
Friday, July 29, 2011

My 10th Blog Award

Carolyn in New Zealand from Draffin Bears Little Bear Studio, passed on yet another award. Thank you so much Carolyn!
So this award I'd like to pass on to:
  • Sue and her handyman from Beach Bungalow
  • Biene from Schlaflos in NRW with her Adoption Office for the most unique bears and other cuddly toys (English too!)
  • Adrienne from The Rich Life (on a budget)
  • Gwenny from Gwenny's Way
Please do have a look at these ladies' great blogs and you might want to follow them.
Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

We were blessed with some much needed, heavy rains on Thursday after a very hot Wednesday.
Look at the RealFeel around 3:17 PM...
Oops, that chocolate for sure did melt...


  1. Hi Mariette, Happy Friday to you! My son went a few blocks away to buy ice cream at the bakala the other day and by the time he ran back home, it had already melted in the bag. :/

    How lovely to have citrus trees in pots. WE can get them here but I am afraid they would not survive. Hubby walked again last nite but with a temp of 113 and humidity at 25% he came back as if he had taken a swim in the ocean.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Tammy

  2. Congratulations on your 10th award, Mariette!!!

    Oh,how lucky you were to have rain fall, makes me so jealous p;)
    Too hot and dry to weed and my garden looks a bit mess.

    Have a safe, cool weekend, my dear.
    I feel like I'm hibernating.

  3. Big regards and happy weekend my dear friend Mariette!

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Award. du hast ihn dir wirklich verdient.
    Wir könnten euch etwas Regen abgeben. aber ich will nicht klagen.
    Ich mag auch Regen!
    Einen lieben Gruß sendet Dir

  5. Dear Mariette,

    congratulations to your 10th award!

    It is always a pleasure to visit your Blog!

    sunny greetings from germany
    and have a lovely weekend!


  6. Congratulations on your award Mariette!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend with perfect weather!
    xo Catherine

  7. Hi Mariette,
    Thank you so much for passing on the award to me. It's hard to believe your sweltering over there. Here in Australia we have the fire going as it's our winter!

  8. Thanks so much, Mariette for this award. So nice of you!


  9. Congratulations ! And now I am off to all these lovely ladies their blog!I wish we had a bit of your weather, it's been nothing but rain here in the UK.
    There is a lovely guest blog post about flowers if you want to check on my blog , knowing what a flower lover you are !!
    Have a great weekend, lots of love to both of you and of course to all your cats !

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch. Wir freuen
    uns mit dir über den Award.

    Alles Liebe
    Angela und Elisabeth

  11. Hi Mariette!

    Thank you so much for the wonderful award! I have so enjoyed getting to know you a little better. And look forward to many more chats.

    I had to look up how hot 44C is in Fahrenheit - it's 111F! That must have been dreadful, especially with humidity. Luckily, the rains are cooling you off a bit.

    Have a wonderful Friday!

  12. °º✿
    º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.
    º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.
    º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.

  13. Dearest Marietta,

    Thank you for your kind words today and for visiting!!! Oh these ladies are truly gems in the crown of BLOG!!!

    THANK YOU and have a marvelous weekend, Anita

  14. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Mariette!
    Wow, so warm ist es bei uns leider nicht. Für Juli war es heute ab dem Nachmittag schon fast ein wenig herbstlich. Die Felder sind schon fast alle gemäht. Sonst steht das Getreide bis in den August.
    Aber ich denke mal, im August kommen dann die heissen Hundstage noch, wie das hier oft der Fall ist.

    In letzter Zeit komme ich wegen vieler privater Dinge nicht so viel rum, wollte aber heute doch mal wieder ein paar liebe Grüße hierlassen.

  15. Marriette,
    Thanks so very much for passing this lovely award onto me... (blush)! and congrats to you on recieving it too! I really enjoy visiting you.

  16. Hallo Mariette,
    Glückwunsch zum Award. Bei uns ist es richtig kalt im Moment.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations on your 10th Award. You deserve that and many, many more!!!



Thanks for your visit and comment.
