
Monday, June 27, 2011

{Our Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' from Quero, Belluno in Italy}

One more special Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' Blushing Bride Rose of Sharon, did come from Quero, Belluno in Italy. In my previous blog from October 19: {HELP ME FIND ITALIAN ARTIST M. SOTGIU mother of Luigi Tramarollo} you can see some more information about my most scenic road to work. Along the river Piave, to Quero, a small town in the mountains. Alongside the road, close to the plant, there was the most fabulous 'hedge' with double pink Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride'.
After the blooms had gone, I did stop one day in order to collect some of the seedpods. Soon enough an older gentleman stopped and asked what I was doing. I told him that I loved those gorgeous pink blossoms so much that I tried to grow some from seeds. He said no, no... That made me stop in my action. Quickly he pulled out of his pocket a Fiskars bypass pruner and started clipping off cuttings for me. He went on to tell me that you couldn't grow them from seeds, this was the way to do it. Graciously I accepted this generous gift. We did take them home to The Netherlands where Dad managed to keep them alive and he even has still some himself. His did far better than ours! So once again we got a precious memory from the Veneto region where we lived and worked. Look for yourself and tell me if you would not have fallen in love with these blooms...
We did loose most of ours and fortunately we could save just enough clippings to start all over. This is the result with the very first blossom!
Here they are in pots, just outside of the greenhouse where they over-wintered.
Their heart is a much darker pink. Look how healthy they are. So glad that we could revive them!
This is Dad with his version of Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' on the right and another variety on the left which he did bring home from Georgia. After all, he is a professional Market Gardener... The Netherlands has the perfect climate for growing any plant, tree or flower, except tropical species.

Related links:
{Our Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc & Our Life in Italy} | previous post about our double white one


  1. Dear Mariette, this hibiscus is gorgeous.Funny, the story about the Italian gentleman who said " No, no ! " and then offered you much more than you expected instead.I have had similar things happen to me in Italy!! I once stayed in Florence and had a tummy bug,( which I explained to the waiter in a restauarnt as I explained my foodchoices) THEN when I ordered fizzy water to go with my meal, he said " No, no ! " , then very concerned explained this would make my stomach worse , and adviced plain water instead.You get taken aback by someone saying " No,no!" and then it turns out what they are trying to do or achieve is something they feel is a much better solution for you.I have come across lot of kindness in Italy ( also across lot of drama, hahaha ! ).
    Have a great week!

  2. Oh, Mariette!!!
    Magnolia, Hibiscus with white and pink. So gorgeous and you must be very proud of them.
    I wonder how much your father contributed or influenced for your interest in botany. He sure must be a good mentor for you ,isn't he?

    Love and Hugs, Orchid.

  3. Hei Mariette,

    Ik ben weer bijgelezen. 's Zomers is het druk. Komkommers, tomaten, hooi binnenhalen enz.
    Dank je voor je leuke reactie! Ik vind het ook leuk om te lezen hoe jullie in Amerika leven. Wat leuk dat jij op de link van de NT terecht komt, want dat artikel is toch al wat ouder.
    Ja, wij wisten het. Een neef van John die ook in Amerika woont had de krant naar zijn vader gestuurd (oom van John). Hij had dat artikel gelezen en gedacht o, dat is mijn neef....

    John heeft een grote familie maar die wonen in div. werelddelen. zoals je begrijpt wonen wij dan nog kortbij huis hihihi.

    Groetjes Sandy

  4. Hei Mariette,

    Ik ben weer bijgelezen. 's Zomers is het druk. Komkommers, tomaten, hooi binnenhalen enz.
    Dank je voor je leuke reactie! Ik vind het ook leuk om te lezen hoe jullie in Amerika leven. Wat leuk dat jij op de link van de NT terecht komt, want dat artikel is toch al wat ouder.
    Ja, wij wisten het. Een neef van John die ook in Amerika woont had de krant naar zijn vader gestuurd (oom van John). Hij had dat artikel gelezen en gedacht o, dat is mijn neef....

    John heeft een grote familie maar die wonen in div. werelddelen. zoals je begrijpt wonen wij dan nog kortbij huis hihihi.

    Groetjes Sandy

  5. Hei Mariette,

    Ik ben weer bijgelezen. 's Zomers is het druk. Komkommers, tomaten, hooi binnenhalen enz.
    Dank je voor je leuke reactie! Ik vind het ook leuk om te lezen hoe jullie in Amerika leven. Wat leuk dat jij op de link van de NT terecht komt, want dat artikel is toch al wat ouder.
    Ja, wij wisten het. Een neef van John die ook in Amerika woont had de krant naar zijn vader gestuurd (oom van John). Hij had dat artikel gelezen en gedacht o, dat is mijn neef....

    John heeft een grote familie maar die wonen in div. werelddelen. zoals je begrijpt wonen wij dan nog kortbij huis hihihi.

    Groetjes Sandy

  6. That is a lovely photo of your papa amongst all those beautiful flowers. It is obvious that they are flourishing in The Netherlands. Have a wonderful week. Tammy

  7. absolutely beautiful.
    I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

  8. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat leuk om te horen dat de stekjes van jullie Hibiscus zo goed zijn aangeslagen bij je ouders in de tuin!

    Ik begrijp nu waarom jij een dagtaak hebt aan je tuin. Er staat zoveel in!!

    Een gezellige dag!

    Lieve groetjes van Madelief x

  9. Dear sweet Mariette
    Your hibiscus is fantastic! I have one like yours in my garden in Denmark, but here in Norway it is to cold for them during the winter time.
    Your papas 'Blushing Bride' are also beautiful!
    Lots of love to you to!

  10. Wat is de zomer toch een mooi seizoen! De laatste foto is erg leuk, Mariette, leent zich heel goed om ingelijst te worden.
    We hebben tropische temperaturen, vandaag en morgen. Ik kijk uit naar de onweersbuien morgenavond ;)

    Liefs xxxx

  11. Querida Mariette,
    gracias por visitar mi blog, y creo que tu amiga Natacha asi como mi hermana, son mujeres muy especiales, pues Dios les ha dado el privilegio de cuidar a estos lindos niños, ya que siempre seran como unos angeles.
    Tus flores estan tan hermosas, y la version de Blushing Bride de tu papa son todas maravillosas. Todas tus flores me inspiran para planear mi jardin y espero poder empezar a plantar el proximo año, y tambien espero poder aprender mucho de lo que escribes aqui.
    Un abrazo, amiga!

  12. Such wonderful Blooms.. and such a abundance.
    Blessings & Bliss~

  13. Dear Mariette,

    What beautiful Hibiscus and both you and your Father have a green thumb.
    The blooms are gorgeous and I would be wanting to propagate more.
    The photo of your Dad with his blooms is lovely.

    Happy week

  14. Die Hisbiskus-Blüten liebe ich auch sehr. Habe auch einen versuchsweise in meinen Garten gepflanzt. Bislang blühte er noch nicht. Aber das wird wohl noch.

    Liebe Grüße

  15. How lovely your Papa is!!! so he is where you got your love for gardening, so nice!!!
    I have tried hibiscus here but they don´t do well, have to kept them under roof in winter time and still they get freezed.
    hugs dear

  16. Ohhhh! Finalmente sono riuscita a vedere i post...che meraviglia!!! La foto del tuo papà tra gli Hibiscus è stupenda!!!! Io abito ad un centinaio di km da Paola(zia Polly)ed è una mia carissima amica..vedo con piacere che è anche tua amica!!! Grazie per i link, sei gentilissima!!! Baci,Anna.


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