
Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Just like to show you our blueberry bushes Vaccinium corymbosum with their loads of berries. We are looking forward to lots of blueberry power as this antioxidant super fruit is yielding quite some berries to feast on. Provided that the squirrels, raccoons and birds leave us some... Read Our ANTIOXIDANT SUPERFRUIT is blooming! from my April 2, 2011 blog about their blooms with link for more info about this fruit.
Photos are taken on June 6


  1. I love blueberries so much! I wish I had more space in my yard to grow them.
    Beautiful pictures!

  2. My favorite Berry of all time. Fresh berries with granola (natural) is fabulous. Nothing else needed. I ate this almost every morning for 5 months. Helped me lose weight and feel great!


  3. Wow, voll gefüllt!! Da stelle ich mir so leckere Muffins vor!!!

    LG Lea

  4. Yum! I normally have blueberries every day either on oatmeal or with cereal, along with walnuts. I have to buy them frozen because if we get them here fresh, they are soooooooo expensive and not even worth it. Frozen works just as well. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Tammy

  5. Dear Mariette,

    Your blueberry bushes are wonderful ...they are such a wonderful fruit. I had blueberry jam on my toast for breakfast and often bake blueberry muffins.
    I hope the birds leave your fruit.


  6. Beautiful flowers!
    Have a nice day.

  7. ciao mariette!!!!!!!!! grazie della tua visita, un bacione lory

  8. Looks like you and Peiter, will be enjoying some wonderful healthy delights from your garden. Wishing you a fabulous day ..xo HHL

  9. Dear Mariette,

    Somehow I always seem to be behind on your posts ;-)!

    Blueberries are simply delicious. I see the ones in your garden are just as ripe as in mine. They still need some time. I hope the birds will be leave them alone. Last year they were all gone in one day!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  10. love blueberries, especially natural or in cakes!!!^^

  11. Hello Mariette,

    oh blueberries ...I love them so much.

    They taste very well and they are my favorites fruits in summer.

    Lovely Greetings,

  12. Lieve Mariette,

    Heerlijk dat je bosbessen in je eigen tuin hebt. Ik koop ze per bakje bij de supermarkt. Eigenlijk veel te duur, maar ze zijn o zo gezond.!!!
    Ik gebruik ze vaak als garnering voor een kwarktaart, héérlijk.
    Mijn beste vriendin verzamelde ze altijd op de Drentse hei. Soms ging ik met haar mee. Zij deed ze altijd in bakjes in de vriezer.
    Ik hoop dat de vogels wat voor jou overlaten!!!!.
    Lieve groetjes, Elly

  13. I love blueberries - ours been ready for a few weeks now and I'd best enjoy them before they're all gone - they won't last much longer. Summer fruits are very fleeting, but oh, so delicious! Blueberries are one of my favorites! Enjoy!

  14. Dear Mariette,
    oh my, you will harvest lots of yummy blueberries! Blueberry muffins, blueberry cake, blueberry jam, blueberry pancakes etc. etc....
    Nice forecasts!
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. Oh, fresh berries...yum! I'm sure they're wonderful! When I was little in England we used to go and pick blackberries, I loved it!

    Thank you for pointing out I forgot to name the title of the books on my post! They are Volumes 1 and 2 of Old Court Life in France by Frances Elliot. I believe they were written in 1893.

    Have a wonderful day my friend:)

  16. Liebe Mariette,

    danke für deine lieben Zeilen.

    Um deine Frage zu beantworten, schreibe ich mal in Deutsch, da ich nicht alle Vokabeln in Englisch im Kopf habe.

    Natürlich haben wir auch Aussen Rollanden. Sie sind sogar aus Aluminium und schützen vor Kälte, Hitze, Wind und Regen.
    Zusätzlich haben wir noch Sicherheitsglas, sodass sie sogar die Einbrecher abwehren können. Aber ich glaube, da hilft Campino unser Hund auch noch mit *lach.

    Die Gardinen sind also nur reine Deko für den Innenbereich.

    Nochmals ganz herzliche Grüße,

  17. Oh they look delicious!! I would love to have a big yard to grow them so that I can eat the freshest blueberries all the time. We planted strawberry in a pot but it did not grow to be edible. Maybe we try again.

  18. When I was a child we lived on and owned a blueberry farm. What a treat that was! Now I buy them and eat them with found memories of growing up.

  19. Hei Mariette,

    Nou, bij jullie zijn er al bosbessen te zien. Jullie kunnen ze zeker snel plukken.
    Hier staan de bosbessenstruiken in het wild en op de berg. Maar ik had er nog geen gezien of misschien er niet opgelet. Met dit weer denk ik dat wij ze in aug/sept. kunnen plukken.

    Groetjes Sandy


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