
Saturday, June 4, 2011

{Our Catalpa Bignonioides - Indian Bean Tree}

One more exotic tree to show you. It is our Catalpa bignonioides; Common Names: southern catalpa, catawba, Indian bean tree. Catalpa has large tropical looking heart-shaped leaves. The white bell-shaped blossoms are 2 inch (5.1 cm) in diameter and patterned with small purple spots and two large orange markings at the throat. The flowers are followed by long slender cigar-shaped pods up to 16 inch (40 cm) in lengh. The green pods ripen to brown in fall and split to release flat fringed seeds. For more info and better views of the flowers, click on both hyperlinks above. It is very hard to capture its blossoms as they are way up high. But these are the photos taken by Pieter at our garden. This tree is close to the creek on our main garden, not in the wood garden. Let's start the Garden Tour.

Pictures are taken on May 6 in the morning.


  1. good morning, mariette!!!!!!!!!! a kiss from italy lory

  2. Dear Mariette,

    thanks for your lovely pictures.

    Wish you a wunderful and sunny weekend.

    Lovely Greetings, Mary

  3. Mariette, ein wunderschöner Baum. Wie herrlich muss es sein, wenn er voller Blüten ist.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. BONJOUR, GOEDE MORGEN MIJN VRIENDIN! Mariette, thank you for coming to visit me in my PROVENCE..when I first arrived there years ago, I felt a joy in my heart....the landscape, the lifestyle, the people. What a joy that YOU came to visit me, and here I see your lovely tree..nature wakes us up, doesn't she? Enjoy your garden to the fullest my friend and have a LOVELY FRIDAY! Anita

  5. Good morning dear Mariette,
    your garden never ceases to
    amaze us all: catalpa has so
    many virtues apart from being beautiful.
    Have a lush weekend, ciao!

  6. Oh, they sure look very tall tree and beautiful blossoms. I enlarged them as usual. It must be pity not to be able to enjoy them close to your eyes.

    I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement and explanation to me. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for the jobs of google's technicians!!!

    Many "thanks" and hugs, Orchid.

  7. Lieve Mariette,

    Volgens mij heb ik het al eerder gezegd, maar ik ben iedere keer weer verbaasd over de enorme varieteit aan bomen en planten in je tuin. Ook deze boom is weer heel bijzonder!

    Ik wens jullie een fijn weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  8. Prachtig hoor Mariette!
    Ik wens jullie n fijn weekend, en geniet van jullie prachtige tuin!


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