
Thursday, July 28, 2011

{More of Our Citrus}

Just like to show you more of our citrus, these photos are from June 6 and the last one is from August 12 of 2010 so you can see the end result of all those blossoms. Heavenly fragrance... such a joy to have those! Have a look at those up close pictures of the sweet blossoms and their lush buds. My husband Pieter took those for you to enjoy. Next time you eat an orange, you will know how they developed...
A spider build her web-nest in-between those buds... Smart!
All our citrus trees are in huge planters and are on the brick patio in front of the green house.
I believe this is the Citrus Limon Ponderosa from Logee's Greenhouses 


  1. Hello Marietta,
    I would love to have a citrus tree.. but alas here in Mi. not going to happen for me. What do you do with your fruit? Any special recipes?
    Blessings to you~

  2. I imagine those limes would make a terrific pie!!! xo

  3. Hi Mariette,

    the photographs of your citrus trees are beautiful and love the heavenly blossom and buds.
    I have just planted two dwarf lemon trees out in pots so I hope they do alright.

    Hope that you are enjoying your week

  4. Dear Mariette,

    your lemon tree looks great! You can be so happy :O) ... I tried to grow one a few years ago, but here it is no weather for growing lemon trees :O( ... we got lots of leaves, but not a single fruit ...

    Have a lovey day,
    Love and hugs


  5. Bella questa pianta,simpatico il ragnetto!!!Baci,Rosetta

  6. I returned from vacation now and again continue to follow your blog and work.
    Beautiful photos you shot!

    I am sending you a big greeting and a kisses from Croatia:)

  7. Wat een mooie plant!!...liefs van

  8. Hello, my dearest Mariette.
    How GORGEOUS your citrus can be♬♬♬
    As Usual, your husband's pictures are so delicately taken and stunning. Yes, smart spider☆
    I wish I could enjoy the Heavenly Fragrance with you♡♡♡

    Blessing to you, Orchid

  9. Hello my dear friend Mariette:
    I really love your citrus pictures, as I told you before, they bring me back beautiful memories I spent with my mother.

    I'd like to share with you this: At that time I was 4 or 5 years old, and we used to spend quite bit of our time outside with our citrus tree. But after a long disease she passed away when I was only 6 y.o. But those memories are like a treasure for me, and I keep them deep in my heart. I don't know why from all the memories I have about her, the moments we spent together with our citrus tree are the most clear ones that I have in my mind.

    So, as long as I see these pictures, and still remember the smell, your photos will bring me back those beautiful moments I spent with her.

    Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful pictures.

    Send you a big hug,

    Lots of love,

    Your friend, Laura =)

  10. Hi Mariette,
    This is my favor citrus trees and it has a beautiful fragrance toward in the evening though I used lived on acre land and we has 20 fruit trees at back with vegetable garden.
    At front an orange,Lemon, Mandarin,
    and grapefruit.
    When I read your post that my memories is back to me tonight.

    Big Hugs,

  11. Gorgeous! You have quite a special garden there!
    Have a gr4eat rest of the week.

  12. Hello Mariette,
    you know, I am a big fan of all Citrus plants. Love the scent of their flowers, fruits and leaves. Your photos are amazing.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    danke für diese Aufklärung. Wunderschön zu sehen, wie sich eine Zitrusfrucht entwickelt.
    Liebe Abendgrüße sendet

  14. Dear Mariette, that is so wonderful, to see a lemon or lime grow from such a tiny thing. Most gardeners here manage a lemon tree, I had one but it kept getting sick, it didn't like being here. cheers, dear friend, from catmint

  15. Herrlich, liebe Mariette! Ich/wir haben auch Zitrusbäumchen. Unserer steht derzeit noch auf der Terrasse, aber er muß erst noch ins Blühen kommen. Bei meinem Sohn trägt der Baum eine einzige Blüte. Wirklich spannend! Die Pflanzen sind anfällig für Schildläuse - zumindest bei meinem Sohn war das so. Aber er konnte dagegen vorgehen. Nun bin ich gespannt, ob unser Bäumchen im nächsten Jahr blühen wird. Steht Deines in voller Sonne oder halbschattig? Weil einigen Pflanzen die pralle Sonne schadet, wie ich festgestellt habe. Zitrusgewächse sind aber, soweit ich weiß "Sonnenkinder" - ihnen dürfte die volle Sonne wohl nichts ausmachen?

    Ich hoffe nun auch, daß es wieder ein wenig ruhiger wird, wenn meine Mutti aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen wird.

    Liebe Grüße und auch Dir/Euch ein schönes Wochenende

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Wenn unsere drausen sind dann in voller Sonne. Hier in Florida stehen alle ja in voller Sonne... Nur können sie nicht gegen Frost also müssen sie immer wieder im Gewächshaus rein.
      Alles bestens mit deiner Mutti aund ein schönes Wochenende.
      Liebe Grüsse,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
