
Thursday, June 23, 2011

{One Thousand and One Nights for BRIDES}

As you all know from reading my header above this very blog, we have worked all over the globe as international consultants. That made us a kind of gypsy in a way. It also broadens your horizon in a positive way. One of the aspects is that you can shop in Australia, Singapore, in México City all in a short period of time. That opens your eyes even more in regard to fashion and it certainly does widen your horizon. For those that never left their own continent, the rest of the world's fashion is kind of hidden.
For example, the different ways brides dress up for THE most important day(s) is sometimes like a fairytale of One Thousand and One Nights. Look for yourself how Lili a former staff member of the Indonesian company looked on her wedding day.
Quite different from what most of you have seen so far I guess...
Very exotic looking!
To me, the most incredible brides can be seen in India and surrounding areas.
 and here: Pure Silk Georgette Sarees as formal wear
Bridal Gowns is another great post
Hope you enjoyed this Fashion trip with me. Wish you had seen as many exotic brides as we have in different parts of the world. Those images remain forever in our memory.
In Mysore India we saw brides. Also at the Taj Palace Hotel where we stayed in Dehli. In the Jakarta Hyatt Aryaduta hotel in Indonesia we saw brides, as well as in Cape Town, South Africa...
June used to be the most popular Wedding month.
Hence the saying June Bride.
We even got a rose named like that!


  1. What lovely memories of beautiful weddings you must have. I'm sure you experienced many amazing things in your travels Mariette.


  2. Grazie a te che hai girato gran parte del mondo,riusciamo a vedere posti belli e a conoscere anche le loro usanze!Sei fortissima!Baci,Rosetta

  3. What a lovely looking couple- yes, they do look like a failry tale.How exciting! What a privileged life you have led in that respect- although I can understand it's also quite hard to be away from all your friends and loved ones.
    Happily, nowadays we have the Internet- isn't that a belssing in a way?? :-)
    At least ..that is how I see it.And through your blog you make so many new friends as well!!
    Have a lovely day, dear Mariette.Hope you don't miss your travels too much - but then you now have your lovely house and fab garden !! And all your dear and sweet cats!!

  4. wow... das sind wieder beeindruckende bilder. andere kulturen, andere sitten, immer schön anzusehen!

    lieben gruß!

  5. Dear Mariette,

    Wow! Amazing! Thank you for sharing with us such a beautiful blog.

    Have a lovely day!


  6. Wat vind ik dat toch mooi!!!
    Echte sporrkjeshuwelijken zijn dat, door de kleding dan toch tenminste...
    Ik had de link al bij je in de zijbalk gezien, en al bij mijn favorieten gezet.

    Ja, waar blijven wij dan 'saaie' West-Europeanen met onze witte trouwjurken.

  7. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat een interessante post! Ik ben eigenlijk alleen maar naar Nederlandse bruiloften geweest, maar het lijkt mij heel bijzonder om een bruiloft in het buitenland mee te maken. Sommige bruiloften schijnen dagen te duren......

    Happy day!

    Madelief x

  8. wat een mooie post ik ben helemaal gek van deze stoffen allemaal ... die kleuren en glinsteringen ... echt super ..groetjes Viana

  9. Those are definitely very different from the wedding attire we're used to here! I do agree with you though, Indian weddings are always so lovely...their traditional clothing in general is gorgeous!

  10. What a beautiful bride.. and groom. Love the headpieces.. I am sure the love on their sleeves is the most beautiful of all.

  11. Hey, wundervoll, so märchenhaft!!! Ich hatte mal eine Arbeitskollegin, die kam aus Indien. Sie zeigte mir damals Bilder von ihrer Hochzeit. Es ist ein wahnsinn, wie die heiraten. Es ist wirklich wie im Märchen!!!

    LG Lea

  12. Wie schoen! Ich liebe andere Laender und deren ihre Sitten und Kleidung kennenzulernen. Wenn man eine Braut ist glaube ich, ist es das schoenste weil man echt wie eine Princessin ausschauen kann. Die Kleidung von Indien sind tatsaechlich traumhaft. Ich habe gerade letzthin ein paar Kleidungen von Pakistan und Arabien angeschaut, weil ich diese Laender auch so exotisch finde. Wenn Geld keine Ursache waere, wuerde ich gerne immer nur in's Ausland fahren um mir die Welt anzuschauen...

  13. Dear Mariette,

    Interesting post and I enjoyed seeing this beautiful couple and what exquisite garments.
    Thanks for sharing and must have been a wonderful life travelling all around wonderful places in the world.



Thanks for your visit and comment.
