
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

{Our Gazebo & Natchez Crapemyrtle}

  • Our Gazebo you have seen before in this  {French Floral Pillow Set and our Gazebo} but today I want to introduce you to our white blooming Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei 'Natchez'. 
  • A National Arboretum introduction, Natchez Crapemyrtle is a cross between Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink Lace' and the frist L. fauriei brought from Japan, this was done back in 1964. 
  • You can read more here.
  • This rather tall crapemyrtle is behind our gazebo and you can see it from the entrance. 
  • We used to have one beside our driveway but that was a huge mistake! 
  • Not because of its looks but because of the dripping honeydew, caused by crapemyrtle aphids. 
  • This would stain our driveway and any car(s) that were parked there. 
  • Such sticky stuff is hard to clean off. Also on the balcony we had that problem as its branches were reaching up high. 
  • Next came the blossoms and the seeds that caused a mess... So I gave it the death penalty and Pieter wacked it down. 
  • Sad to see its beautiful bark on the multiple trunks being gone but we got a 'baby'. So join me to our gazebo...
  • After a heavy rain, everything was wet but not yet cleaned... Felines do sleep on the chairs often.

  • Guess within a month we can enjoy our gazebo again. Now it is too hot!
  • The cushions for the chairs we keep dry inside the big container on wheels.

  • Everything fresh and clean. Our geraniums are barely 'hanging' in there...

  • This is our 'Natchez' crapemyrtle. Beautiful bark too.

  • Looking towards the gazebo. A red hummingbird feeder hangs to the right.

  • It blooms forever, all through summer and can stand the heat very well.

  • You can see the round seeds being formed, that does weigh the branches down at certain times.

  • Lagerstroemia Natchez is a very productive crapemyrtle!


  1. What a lovely place in your garden! This Gazebo invites you to stay there and enjoy the nature arround you!
    And this tree is wonderful! Such fragile flowers.... I love it!

    Have a lovely day and enjoy every moment in your wonderful garden!

    Love and hugs

  2. Mooi hoor, je gazebo ♥ En die Crapemyrtle is ook schitterend. Toen ik in de USA was heb ik ze idd veel gezien, schitterend :)

  3. Hello Mariette,
    your Gazebo house is a beautiful and romantic place. And the Crapemyrtle is beautiful, too. You are an fantastic garden designer.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  4. Un gazebo così è il mio sogno!!!! Stupenda anche la Lagestroemia bianca!!!! Bacioni,Anna.

  5. la tua casa, il tuo girdino, il tuo gazebo sono un sogno!!!!!!!!!!!!! è tutto meraviglioso!!!!!!!! complimenti e un bacio lory

  6. Mooi hoor! En wat grappig, 'the original Dutch wooden shoes'! Groetjes, Inge

  7. Oh, lovely gazebo☆☆☆
    You can have a relaxing moment there enjoying drink♬♬♬
    Beautiful flowers and do hummingbirds come to the feeder, wonderful. Would love to see them.

    Tuesday Greetings to you, Orchid.

  8. Liebe Mariette oh wie schön hast du es im Garten,leider ist es zu heiß bei dir um diesen schönen Pavillon zu nützen.Und ich habe etwas entdeckt sind da nicht hölländische Pantoffel?Liebe Grüße schicke ich dir-Edith.

  9. So lovely and relaxing ! No wonder the cats have made it their safe haven !!

  10. Bonjour Mariette. Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday. ;-) I love your romantic "kiosque de jardin". How lovely. Too bad it is too hot in the South to enjoy it right now. This is a problem we would not have often in Seattle -- if I was lucky enough to own a gazebo. A bientôt, Veronique aka French Girl in Seattle

  11. What a beautiful yard and gazebo. The crepe myrtle is gorgeous. xo,

  12. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat een mooie gazebo hebben jullie in de tuin! Ik kan mij de foto's inderdaad nog herinneren van vorig jaar, maar vind het alleen maar leuk om het nog een keer te zien. De boom staat er prachtig bij! Wat een bijzonder exemplaar. Zo op de foto lijken de bloemen wel reukerwtjes.

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  13. My goodness, this is gorgeous. I'd get lost in it. Enjoy.

  14. Hoi Mariette, wat een leuk blog heb je en je gazebo is fantastisch...Bedankt voor je bezoekje aan mijn blog...

  15. Your Gazebo looks like something out of Homes and Gardens magazine...just want to jump right in there and drink tea or lemonade ;-)

    Do you have lots of bees on your Crepe Myrtles? They're covered here and always buzzing!

    Have a wonderful week :-)

  16. Your yard is gorgeous and that tree is beautiful. It does look like it is quite fertile. :) If I had a gazebo, I would be out there with a good book and a glass of wine. I love being outdoors but here there is no place to even find shade. Hope your day is good. Tammy

  17. Hi Sweet Friend,
    Your gazebo is such a beautiful spot to spend time relaxing. If only it were a bit cooler right?
    Love your white crepes. We don't see to many white ones here. Mostly the darker pink and they are loaded at the moment all around town.
    My geraniums did not make it. I hope your do better.
    What a lovely tour around your garden. Truly a gorgeous place to live.

    Blessings to you always.
    Love, Celestina Marie

  18. Wat een mooi prieeltje en ik zie nog 2 hollandse klompen hangen!

    Liefs Janny

  19. I have always had a special fondness for gazebos ever since I saw "The Sound of Music" when I was a child. Yours is beautiful.

    We have lots of crapemyrtles at our home. We have hot pink crapemyrtles that line our driveway, and a lavender colored bush and two hot pinks in the backyard. They are such vibrant and happy trees.

    Thank you for sharing with us....xo, A

  20. Hallo allerliebste Mariette! Ich schreib mal hier rein, weil seit Du den Awardie an mich vermacht hast, sind ja schon wieder soooviele wundervolle Posts von Dir gefolgt und ich möcht ja, dass Du siehst, wie dankbar ich Dir für das süße Awardie bin!!! Ich freu mich so!

    Es ist so wundervoll, durch Deine Welt zu spazieren und ein bisschen an Deinem Leben teil zu haben!

    Ganz viele elfchenhafte Grüße und dolle dickes Knoootschefix, Biene

  21. your yard, gazebo and garden are so beautiful, the area is completely romantic. I can practically smell the aroma of the flowers through the computer

  22. Dear Mariette,
    You gazebo is a dream!!!! I'd love to have a place like that, gazebo and garden, so relaxing and peaceful. What a blessing. Enjoy it!


  23. Lovely gazebo! What a beautiful tree too! I love the flowers.
    Love, Ana Paula

  24. This is so beautiful. Love the white. Glad to see you got rain. It is still scarce here. Hugs, Ginger

  25. Such a sweet gazebo! Very pretty!
    xo Catherine

  26. Mariette a wonderful area to relax and entertain!
    Thank you for sharing!!

    2013 Designer Series!


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