgische gevoelens...
    De gehaakte rozengordijntjes ben ik dus helemaal weg van he zo in die deuren..ik heb iets met rozen..ik heet Rozenboom van mijn achternaam bijvoorbeeld hihi, we zijn laatst getrouwd maar mijn achternaam heb ik nog :)

    Hee fijne dag en ik kom weer terug!

    Veel groetjes, Veronique

  22. Lieve Mariette,

    Bedankt voor je leuke reactie op mijn blog.
    Ik kan mij deze gehaakte gordijnen ook herinneren. Niet dat ik ze zelf gehaakt heb. Maar mijn oma deed heel veel handwerken en had dus ook verschillende soorten boekjes thuis. Maar deze rozen kan ik mij goed herinneren.

    Groetjes Sandy

  23. Liebe Mariette,
    zu diesem Post wollte ich schon lange etwas schreiben - immer kam etwas dazwischen ... Du siehst da so richtig schnuckelig aus - Rot steht Dir einfach zu gut, wie ich finde. Überhaupt die Rosen ...

    Liebe Grüße nochmal und nun eine gute Nacht

  24. I also love roses Mariette, your crochet is stunning! I am going to try and find a similar pattern. The photo of you in the Netherlands outside your home is precious, both my birth parents are from Holland (I am adopted). Your blog is wonderful Mariette, filled with gorgeous photographs and lots of information! All the best to you, Ann

  25. Dear Mariette,

    Your crocheted panels are so lovely, really gorgeous! And you are such a precious and beautiful lady.

    You are so talented and so patient. You took the time to observe, design, choose the right materials, and spent many, many hours on your creation. You reminded me of the beautiful and faithful "Penelope" weaving every day while waiting for her adored "Odysseus" :-)

    (((( hugs to you and Pieter ))))


  26. Wow... wish I was a bit younger and go back few more years. I love all you do, used to knit and crochet when ever i got a min in the kitchen. Love to be a friend with you if I can live near you, no one from my family or sisters like to taking over my love hobbies. I enjoy very much when i was younger, don't have the mood or concentration anymore don't know why... mood maybe! :-)

  27. Yuur rose curtain are lovely ..OMG what alot of patience to create these pretties... but oh so unique... I love the rose pattern and applaud your creative ingenuity ...HUGS

  28. gracias por tu visita a mi blog, tus cortinas también son muy bonitas!!!
    besos desde Barcelona (España)


  29. Ik kan bijna niet vertellen hoe mooi ik je gordijnen vind. Gewoonweg prachtig! Veel tijd in gestoken maar met deze kwaliteit haakkatoen kun je ze bijna niet verslijten. Je deuren zijn fantastisch en verdienen mooie gordijnen. Haak zelf om de paar jaar nieuwe gordijntjes die ik af wissel. Nu bezig met gehaakte kleedjes die zijn helemaal hot!

  30. Very nice is there a pattern I could do the same xx

  31. Hi this is gorgeous I would love to do this do u have a pattern in English I could do plz xx

    1. Dear Dayna,
      If you enlarge the photo, you got your pattern and you can type the text and use a translator; simple as that!
      Good luck.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
