
Thursday, June 2, 2011

{Our Exotic Sesbania punicea - Scarlet Wisteria}

  • Sesbania punicea or Daubentonia punicea, called also Scarlet Wisteria is a very exotic looking shrub with Mimosa-like leaves and coral red flowers are characteristic of those in the legume family. Sesbania punicea is native to South America (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay).
  • The University of Florida also points out that all parts of the Sesbania punicea are poisonous.
  • It is the same story as for Olga's Brunfelsia in California, which is also poisonous but so exotic and beautiful! 
  • We have had this shrub for years, we found it near a stream during a walk in our neighborhood and were surprised by its scarlet flowers, indeed looking like a Scarlet Wisteria. 
  • So we took it home in 1993 and never ever figured out what it was! Only recently I did find out its botanical and common name and was quite surprised about its info. Nevertheless it is a beautiful and very unusual flower. See for yourself and join me on a Mariette's Back to Basics Garden Tour.

  • This shows our home before the balcony was added on, with the French sliding doors.

  • The view of the house is not blocked yet by our huge Live Oak...

  • My folklore blouse from Hungary, matches those scarlet red flowers!

  • My face has no tattoos... that is the shade from harsh sunlight!

  • Did put one of the Scarlet Wisteria trusses on the bridge in order to get a good closeup.

They bloom by mid May and still are blooming.


  1. You're so beautiful, I like your shirt, the photos are wonderful!

    Pleasant Wednesday and greetings from sunny Croatia:)

  2. Che bella la tua casa!Qui in Italia le case non sono così belle.Bellissima la tua pianta.Buon giugno,Rosetta

  3. Wow Mariette, the scarlet hue of your Wisteria as well as your folk-stylish outfit put both of you in a class of your own. You're simply gorgeous: all the best dear.

  4. Oh, beautiful scarlet color and you wear the clothes which matches with this special Wisteria!!!

    Wishing you lovely latter half of the week♪♪♪ Orchid.

  5. That really is a beautiful tree and that you started it from a cutting near a stream...makes it extra special... thank you for your visits and wonderful encouraging words...blessings, HHL

  6. You look so pretty Mariette! And your outfit does indeed match the surroundings. That is a beautiful shrub. Full of such pretty color. How wonderful that you found it near a stream ~ a very unexpected lovely surprise!

    Hope you hare having the loveliest of weeks dearest Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  7. Hi!

    Im your follower!

    I really really liked your blog!

    Keep up the good work!

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  8. That is such a beautiful flower and you look so pretty matching it underneath! How wonderful to have all that property to roam around on, I'm coming back as one of your cats in my next life:)

    Have a wonderful day Mariette!

  9. How very beautiful!!! I have only seen purple wisteria. I love that one!
    Hugs, Cindy

  10. How very beautiful!!! I have only seen purple wisteria. I love that one!
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. awesome clicks...
    first time your space..gorgeous presentation..great posts..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..

    Tasty Appetite
    Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

  12. Beautiful flower. So glad you were able to raise it. Beautiful flowers and I love the leaves. Ginger :)

  13. Maiette,
    your red wisteria is very pretty. Thank you about mentioning my post about Yesterday Today and Tomorrow.
    I love your blouse. The embroidery is so lovely.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
