
Monday, August 1, 2011

{My Etiquette Training Interview with WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16)}

Love to share with you this Etiquette Training interview with WGXA-TV (FOX24/ABC16) Middle Georgia News & Weather, by Morning Show Anchor/Producer Rick Devens, who did call on Friday, July 22 and asked if I would be available during the weekend too. So a time for Saturday the 23rd was set. It was fun to work with him and you can see the actual video below. Before that, I show you some screenshots and one photo that Pieter took while I was being interviewed.

It was all taped inside our dining room...
Below you can click on the arrow and watch it.
Too bad that the indoor shutters had to be closed because of the bright sun light.

Relatd links:
Off Beat: Etiquette Training - Publication of video by Middle Georgia News & Weather WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16
Mariette's Back to Basics: Learn from Mariette

Books shown in video:


  1. LOL........ik heb altijd zo een grote hekel gehad aan de manier waarop de meeste Amerikanen en Canadezen etc. eten! Alleen met een vork....bbbrrrrrr. Mijn ex en ik waren eens uit eten, en ik at natuurlijk met mes en vork (tja idd....thuis als klein meisje al geleerd)en hij?? Met alleen een vork...en hij had echt een goede opleiding enzo. Maar het eten....nee een klein kind die nooit met een mes en vork heeft gegeten (had hij dus ook niet hihi) Dat geprik met die vork :( :(

    Thuis (alleen) vind ik het nog niet zo heel erg, maar als je eters hebt of helemaal als je UIT eten gaat (of bij een anders gaat eten etc. etc.)...ja dan....

    Maar ja.......... zo zijn de meeste Amerikanen nou eenmaal (nee hoor, heb geen hekel aan ze hihi..alleen het eten ;)...)

  2. That was fun! Nice to hear your voice and see you "in person". I must admit, I eat "the other way". Friends from India, England, even my husband, eat using knife and fork at the same time, but I never got the hang of it. I cut my food first, then put the knife down and eat. Have a great day! :) Tammy

  3. That was fun! Nice to hear your voice and see you "in person". I must admit, I eat "the other way". Friends from India, England, even my husband, eat using knife and fork at the same time, but I never got the hang of it. I cut my food first, then put the knife down and eat. Have a great day! :) Tammy

  4. Oh,Mariette,congratulazioni.Sei una donna,che si dà da fare in tutto,ed anche tuo marito è simpatico|Che emozione vederti e sentirti parlare."Sei speciale",ciao,Rosetta

  5. Mariette, ich bin tief beeindruckt.
    Toll siehst du aus -
    Finde ich ganz super, dass man dich angerufen hat.
    Liebe Sonntagsgrüße schickt

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    einfach bezaubernd.

    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  7. Hallo Mariette,

    Leuk om jou en Pieter zo te zien. Ik ben net terug van vakantie en dacht, even kijken hoe het met 'mijn' digitale wereld staat. Wij zijn bewust op vakantie afgesloten van het wereldwijdeweb ;-). Je geeft hier les in wat wij noemen 'netjes eten' haha. Daar houd ik ook wel van. Zonder stijfjes te moeten zijn, toch even rekening houden met het gezelschap aan tafel. Dat het prettiger is om naar iemand te kijken die niet alles naar binnenschuift. Lieve groetjes vanuit een fris Nederland, er wordt wel beter weer beloofd.

  8. Wat leuk om je 'live' te zien en te horen! En wat goed dat je deze uitdaging aan gaat, om mensen goede manieren bij te brengen. Ik vond en vind 't hartstikke normaal om 'netjes' met mes en vork te eten. Maar gedurende de jaren kom je er wel achter dat 't echt niet zo normaal is, helaas. Fijne zondag! Groetjes, Inge

  9. Congratulations on being interviewed!!!
    Wow, how wonderful to see you and your husband in the video. And I even could hear you talk!!!
    Well, it past 10;30 at night now. I will definitely see you again tomorrow. Sorry for the fact that me being a Japanese, I'm not good at using or accustomed to knife and fork,
    Well, Nice to see you moving around♡♡♡
    Hugs and Love, xoxo Orchid.

  10. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat ontzettend leuk om jou in het filmpje aan het werk te zien ;-)! Ik had werkelijk geen idee dat jij les gaf in etiquette. Ik heb het lang geleden zelfs nog als vak gehad op school. Eenmaal geleerd verleer je het nooit. De regels pas ik nog iedere dag toe.

    Dank je wel voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog. Leuk dat je meedoet met mijn giveaway!

    Lieve groet & een gezellige dag,


  11. Hi there Mariette! So nice to meet you. I have been to Dublin many, many times to visit a special Aunt and Uncle who live there. I am curious as to how you chose to live there. I have relatives all over Ga. . That is where my parents are from although I grew up in Fl. What a wonderful life you have with many travels. We love to travel and have a few trips planned for later in the year. Hugs, Janet Blondell

  12. Oh Mariette, that was wonderful!!! I love when you told him not to point LOL. Etiquette seems to have become a lost art in many places so it's nice that you're working to keep it alive and well:)

    Have a lovely Sunday my friend!

  13. wow! how exciting!!!!
    were you nervous?! i wouldn't do it ever!!!! to much for me!! i would get sooooooooooooo nervous that not a single word would come out! you look great!!
    take care,

  14. Such fun to see you "live" - and such an attractive woman you are ! You teach those Americans etiquette, if they don't learn from you I give up , hahaha!!XXXXX

  15. Hallo Mariette,
    Congratulation! Auch wenn ich den Ton nicht empfange, bin ich schwer beeindruckt. Das war sicher aufregend für euch beide. Du hast das souverän gemeistert, wie nicht anders zu erwarten. Du bist so charmant, er hat sich sicher gerne in dein Training begeben.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  16. Mariette,

    How fantastic! You must be very excited.

    You are so lovely and I enjoy listening to you talk. This is a great reminder to cut our food into small pieces and eat slowly. My eldest stepdaughter who is 20 years old needs some serious etiquette help. May I send her to you for a couple of weeks? (kidding...but not really).



  17. That was so cute Mariette. Thanks for sharing. I also added the 5 links within my blog, I used to have 3. Thanks for the tips. For the record, I always get such nice compliments on my boys and their manners, so I guess I am doing OK..or I should say we, as in my hubby too.

  18. Wish I can send my daughter(18) to learn some lesson from you. May be I need some lesson too! :-)

    Congratulation for the interview!

  19. Dear Mariette,

    You are so beautiful and was great to hear your voice and listen to your Etiquette lesson.
    Such an important part of life, and was great to see you and Pieter.
    Congratulations and thanks for sharing these life skills to all.
    Happy week


  20. soooo much fun!!! so good to hear your voice too!...I think I do eat the other way around lesson by the way!

  21. Dear Marietti,
    It was nice to seen you interviewed on TV.
    This is a wonderful post about etiquette that how often theses day we follow the etiquette?
    It mostly without eat our food for just fork:-)
    Enjoy your day,

  22. Mariette,

    Good manners are eloquent and classy.

    I am always impressed when a child or young adult is well mannered.

    Thank you for keeping it alive.



  23. How fun! I am going to pop over right now and watch the video. I am thinking etiquette is becoming a lost art form. It is wonderful that you are teaching us all Mariette.

    Much love to you,
    xo Catherine

  24. Wat leuk om je live te zien!En wat n nette manieren...hi hi
    Fijne dag nog!

  25. Hello Mariette,
    What a great video! I enjoyed watching it. I told my husband that when he wants to give me a present next time, I would appreciate getting Emily Post's Etiquette book.

  26. Hello my dear friend Mariette!
    Congratulations, it was so nice to watch your video and hear your voice, must be very interesting to teach Etiquette classes, thank you for sharing with us and learn from you.
    Thanks for come and visiting my blog and for your kind words.
    I send you a big hug

    your friend,

    Laura =)

  27. Ik had dit postje al gezien, maar heb het zooo druk momenteel, dat ik niet verder kom dan hier en daar snel even wat lezen..
    Geweldig vind ik het, 'goede manieren' leren aan de Amerikanen :)
    Is het daar echt zo erg dat het nodig is? Of is het een 'vergeten' gewoonte weer tot leven brengen zoals ze hier ook wel eens mogen doen..
    Leuk hoe je hem er ook op attendeerde dat hij niet mocht wijzen..ha ha.

  28. Dearest Mariette,

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It was so awesome, you are famous now after being on I'm proud of you and Pieter.

    I loved the video. And how neat to see you and hear you...It was great!


  29. Wow! That's so cool!
    Congratulations! It was great to see you!
    Take care,
    Ana Paula


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